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Here we go(license increase)


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4 hours ago, Vince Green said:

It's already been happening these past two or three years. Have you tried to sell any guns recently?

It's not just about guns though. Personal finances are being squeezed from every direction and expensive hobbies are the first thing you look at (or your wife looks at for you!) when cutbacks are needed.

Just announced that both SGC and Firearm certificates will double in price this year. 
The result of the enquiry into the Plymouth shootings. 
I hope they spend the extra money on more care for people with mental health issues. It could save a lot of lives. 

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13 hours ago, CaptC said:

Just announced that both SGC and Firearm certificates will double in price this year. 
The result of the enquiry into the Plymouth shootings. 
I hope they spend the extra money on more care for people with mental health issues. It could save a lot of lives. 

The Plymouth shooting enquiry will likely be a cover up and throw Devon and Cornwall firearms licencing under the bus to protect social services and the education system. 

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BASC is seeking assurances from every Police and Crime Commissioner in England and Wales that funds raised from increased firearms licensing fees will be used to resource their firearms licensing departments.

BASC has contacted all Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) following the government’s decision last week to significantly increase firearms licensing fees.

BASC’s executive director of communications and public affairs, Christopher Graffius, said: “The government’s justification for the increase is that the extra funds raised will go to support improvements in the work of firearms licensing departments, although they have no powers to ensure that this is what happens.

“We have written to the officials responsible for setting the policing budget for their forces to seek their assurance that all funds raised from firearms licensing fees will be assigned to resourcing their firearms licensing departments.”



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3 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Well done BASC, I too hope the money is used to improve what is in most cases a thoroughly unacceptable service with old excuses as to why it cannot be made to work. It seemed to work pretty well pre the covid farce.

Thank you. We have also asked forces if they have produced their Strategic Demand Assessment (SDA) to ensure that their firearms licensing function is adequately resourced, and if so, when it will be published. This is a recommendation in the 2023 College of Policing’s Authorised Professional Practice, and we are holding police forces to it.

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My tickets expire end of March but the police officer dealing with mine was wanting it done now , so i have all mine done and hopefully when he's back on duty it will be posted out . Mine was £70 but i got a letter today saying that after the 4th of February it was going up to £160 

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