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Last year there was news that they were no longer imported, i.e no UK distributor. Whether that’s still the case I don’t know. Worth checking though - as it may have an impact on spares availability. I have limited knowledge of their reliability. I have only come across one man who owned one (so a rather limited survey) but it did develop faults - one was around difficulty opening and closing the gun. 

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12 hours ago, ditchman said:

all i know of them is they make or made copies of historical weapons.....never heard anything bad about them...

i think the company comes under the umbrella of Beretta...

You`re not thinking of Pedersoli by any chance Ditchie ?

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2 hours ago, Fellside said:

Last year there was news that they were no longer imported, i.e no UK distributor. Whether that’s still the case I don’t know. Worth checking though - as it may have an impact on spares availability. I have limited knowledge of their reliability. I have only come across one man who owned one (so a rather limited survey) but it did develop faults - one was around difficulty opening and closing the gun. 

Looks that way, seems Beretta bought RUAG Ammotec, and RAUG Ammotec UK doesn't exist anymore.

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