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A couple of pic's


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I got this 231lb Boar on during my last hunting trip to central QLD, it fell to one shot from my 375H&H at about 75m as he tried to circle around the rest of the group.

I have shot plenty of bigger pigs but this one was the biggest that we have shot on this property and really has some nice Tusks, I'm soaking them out at the moment and will put up a pick when I do a wright up on the trip.





During the same trip I had the chance to take a few wild Sheep, the property owner got out of Sheep over 20 years ago but due to the size of the place (200,000ac) they could never get them all.

As a result there is a wild population their that is usually very hard to find but due to the rain that had scattered he pigs some of the Sheep were forced into more open areas and we managed to bag 3 of them.



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A mate of mine has just joined the old bill in Perth and I was chatting to him about the firearms legislation. From what he was saying it seems to be a nightmare to get a firearms certificate. is that the case over the whole of Australia, or just where he is?

Good pics btw :)



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Jeez according to my calculator that works out to 312.5 square miles. :lol::good: 1 sq mile = 639.9974 acres. You could apply for a 105mm artillery piece and get it on that much ground. :lol::) It is something like 19.5 miles by 16 miles. I hope that you've got a decent pair of boots.

Was the weight of the pig cleaned out or as killed? What is the land used for now instead of sheep?

I can't work out in my mind how big that chunk of ground really is.

Edited by fortune
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Jeez according to my calculator that works out to 312.5 square miles. :lol::good: 1 sq mile = 639.9974 acres. You could apply for a 105mm artillery piece and get it on that much ground. :lol: :lol: It is something like 19.5 miles by 16 miles. I hope that you've got a decent pair of boots.

Was the weight of the pig cleaned out or as killed? What is the land used for now instead of sheep?

I can't work out in my mind how big that chunk of ground really is.


It's a Cattle farm, to give you an Idea of the size of it the property owner got us bogged 2 paddocks away from the house block and we had to walk about 16-17km home he said it was about 8-9 miles and it was 37 degrees with ****** all shade. I will put up the Pic's of it when I get them.

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good shooting sounds really weird shooting sheep though :lol:


If you think it sounds weird you should try looking through the scope at one, it feels wrong but they ARE very very wild and IMO are harder to hunt then the Pigs and Goats are.


how much kick does that .375 give? i can imagine a lot :good:


Not really, the felt recoil is about the same as a 180gn 30/06 load IMO, I'm fitting a break to it but thats not because it's need just because it will make it more pleasant when shooting rabbits



Do you eat the Mutton?


Nope, old Ram is not the finest meat you can get, I love venison and young Goat but you have to draw a line somewhere.


I don't quite agree with the latest on Aushunt where some guy says he's using .17HMR on pigs upto 80kgs!


Damn I must have missed that one, I wouldn't shoot a 40kg pig with one. The HMR is a good Rabbit and Fox round (and head shot only for that matter) but I'm really disappointed by them, they are great when used as they were designed but much like the 204 Ruger they have a definite limit.

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Great stuff. Reminds me of a holiday 15+ years ago when I went pig hunting for the first time, out Inverell way. That was an experience. We were out in the moonlight, the dogs had set off in hot pursuit of one, and we were walking across a big ploughed field with a Rottie on a lead, "just in case." The lad I was with turned to me and said "Oh, by the way, if a pig comes at us, get up a tree." What? What bloody tree? I'm in a field the size of Wales and you tell me to get up a ******* tree!


No worries mate.



Brilliant stuff, brilliant country, wish I was there now.

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I have used a .223 before and can say with complete sincerity that 375H&H is one SERIOUS chuffing bullet HA HA, i am just imagining the meat damage on a rabbit off it YOWCH!!


One bloke bought along his new 204 ruger to try out while spotlighting (I'm not impressed by them) and I showed him how you can fit a live 204 (or 17rem) round into a fired 375H&H case and shake it, I was making lots of bad jokes about using his 204 rounds as projectiles



The lad I was with turned to me and said "Oh, by the way, if a pig comes at us, get up a tree." What? What bloody tree? I'm in a field the size of Wales and you tell me to get up a ******* tree!


Thats the advantage of the H&H, if there ain't no trees then you might as well bring your own.

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