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beware of the horsebox

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The fuzz can speed trap anywhere they like. However, if the local force want to keep the revenue then they have to have the funky livery explaining they are part of the safety camera partnership, the warning signs and publish the location of the trap and all that jazz.

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Thats not legle thats entrapment



if you aren't committing a crime, there is nothing to be entrapped over...


we generally have it very easy with speed cameras here, in some european countries they are hidden in bins, hedges etc etc and are completely out of view. at least the majority of ours are visible to anyone who is actually paying attention to the road!

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"if you aren't committing a crime, there is nothing to be entrapped over...


we generally have it very easy with speed cameras here, in some european countries they are hidden in bins, hedges etc etc and are completely out of view. at least the majority of ours are visible to anyone who is actually paying attention to the road!"



when you get done at 2mph over the limit then you wont be so smug. ive heard this argument loads before but once the person gets caught they soon change tune.


Stealth cameras - just goes to prove its about revenue not safety. Im glad my driving is all local and rural so I know the locations of the vans and staionrys.

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I have been caught speeding, accepted it and got on with my life. at 2 mph over the limit, chances are your speedo was showing 34-35, so no excuse really.


and before anyone says it, yes, I DO SPEED! But when i speed i accept that I am breaking the law and may get caught doing so. :good:

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It is hard to argue against speed cameras because if you speed you are breaking the law, speed kills blah blah blah, OK then if speed cameras are all about stoping speeding and nothing about raking in £££££££, how about changing the game plan, get caught speeding once, 1month driving ban no fine, twice 3 month ban no fine and so on, I'll tell you it would stop me speeding..............and for the record I have never been done for speeding.

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Law changes


LAST year rules which meant police partnerships were required to make cameras conspicuous and clearly signposted, were changed.


But they were no longer allowed to keep a proportion of the money they made from speeding fines, following protests that police had a financial incentive to catch drivers.


The partnerships now receive a fixed grant but they are no longer bound by the rules that stated that fixed speed cameras had to be visible.

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how about changing the game plan, get caught speeding once, 1month driving ban no fine, twice 3 month ban no fine and so on, I'll tell you it would stop me speeding..............and for the record I have never been done for speeding.



whats your name pc brunstrom. how are you going to explain to your boss that you wont be in for a month because i was 5mph over the limit.


your allowed 10% +2 mph to allow for inaccurate speedos, anymore than that and depending on the road, conditions etc your asking for a fine

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how about changing the game plan, get caught speeding once, 1month driving ban no fine, twice 3 month ban no fine and so on, I'll tell you it would stop me speeding..............and for the record I have never been done for speeding.



whats your name pc brunstrom. how are you going to explain to your boss that you wont be in for a month because i was 5mph over the limit.


your allowed 10% +2 mph to allow for inaccurate speedos, anymore than that and depending on the road, conditions etc your asking for a fine

10% +2 mph, is that law, or an urban legend? I can't say that I have seen it in the Highway Code.

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