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Dyslexia rules- KO?


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I am in total agreement with Hodmedod.one .

I am Dyslexic . I manage to use a spell checker when i post or i ask mrs YP how to spell things . I'm not lazy and use sloppy text speak when posting .

I was labled thick at school because when my handwriting could be read , it was full of spelling mistakes . I received no help for this what so ever .

But here's the thing ...

I don't bleat on here about ... Please excuse my poor spelling it's because i'm Dyslexic . Use the spell checker . It takes no time at all , and , it may of helped my spelling as i can see how the words are structured .


all the best yis yp :look:

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Spot on Hod!!!


I suggested recently to one of the younger generation on here, that if he took more care

with his spelling and grammar then maybe more of the more experienced sportsmen would

take an interest in his posts, and he would therefore gain more experienced views and advice.


The PM that I received from said younger generation was rather derogatory towards me, and once again full

of spelling and grammar mistakes, all apart from '*** head' which was the closest he got to correct spelling.....

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I can see where you are coming from, most of the sentiments in your last post I used to agree with.

As you said when we were in School Dyslexia did not exist. In my School there were three classes for each year A's Alpha's and B's. The B's were given crayons and paper nearly every lesson, because the teachers could not be bothered or did not have the training to try and reach the children. Most of the kids in the B's were bright enough in the playground but put a pen and paper in front of them and they just did not know where to start.


Thankfully, as far as I am aware this does not happen today. When a child has learning difficulties they are given help; But and it is a big but, this help, even though it is funded by the government comes out of the Schools budget. Therefore the school does not like admitting that the child is Dyslexic, Dispraxic or whatever term they care to put on the child. Dyslexia is, 'simply put' word blindness they cannot see the words as we do. Almost exactly the same as colour blindness, as people who are colour blind cannot see the same colours as we do.


However, that said it is not insurmountable, but it does need specialised help. To get that help you have to have a statment of the childs abilities. "This child needs help" does not cut it I am afraid. So for the needs of the child to be explained correctly they have to be labelled. EG:

Dyspraxic; The child lacks co-ordination skills, has trouble prioritising. Symptoms, sometimes displays clumsiness etc:

Dyslexic The child has word blindness, has difficulty spelling. Symptoms, the child is withdrawn, feels inferior to their peers or can go the other way and become troublesome.


You have to remember that each and every case needs different specialised help. But without knowing what the condition is no help can be given. The words Dyslexic, Dyspraxic etc are only descriptions of a set of symptoms.




I think that where they are at fault, is that they use these words (dyslexic and dispraxic) in such a way as to make them sound like a medical condition. I think this is a mistake. I still don't accept that they are medical conditions. Diabetes is a medical condition. Asthma is a medical condition. Dyslexia is name given to a situation where, for whatever reason, a person is less able to focus on what they're supposed to be focusing on. I don't mean to trivialise it, but you could argue that the same can apply to shooting. :good: :look: I've seen clay shooters who can just lock onto a target and people make noises like "he's a natural" etc etc. Then you get the guy who keeps banging away and you know he's not focusing on that clay. You keep telling him to focus on it and he keeps missing. Not a "natural". I don't see a whole heap of difference really, but I know that many would not agree.


I suppose what I'm not convinced about is that there is a medical reason for this word blindness or lack of co-ordination. If I can be permitted to quote a rather silly example. In grammar school, I was bright, but a disruptive pain in the harris. I vividly remember our first introduction to algebra. I was on one that day. It was like the Yorkshirelad thread :lol: :lol: :lol: I ****** about in class and didn't concentrate on the key points of algebra. Until the day I left school, I never understood algebra and I still don't. This was because I failed, for whatever reason, to concentrate at a crucial moment. I genuinely believe that, one day, some BMA nerd is going to invent a name for that and tell me I'm suffering from "dickheaditis" or something. In reality, I suffered a momentary lapse in concentration which I seemed to find it impossible to recover from. I think concentration is a very strange thing. I can read a page of a book, every word, and when I get to the bottom of the page, I don't have a clue what I've just read about. This doesn't mean I have a medical condition, I just didn't concentrate, something else on my mind. Kids are terrible, they spend half their lives away with the fairies thinking about stuff in their own world, but if they keep doing that in class, does it mean they're dyslexic or "have learning difficulties". I don't think so, they need help in honing their concentration skills :look:


Maybe :lol: :lol: :lol:

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i find it realy funny that you guys think you have the right to demoralise some just because there speling is por


:look: :look: :good:



You're not making any sense


I was merely saying it's not a medical condition, like cancer. It isn't a disease. If the authorities insist on labelling it as a disease that can't be helped, then it won't be helped. If it was acknowledged for what it is, a lack of concentration, there might be a fighting chance that it can be overcome.


If you keep making excuses for everybody, they're going to sit back and wallow in it, thinking and believing that there's nothing to be done, when in reality, if it was approached correctly it could be helped

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I'll do this out in the open , stop bleating . You are becoming a pain in the '***** . You want to be treated like a man . Well stand up like one . I manage to use a spell checker and think nothing of it . It makes me no less of a man for admitting i use the fantastic help of the spell checker .

You come from gods own county live at the home at the best football team in the world . STAND UP MAN !


all the best yis yp :look:

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why are shooters arguing amongst each other if you want to argue go and argue with some antis



Just shootin' the sheeeeyte, mate :look: Does no harm :good:


Nice part of the world, Lampeter. You've just reminded me of a fishing holiday I had in Tregaron when I was at school :look:

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it is not only a lack of concentration tho this i what you need to understand i have been to a hell of a lot of speculist that tell you exactly that it effects every one different some people it is lack of concentration, some people it is with numbers, and some people it is with works and spelling, and also with a few people it is with reading. personally i struggle with spelling, and letters that i am always mixing up like D's & B's and P&Q's M&W's, i also struggle with reading out loud i will see one word but say a another. i had a assessment last week at college by a specialist and i am getting better with these things but i am still well below my age standards my righting speed it at the standers of a 9 year old (15 words a minuet)

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i find it realy funny that you guys think you have the right to demoralise some just because there speling is por





I can't see how anyone can demoralise anyone else Russ. You and you alone decide what your frame of mind is and you can't really blame other people for the offence that YOU take.


YP, takes a yorkshireman to say it how it is :lol: . Russ, chill out and change the record.


Everyone else, ,................................. Have a nice day now :look: :look: :good::lol:

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I'll do this out in the open , stop bleating . You are becoming a pain in the '***** . You want to be treated like a man . Well stand up like one . I manage to use a spell checker and think nothing of it . It makes me no less of a man for admitting i use the fantastic help of the spell checker .

You come from gods own county live at the home at the best football team in the world . STAND UP MAN !


all the best yis yp :look:


look mate if you actually read the thread you will see that i have said i do use one but some times id forget to click spell check so pleas don't be so fast to jump in if you don't know the facts

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Russ91 dont get so worked up about, I think if you read the post he is talking about SOME people using dyslexia as a reason for bad spelling, but what I dont like is that the people who cannot help with their spelling and grammer get a bad name as well, How encouraging is that "if you cant spell I wont reply". That's like me saying "if you cant shoot I wont reply".


People with dyslexia tend to spell things the way they sound, so how is a spellchecker supposed to help when there are several options that sound the same but mean different things, like 'Sun' and 'Son'.



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it is not only a lack of concentration tho this i what you need to understand i have been to a hell of a lot of speculist that tell you exactly that it effects every one different some people it is lack of concentration, some people it is with numbers, and some people it is with works and spelling, and also with a few people it is with reading. personally i struggle with spelling, and letters that i am always mixing up like D's & B's and P&Q's M&W's, i also struggle with reading out loud i will see one word but say a another. i had a assessment last week at college by a specialist and i am getting better with these things but i am still well below my age standards my righting speed it at the standers of a 9 year old (15 words a minuet)



You see, Russ, this is where we look at things differently.


The way I see it, is that if you're just confusing very similar letters like " b & d", "p & q", "m & w" that's purely a slight lack of concentration. I think you'll find that most people, myself included, will see b's as d's if they're reading something quickly and have to go back and do a double-take and read it again. With me, it happens more frequently if I'm tired and that's just because my concentration drops. I just can't see that there's a medical reason for it.


I suppose what would concern me, is that if the experts are putting it down to some big medical problem that's causing it, they're not going to be focusing on what needs to be focused on, which is finding ways to help people concentrate their mind on one thing.

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I think some of these comments are well out of hand . I have a 23 year old son who is dislexic ,who not only has a problem with reading and writing but very much a loner and very with drawn . Will not mix with people and dose not trust other people . He only ever plucked up the courage to go out with one of his friend once ,and that was to go bowling . Within two hours I had a call from the bowling club asking if I would come and pick him up . Turned out a bunch of a## holes beat them up and took their money , has not been out since and that was six years ago .


My point being that you should not be making such remarks when you do not understand or know what condition some of these people are in . Some seem quite happy to tar everyone with the same brush . Yes there are those who use the term I'm dislexic as an excuse but these are in most case's not .



I feel sorry for those that do suffer with dyslexia ,that sit and read these comments .Because I for one would be offended by some of the comments in this thread .

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Russ, you are to be applauded, as you have stood your ground and never gone into TXT speak, well done lad, keep it up !


:look: :look: :good:





i realy do feel strong about this since i started school i have always been labeled as thick just because i have taken longer to right something or that my righting has not been readable because only one or two works in a sentence were spelt right. in high school i was not give any support because they did not have the staff so i was sat in the corner of a room given a work book and told to make my way through it how many of you guys would like to be signaled out having people calling you thick just because you were slow and not good at spelling / writing.

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I just can't see that there's a medical reason for it.


I suppose what would concern me, is that if the experts are putting it down to some big medical problem that's causing it, they're not going to be focusing on what needs to be focused on, which is finding ways to help people concentrate their mind on one thing.


Congratulations on your PhD Chard, what was the thesis on ?? :look:

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I just can't see that there's a medical reason for it.


I suppose what would concern me, is that if the experts are putting it down to some big medical problem that's causing it, they're not going to be focusing on what needs to be focused on, which is finding ways to help people concentrate their mind on one thing.


Congratulations on your PhD Chard, what was the thesis on ?? :look:


I wasn't aware that I needed a PhD to have an opinion :look:


Do you only have opinions on matters that you have had full formal training in?

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