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I understand the need to know who is in attendance following the drunken abuse in the past directed to our female members and that is a good thing. The trouble is, if your on the forum and in the arms there is no audio alert (i can live with that) but the lack of time stamp on posts/replies means you miss people that you would like to chat to.


I know it's not a problem for the mods but us end users are suffering and don't tell me there are no complaints as there are no users.


People have pretty much given up on dropping in and gone are the days when we had 15+bodies filling the bar.


Can anything be done to remedy this or does one have to just check in and wait in the snug?









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Il be in in a minute to make a fool of myself. Was there 30 mins ago, no one showed up.. I quit.

Its a pitty its not used much, but then again its a forum, and a lot of people dont spend more then an hour at a time browsing unlike some of us.. so its bound to be a bit quiet.


Better wire up a keg of Guinness :blush:

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and their was me thinking it was my bad breath :blush::lol::D:lol:

thank you MR H



I would love to believe that it's your pig breath that has done it, but it's not :lol:


The room doesn't work, period.


Mods brainstorming ;):D:lol::lol: Everyone knows that you only have 3 brain cells between you and they are held by one of you :P





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Apart from the "alert" facility that LB mentioned and the fact that users have to register with their Forum usernames (thereby avoiding all the problems we had before that members complained about), there is no real difference between the current and old PW Arms.


When we were obliged to change the format, there was nothing better available.

We will have another look and discuss it with Teal when he returns, but nothing is going to happen overnight.

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Suze ... could you use your charms to get someone to buy me a belated birthday drink tonight too? I'm about ready for more alcohol now.






well i would do honeybun

but it would seem the only charms i possess are bad breath and terrible wind :lol: .

pick on a girl when shes down.(thank god they have not notice me hairy upper lip :blush: )


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what is this PW arms that people talk about?:lol:?


Top right of every page next to calendar, or >>click here<< :blush:

Sweet, that crashed my Firefox session :D


Lee you need JAVA you can find it here



I had that already T. It still does it. It works fine with IE. Must be a Firefox thing?

Edited by ShaggyRS6
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