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Great big spiders


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Have just caught a whopper in the living room, saw him sliding down the curtains. He was obviously going to make his way over to the sofa and bite my leg off so he now has a pint glass over him!


anyone else noticed them around yet? thought it was much to early myself!

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erghhh ! we usually get loads ! i hate em


1 actually jumped onto my o h s lab last year and bit him as he sniffed it ! .


there the only reason i let my 5 cats sleep on the bed coz they catch the ******* !!



i find a whack with a mag is better than a pint glass <_<

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If I saw that "thing" and it's "spawn" in the corner of my room, the shottie would be out of the cabinet so fast... and there'd be a large smoking hole in the roof in seconds, ****** legal or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Then I'd be off to the cop shop asking how I could increase the capacity of my shotties mag <_< and if some type of incenderay shot could be licenced as I had a perfectly good need for it :good:


I'd rather hug an anti :yes:

Edited by JohnGalway
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berettaman1 Posted Today, 07:18 AM


Wowee, I dont mind the size of that mother, but what frightens me is it looks like its reading the paper!!Was it snapped in the incoming lounge at Heathrow.??


BM1 there aint nowt wrong with your eyes anyway - I had to look twice before I saw what you were on about - brilliant! <_<


Pushkin :good:

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My mate has a party trick with spiders, he catches one turns his back on you and then turns around with his fist clenched

and ask you to pick a hand when he opens that hand it is empty and then you pick the other hand,when he opens that one

its not there either and then with that hand open and flat he blows the spider out of his mouth off his hand and into your

FACE :rolleyes::drinks::stupid:

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