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Semi vs Pump


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Local dealer has a s/h Mossberg 500 with a brand new barrel with multichoke for about £225. He also has the Escort semi for £299 brand new. Never having owned either type I am at a loss to decide. I spent an hour this afternoon waving them about and umming and ahhhing, but couldn't make a decision. It's for general rough shooting, rabbits, pigeon, crows and the occasional fox. What would you buy? (out of these 2, possibly a.n other, but for no more than £300)

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I have some friends who use the escort for fowling, they havent had any major probs with them.


Apparently In the states you can buy a mossberg 5oo in a local store for about $90!!


2 guys in the shop use Escorts and raved about them. 1 guy had a remmy 11-87 and said it jammed all the time!


The 3 local dealers down here have all said the same. At first they were dubious, for cost and origins reasons, but in the 4 or 5 years they've been selling them there've been no real probs.


$90 for a 500!! ********! Just not fair.


My question is more pump vs semi, as I have heard no real criticism of the Escort, just people who've got posher guns saying they wouldn't lower themselves to that level.


The mossy has the "kerchink-clunk" factor, plus they can be damn fast with practice. I just want to know what you'd spend your hard earned on! :hmm:

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hey, I definitey would have the mossy 500! i'v got a 500 model A, magazine been ringed down to go on my sgc instead of fac.. fantastic tool, never ever goes wrong! will take any round you wanna put tho it! apart from 3 1/2''.. these guns are made to take the 3'' magnum solid slug as a self defence gun in the US..

there's something so 'right' about the noise of a pump too! and the mossy makes the best!

good working tool on the farm!


price sounds pretty dam good too with a m/c barrel..


regards, Matt..

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I think the Escort is like Marmite.


You love it or you hate it.


Escorts are cheap guns, that are cheap in comparasen

to other more expensive guns, but they do work.

Most people who own, use them and like them for what

they are.

If you are a gun snob then they will not be the gun for

you. If you want a cheap hardworking gun that for the

most part is reliable then for £300 you can't go wrong.


Cheers taz.

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Semi, but not that one...........ever !




Any first hand experience greatfully received.


I have several friends in the gun trade and they stopped selling the Escort as it was being constantly returned with lots of different faults, if it was a single fault it would be easy to find out what the problem was and rectify it back at the factory, however the many different faults would suggest that it is poorly designed and built to a price.

Regarding the 11-87, I have had one for around 10+ years and has only once not fired a cartridge but that was due to the cartridge being well corroded, it has been thoroughly abused and still comes through without a hitch. The only thing I have had go wrong is the "O" seal snapped/rotted .........can`t complain really.


Looking to get a 3 1/2" Extrema soon-ish.

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Pump will cycle everytime no matter what load, conditions etc.


Most good semi's are pretty reliable.


The mossberg will be perfect in 10 years time, the hatsan probably will be scrapped.


That said don't buy a new pump, buy a £50 used one.


There was a nice quality semi in the classifieds for about £200, franchi from memory, it was either on here or the bbs. Best buy is a used quality semi. But a new hatsan/webley will be ok.


My advice for £300 is buy a cheap and cheerful pump, and an over and under.

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+1 for the Escort......


Its £300 for new gun with 3 yr warranty. :hmm:


DEAD easy to stip fix and work on 1/3 the price of a real auto (beretta) if you want something for knocking around woth they are perfect....


if you want a pretty gun full of pretty engineering put your hand deeper in your pockets....


Auto over pump every time- quicker- less movement in hide.

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:hmm: I agree auto over pump every time, once youve used an auto you wont go back to a pump. If you have to have a pump then the mossburg will be around after YOU have gone the escort will be gone before the turn of the decade!!!! Look around for a cheap semi, I got x2 browning silvers for £375 and £395.....never miss a beat, cycle anything, if you like clays so do they, brilliant on the pigeons (esp the 5 shot one!!!)...an all round gun!!! I have put thousands of carts through mine and never had a jam!!!! :hmm:
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I had an old trombone gun many years ago and loved it to bits .It would allways shoot and cycle .Once you get used to them they can be very fast to reload and you can get the slide to work very quickly .Mine was an old mossbergh and i mean old ,the model before it had a bambo barrel . I now shoot the latest beretta auto and it is a delight to use and own ,almost recoiless ,and the most sweetest gun i have ever shot ,and believe me i have shot some guns . Harnser .

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Thanks guys. I'm gonna go with the better quality 2nd hand pump. One day (when I've saved enough pennies) I will probably take most of your advice and upgrade to a better quality semi. But for now a pump should give me a new shooting style to learn and all the fun of using it! :hmm:


Thanks again!

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Semi, but not that one...........ever !


:rolleyes: Find a second hand Beretta or Browning :lol:


What, for £300!!! :hmm:

Yes! :lol:


I got my Beretta A303 12 bore multichoke semi for £300 and it was in very good condition as well. :lol:


FM :)


Now that sounds like a real steal . Hanser .

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