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right lads i need some help.


at my local train station there has been reports of young lads fireing at trains and pasengers with air rifle's my shooting permishon surounds the train station and i walk past the station on the way to my permishon and now there is a hight police presance around the station i just wonderd where i stand and where my air rifle stands if i get stoped buy the police? as you will probably see i am under the leagul age to own a air rifle.

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I would approach the police before they do you, in other words go and see them and tell them your dad or whoever owns the airgun and that you use it for pest control on that land, obviously you have heard about what is happening at the stations and you would like to clear yourself to carry on your pest control without being implicated.



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7.3 Section 22(5) of the 1968 Act makes it

an offence for any person under the age of

seventeen to have an air weapon with them

in any public place except:

a) as a member of an approved club while

engaged as such in or in connection with

target shooting (Section 23(2)(a) of the

1968 Act); or

B while at a shooting gallery where only air

weapons or miniature rifles not exceeding

.23 inch calibre are used (section 23B of

the 1968 Act); or

c) where the air gun or an air rifle (but

not an air pistol) is so covered with a

securely fastened gun cover so that it

cannot be fired;


You are not under age to own an air rifle. As long as the gun is zipped up as stated above you'll be fine, but as said approach the police before they approach you.



Edited by gibby
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Personally I'd stop using that permission for a bit. If they have reports of people shooting at trains then you're going to be number 1 suspect as you've been shooting in the area. Doesn't matter if you're legal with permission as that doesn't mean you haven't been shooting at trains from the police point of view.

If you want to carry on then it may be worth pro actively approaching the police and saying you've seen the reports and you shoot in that area and want to make sure there is no confusing you with the culprits, but you may open a can of worms and have a good few questions to answer while they ensure it wasn't you

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He isn't 17 until June




That doesn't appear to matter. According to the copy of the rules quoted above, under-17's can't carry a piece in public, except - blah, blah, blah...


c) where the air gun or an air rifle (but

not an air pistol) is so covered with a

securely fastened gun cover so that it

cannot be fired



And yes, I agree txt spk is a blight on humanity and should be made illegal :lol:

Edited by Chard
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Personally I'd stop using that permission for a bit. If they have reports of people shooting at trains then you're going to be number 1 suspect as you've been shooting in the area. Doesn't matter if you're legal with permission as that doesn't mean you haven't been shooting at trains from the police point of view.

If you want to carry on then it may be worth pro actively approaching the police and saying you've seen the reports and you shoot in that area and want to make sure there is no confusing you with the culprits, but you may open a can of worms and have a good few questions to answer while they ensure it wasn't you

or if you were able to find out who the little blighter was and put a stop to his/her/their actions.even better,however i do not recomend you confront them if you do see them merly a phone call, and i dont care what anyone says to you this is not about grassing its public safety and preserving yours/mine everyons right to shoot. :lol::lol:

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Get up there in a guilly suit and watch the area when you spot the culprit shooting at trains ambush him/her and cable tie them to the railway line! Problem solved :lol:




On a serious note id stop shooting there until it stops. If you are caught up there shooting in the vicinity as far as they are concerned you will be arrested and I expect and it would be very hard to prove your innocence. Try and put the word out and find out who it is and hand the information to Police if/when you get it.


Sadly its due to the mindless actions of individuals like this that make shooting for innocent people like us difficult.

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He would be ok to unslip and use the air-rifle on his permission, and others have said go to the police and clear your name before they knock on your door. You can bet that they will have asked around as to who owns the land and who has permission from those landowners (If they are doing their job properly).


The last thing you want is for them to approach your land owner with the story of so and so youngster has been firing at passing trains etc. putting the seed of suspicion and doubt in his mind.


The police will thank you for your honesty and this could stand you in good stead later in life for SGC and FAC.



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For the sake of your permission also i would have a quick word with the landowner to put his mind at ease. The way i would go about it would be talk to the police first make sure they're happy for you to continue shooting and that your no threat then speak to your land owner saying theres been some shooting at trains going on that it wasnt you and you have reported in to the gaurds. And make sure your keep your gun in a slip and stay on the right side of the law.


Even if you dont decide to shoot there would still be worth it going to guards and land owner for sake of some hassle and loss of permission

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Russ 91, just a thought here but might it not be someone on the train saw you shooting on your permission and thought you were actually shooting at the train? Or an anti who saw you and knew you weren't shooting at the train but decided to report it in that manner to stop you shooting?


Like other posters, I would stop until this all dies down and until your 18th birthday to make sure everything is above board and legal, you don't want to be brought to the attention of the CO of the local force before you have even had a chance to apply for a shotty licence - do you?


All the best


Pushkin :lol:

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Accord to my Firearms Acts compliation, if you are under 18 you cannot have a air weapon in a public place AT ALL. Also you need good reason, and the reason must be on you.


In otherwords you will need proof that you are 18 or over and proof that you have permission to shoot somewhere.



Also right now it is illegal for you to buy pellets :yes:



Check the rules:



Edited by Big_Sam
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I wouldnt get involved trying to resolve the issue of finding the person/s responsible for discharging guns at trains.

If you are in the vicinity when this activity is being undertaken by these individual/s you may possibly be implicated into the act and may be your word against theirs especially if you happen to have you gun with you at the time. The best advice would be to consider several factors already mentioned in this thread.

Firstly have a word with your permission and gain written permission incase of the police stopping you (will save a lot of hassle later down the line.)

Secondly stay clear of the shooting until the police have done their job and dont get involved in trying to catch the people responsible!


If they are stupid enough to fire at trains then there is no reason why you also wont become a target! Keep safe!

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