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Fox Hunting


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Hi Guys,


I have just heard on the radio that fox hunting will be banned next month. The Government intend to rush it through parliament using the Parliamentary Act, overruling the House of Lords.


Is there no hope with this damn government!



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Quite frankly yes!


They said we wouldn't be in Iraq, but we are.


I can only go off what has just been on the radio but a government spokesman said they intended to rush the bill through using the Parliamentary Act as it was long overdue and was to be dealt with immediately.


And whilst I am listening to this, I am scratching around trying to find funds and government support to purchase spares and equipment to support helicopters and avionics systems in the Gulf. Have they got their priorities wrong or what?


Damn I'm mad....



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Hi Guys,


I have just read what the Independants angle is on it. What concerns me is this, if this goes through on time, as stated, we will be coming up to the end of the firearms consultation period. If the Government wins the fox hunting round, they will be on a high and may think they can have a roll and do serious damage to shooting sports as well.



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Am I being cynical or what ??


This law is to be "forced" through in July, according to the Independent.


The government has pledged to implement a withdrawal plan in Iraq by the end of June.


Could this "forced" law be a mere distraction technique, to take everyones attention off Iraq ??

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:D There is one thing that all of us who are on the electoral roll can do and that is get ourselves down to the polling booths on June 10th and use our vote.


I know the elections are for local government and Europe but if enough people bother to register their feelings they might just get the message.


As Sniper suggests this is just a ploy to get support from voters by distracting them from the debacle in Iraq. :( :huh:

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Hi Again,


I do believe this is a tactic to take the heat off the Iraq crisis. I call it a crisis because from where I am sitting, on the inside looking out, there are many major problems about to happen that the press don't know about. The Government will cause such a stink over the hunting issue that everything else will blend into virtual insignificance.


I agree that as mere subjects (mice played with by cat analagy!) of the Blair presidency, we should all make our vote count. We need to be careful who we vote for though. What is the better option?


Regards to all



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Agree that the hunting thing is just meat to throw to the backbench dogs.

Disagree that a spoiled vote is the way to go though.

Blair doesn't care (at all?) if you stay at home or spoil your paper. Elections are all about getting more votes than the other guy. If you spoil your paper, then that is one less vote AGAINST Tony's cronies.

Please, please vote for a non-Labour candidate, to that list I would add Lib-Dem and BNP, Green and bizarre Respect Party.

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We need to be careful who we vote for though. What is the better option?


Regards to all



Of the three main parties,traditionally country sports have always had the best backing from the Tory party, and they are mainly voting against a hunting ban and also tried to limit the hand gun ban when Labour passed that bill.


I don't want to start a political arguement here but as far as our sport is concerned i am sure the Tories are our safest option.

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I'm voting for conservatives. They wouldn't bring in legislation to ban fox hunting and wouldn't waste a lot of time which should me much better spent on other issues. The lib dems are mostly against fox hunting as well. Try and find out who of your local consituency members supports hunting (or at least who is not a raving anti) and vote for them - no matter which party, go for the one who is most likely to get in as well.... there was a website around on getting hunting people to do party work for MP's who supported (or at least didn't want hunting banned). When doing this though you have to accept and push forward all the other ideas of said MP.

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I've just had a look at the Green parties manifesto.


They are fundamentally opposed to bloodsports and angling.


Say no more.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, the parties mentioned were all on the Don't Vote For This Bunch of Freedom Hating Nutters.


I myself will be voting for UKIP.

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for years we have had to put up with rent-a-mob antis getting away with all sorts.

ban or no ban i think the time has come to get some pay back. :huh:

not condoning violence but how dare they deny me the rite to take my three year old daughter to a meet ? my seven year old loves it and i refuse to accept blairs cronies spin. :(

i will protest peacefully untill i believe i am being ignored.then i will protest :D

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Thanks for clearing that up.


You say you will be voting for UKIP. I've trawled their site and can't find any reference to their policies on the countryside, shooting , gun ownership etc. There just appears to be vague references to making new laws (non specific) to suit local conditions, made by local people.


Do you know their policies ?

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UKIP have developed policy beyond the area of the EU, primarily because they don't want to be a single issue party.

The policy on fieldsports is quite well hidden, this is I suspect mostly because the leadership do not wish the opposition to seize on this as a means of distracting from the Big Issue of the EU.

From the policy on agriculture:

The UKIP deplores the attack on country sports by illiberal politicians and pressure groups, and will uphold the traditional liberties of country people whilst treating this as a matter of personal conscience.


So party policy is for personal freedom, but fox hunting would be treated as a free vote.

The philosophy is for independence of both the nation and individuals, so laws to restrict personal freedom are clearly not on the UKIP agenda.

Wookie is probably right in saying UKIP are closer to Tory than t'others, but the Tory rhetoric of "in Europe [EU] but not run by Europe [Eu]" is an utter crock. Quite why it should be supposed that we will magically gain influence in the future when we haven't had much for the past 30 years is a mystery.

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