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what age to start em

Lancs Lad

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My daughter was out roost shooting with us on the weekend......Well keeping me company.


And she asked that question - Daddy when can I have a gun.


Now this was a suprise as she has never broached the topic before and I havent pushed it. She is coming on for 8 years old in may.


Im thinking about the age of 10.



Those that have the littleuns, what stage did you start them off.

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ive introduced a few young uns to shooting naimly my old bosses sun it started with him shooting mice with a air gun then a teal one hell of a shot then 3 geese in 3 shots at the age of 11 if the young un is safe and the gun fits then its worth a try

ps its worth letting them shoot a few sitters first just to get them keen

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I think I started having shots with a .410 at about the age of 10. I guess my dad bought me my little 20 bore when I was about 12. I have always been tall for my age, so holding the gun and fit was never a problem, but I did use to get bashed around by it, but mainly through incorrect shoulder positioning. I think is depends a lot on the individual, their attitude, frame size etc. I saw a vid of a young girl in the US shooting what looked to be automatic 20 and it was smacking her around something chronic.

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I've been wandering the same thing actually, my lad is only three, but he's already wanting to come with me when i go shooting!


I figured that air rifle when he's about 7/8 yrs old, then progress to a .410 somewhere around the 10/11yrs old mark, with 20g coming when he's 12/13, and a 12 when he can handle it from there.


I started with air rifles about 7 yrs old with Dad, but didn't pick up a shotgun until 14 with my step-dad, and that was a 12g (nearly put me off for life, and in fact it did put me off for a lot of years!). Until recently I had never shot a .410, and the only reason I have now is that Dad bought one, and to this day I have still never shot a 20g!



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i shot 22's and 410 at the age of 4 and by the time i was 6 i had my own 22 and 410 and a 308 and 12 guage was given to me at around 10, but that is how it went on the farm we used to walk to school with our 410's shooting grouse on the way and lock up our shotguns in the principles office and pick them up on the way home :o but that would never happen in the city :good:

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i shot 22's and 410 at the age of 4 and by the time i was 6 i had my own 22 and 410 and a 308 and 12 guage was given to me at around 10, but that is how it went on the farm we used to walk to school with our 410's shooting grouse on the way and lock up our shotguns in the principles office and pick them up on the way home :o but that would never happen in the city :good:


that is class, would love to have been brought up like that

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I was bought my first gun a .410 at 11 and was taken roost shooting with it for 18 months at my dads side but i never had a single shot or cartridges for it as i was being taught to handle a gun safley and properly before being given live rounds !

6 months in i went to pass my dad the gun out of the slip once when we got back home from shooting without breaking the gun before passing it ............... am sure my feet didnt touch the ground for a week after ! Needles to say am very safty consious of what i and others do esp when shooting in company !



I first shot the .410 at 13 1/2 and moved on to a 12g at 15 !

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from experiance and im 5'9/10 and well built, i find 20 bores horrid things, i have shot a few and hate them i feel there too light and produce to much recoil therefore id say go from a .410 straight to a 12 if she can handle it.

I would agree with this. I am just over 6'4 and getting more well built as time goes on and have never been a little chap. I only used my 20 for a couple of years until we realised I could actually handle one of my dads 12's. I remember times where I literally could not shoot the 20 anymore as it was too painfull.... my eyes would be watering it was that bad! My mum would go nuts at my dad when I got home as my shoulder would be all bruised, but it wasn't his fault, the thing just kicked like an angry Thai boxer!

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