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Big Cat Kill or dog ?


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The Big cat breeds loose in this country that are capable of this size prey as a rule tend to eat from the throat in, they like fresh blood believe it or not. Doesnt mean it definately wasnt though. Any prints?

Edited by SidneyG
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Slightly off topic but here goes anyway.......Sheep drop dead in fields from natural causes all the time and are eaten by foxes, thats why a lot of farmers poison carcases for the foxes, if your out walking your dog this time of year make sure he under control in sheep areas. :yes:

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Cats and wolves kill and eat from the front.


Fox, Yotes, and Dogs kill and eat from the rear, usually eating in from the anus or utter into the stomack contents.


Another interesting thing is with a cat kill you will quite often find the animal skinned inside out, like it was pulled off like a sock. Check how a Moggie eats a rat or rabbit.



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come on you lot you've given the big cat conspiracy fans no ammunition at all :yes:


But I'm with the concensus of opinion of dog or fox. Its quite possible it was natural causes and been moved while its been being eaten. possibly by more than one dog,

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The missing eye would also indicate that it may have been several creatures eating it, crows maggies etc. I`m with the fox/dog theory here. I`ve seen and photographed a roe eaten in a similar manner by a fox and it even managed to drag it a good distance and that was eaten from the back end first. Sorry I deleted the pics :yes:

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that sheep had been dead for at least a few hours when it was eaten. you can tell this by there being no blood or arterial spray on the wool showing that the circulatory system was shut down. id put money on a dog or fox. if it was a big cat you would likley see wounds around the throat.

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At a guess I would say the fatal blow was struck by a vehicle. The death of the sheep occured to the left of the track as there is an amount of wool that has been pulled from the carcass all within 1 spot and chances are that foxes have been going at it at least for a day as there is a lot of meat gone there also the bone from the leg is missing.

Also what makes me think it is at least 24 hours old is that the eyes of the sheep have been taken most likely by magpies or crows which would have been in daylight hours and the guts of the animal are missing, chances are the sheep was struck and had its leg mangled by a vehicle on the track and died to the side of it.

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My guess is that it was dragged off of the path by a member of the public rather than an animal, it looks very close to a road? a car may well have been the cause of it's demise, from then onwards, it's open house, you name it, if it eats, it's probably been there.

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