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Debit card details nicked


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I noticed we had even less money in the bank than expected the other day, but I put it down to the amount of stuff we have bought recently :welcomeani:

mrs stuartp goes through the bank statements pretty thouroughly and low and behold there are over £300's worth of purchases that aren't ours.

Made a quick phone call to the bank to get the card cancelled immediately, and then another call to their fraud department the next day to go through the statement.

The suspect items (and only those :good: ) will be reimbursed in the next few days.

One shop suspected that all may not right and bounced one sale for £200, but the other 2 shops seem to have taken the payment even though the delivery address was not ours.


Anyway all seems fairly drama free, this was spotted on Sunday evening and my new card arrived this morning.

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Well they can't say just yet, but she did say a few sites still take payment without the buyer quoting the security number off the back of the card, not that that would be that hard to read off.

2 of the transactions were for £1.50 bus fairs!

The others were for jewellery (presumably some new goldie looking chains :welcomeani: ) and the other an electrical shop.

All my subscriptions are on direct debit.

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You'd be surprised what details can be left arround stuart when you use a card. Our machine makes two receipts out one with for the cardholder and one for the company. The company one has the whole card number along with expiry dates etc the only bit missing is the security code and its not rocket science to remember it if its a phone or internet transaction.

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I had a similar situation with my credit card. I got a new card purely for the purposes of using the zero interest balance offer. When I'd paid it off I used the card once again at my local train station. Then it sat unused in my wallet for 8 months until I made a purchase of some running kit from an online company called Wiggle. A couple of months later I had a couple of small charges go through and then some in the thousand pound region. The credit card company were cool and sorted it out. So I snooped online and found that lots of people had been defrauded after buying from Wiggle. To the point where Wiggle issued a statement denying it all and claiming that these people must have keylogging Trojans installed on their machine. That's utter cack. I work in the IT department of a large company, my PC is secure as can be.


In all the concern about online fraud, people forget plain old employee fraud. People in companies that you buy from may have access to your details and sometimes they steal them. It's as simple as that and it matters not if you are buying online or face to face.

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Get a load of miss marple :welcomeani:

:good: B) nice one


So, would they need a pin (excuse the pun) code to buy a ticket?


Not always.


Tube ticket machines require a pin, some others don't. Airport long/medium term parking machines don't ask for one either. I am sure there are a bunch of things which don't as well as these...

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I was watching something on the box a while ago when a bloke had his card cloned, because the police were not interested he found out his self from the company the order was made to where the stuff was being delivered to, the **** who had done it used his own address. He then told the card company and the cops and even watch it being delivered but no one was interested. The credit card just paid out on insurance

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I was contacted last week by my credit card company to verify 3 transactions that the thought were fraudulent one was for £20 to National Express another was a magazine subscription to American Eagle and the other was a charity donation to Christian Aid.

The card that was used is one that is used online and nothing else and to be truthful its not used that much.

The company said it would be a large organised gang and not to worry as we deal with this every day.


Its not the first time I`ve been cloned. Last time it amounted to over £25000 using only my name my old address and my correct date of birth. The debt was writen off and the police said it was untraceable.


Someone out there must be making a fortune

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Had my card details stolen by a petrol station locally, a shell one, i know the assistant and he is still there despite me telling hsbc i knew who served me.


Equally there are people out there taking retailers for a ride, i know that a certain large electrical store got 33 laptops bought (on sepertate occasions) by someone using a stolen card which he signed for.


I personally at work will not let customers sign for anything over about £5, i also ask them for their card and then their name (checking the two, as we are required to take details of customer), not caught anyone out so far, however i have friends who have.


There are alot of people out there willing to take money away from those who work hard to earn it. In less than 1 year of employment ive been involved in trying to stop (physically) no less than 5 people from stealing from the shop i work for.


Also had £100 stolen from me through pay pal, useless bunch, i got sweet f-all.

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Dont expect your money back any time soon. I`ve just been reimbursed a month after finding my debit card had been cloned. £500.

My spending habbits are routine, but i hadnt used the card in a week or more with being on nights. Used motorway services near bicester and within a day i`d been scammed.

What did supprise me was the fact that nobody seemed to give a sh11t. My bank said they would recover the money. The police were not interested

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Dont expect your money back any time soon.

All money refunded already :drinks:


Thank you Lloyds.

Sombich, Abbey had me waiting a month even though when i noticed the money was gone it was in fact "uncleared funds" and had not yet been paid. I said great, you can stop the payments. Wrong they still paid then went through a disputes proceedure. Complete ****. ???

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