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Lovely young Girl


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At last, I bring good news from "The Daily Mail " just been lusting, Er looking at a 17 year old Goddess, in her bikini, she is a contestant in the forthcoming "Miss England" A pretty face and a real womans body, not one of those anorexic looking girls who suck in their stomachs when photographed!!Lovely or what.Bet LV thinks so as well. :hmm:---------Just had another look!----I think I will go for a wa.....Er walk1 :lol::yes:

Edited by berettaman1
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At last, I bring good news from "The Daily Mail " just been lusting, Er looking at a 17 year old Goddess, in her bikini, she is a contestant in the forthcoming "Miss England" A pretty face and a real womans body, not one of those anorexic looking girls who suck in their stomachs when photographed!!Lovely or what.Bet LV thinks so as well. :lol:

B man you think like me meat wiout fat tastes o nowt.

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Wellll, THIN is one thing and I agree that some models are anerexic and dont look good, but size 16?:yes: cmon...I mean there ARE other figures between anerexic and size 16.........and I would have to be size 20 myself to like (and suit) a size 16 GF :lol:

Hmm I do like someone like Beyonce, or J-Lo....a curvy figure, (not thin as a paper sheet) but something to grab..........But with this chunky size 16 girl, I wouldnt know where to grab and where not to....But if you believe in "'grab the flab' is just fab" then this is definitely the right coice

Edited by GamezBond
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GB , you dont know what your missing!! with some its just like lying on a Water Bed!! Hhmm, memories!! I will never ever forget,,,,,,,,Oh Whats her name!! :lol::yes::hmm:

:) I guess you are right in that sense....I had this "pleasure" once, quite a while back.....The trouble is I used to look more like Laurel and Hardy so had to get out of the water bed quickly :D

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GB , you dont know what your missing!! with some its just like lying on a Water Bed!! Hhmm, memories!! I will never ever forget,,,,,,,,Oh Whats her name!! :lol::yes::hmm:

B'man, that is just gross!! :D and right in the middle of me Sugar Puffs! She even has Athletes foot (or has had it). :)

(and I bet the athlete was p**sed/asleep at the time).

Edited by stuartp
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It's a nice idea, but I bet she doesn't get anywhere :)



I have to agree. This is the token porker, to satisfy the PC brigade. She won't get anywhere. Bit too much for me there - I like women with a bit of something to them, can't stand these scrawny wretches, but there's a difference between scratching your aris and tearing it :hmm::D:) as my ex-mother-in-law used to say :lol:


I also think the PC brigade have got the mixed message **** wrong (again). In an age where we're all obese, apparently, I don't think they should be actively promoting the message that it's OK to be overweight. And before anybody accuses me of being anti-fatties, I'm overweight myself, but I'm not celebrating the fact, I'm dieting to lose it :yes:

Edited by Chard
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GB , you dont know what your missing!! with some its just like lying on a Water Bed!! Hhmm, memories!! I will never ever forget,,,,,,,,Oh Whats her name!! :hmm::D:)

:) I guess you are right in that sense....I had this "pleasure" once, quite a while back.....The trouble is I used to look more like Laurel and Hardy so had to get out of the water bed quickly :)

Yes, the things we do whilst under the influence, doncha just love waking up next to it thinking "please God, tell me I didn't!", then trying to get out before she wakes up?. :lol::yes:

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am just as bad as the next person when it comes to judgeing people on how they look.

but i have learnt over the years.

it is the person inside who counts .shame some people just cant get past the outer package.

to see the beauty within.

good for her .but peoples attitudes would have to change first.

and with how things are seem in the media.

its a losing battle .


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