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How many with 1 shot?


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Me and a mate were out at the weekend.

Pigeons all in one big flock, we both had a few shots but then they moved to the next farm (usual story) :lol:


As it was getting late we decided to stand in a little spinney and see if any came into roost.

We were just about to give up when a bunch of about 20 landed in a tree.

We both took aim, I counted to 3 and 2 shots rang out simultaneously.


We picked up 5 pigeon from the base of the tree ???


Just wondering how many others have dropped with 1 shot?

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I don’t know quite how it happened but six rabbits to one 12 g shot along a headland. I lined up two and another one came out of the hedge, another must have stuck his head out of a hole and two more were laying low in the grass that I hadn't seen. They were just unlucky. Over the years I’ve had quite a few doubles. Driven pheasant, flighting duck and pigeon coming into the decoys. I can see one pair of pigeon that came towards me into the decoys. The first went down headfirst and the other did a kind of backward somersault.

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A farmer whose land I shoot once apparently shot 72 starlings with one shot! Quite a few of the shot had passed through one bird and into another, plus as they flock so close some birds had knocked others out of the sky as they had been dropping, so whether the shot or the fall had killed them is debatable! :lol:


PLEASE NOTE - Starlings are NO LONGER ON THE GENRAL LICENCE - don't try this at present!

Edited by Oly
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Ah Myself and Dunganick had fun with the centerfires at a certain farm. (note all shots where on the ground). I got luck and hit two crows with one shot, then Nick had a go, and also got two. I then tried again waiting for the right moment, when I saw three inline, and pulled the trigger, dropping three. A good shot that was, but we could not beat it, after both only getting doubles after that.


Effective pest control at over 150m :lol:

Thanks to Nick who is the only person giving me a chance to be out shooting with the Centerfire now it seems. Really must get some more permisions when I get the time.


Another time it was two rabbits with the 12b.

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I shot 2 rabbits with one shot once, I think they were both running for the same hole.


A few of you mentioned shooting stuff you didn't realise was there? I was out rabbit shooting with my mate who went off and returned with a hen pheasant, this was in April on land where I had the permission to shoot and he was coming as my guest and we had been specifically instructed never to shoot that farmers game. Naturally I gave him quite a telling off and felt he thoroughly deserved it, he claims he was shooting at a rabbit an hit a pheasant which was hiding in the same area and only saw it because it moved after he shot it. Do you reckon there could be any truth in his story? I think its hard enough to hit them when your aiming at them so his story seems far fetched.

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