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Dyslexia rules- KO?


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Where does it end? I'm impatient - does that mean that some expert is going to decide that it's due to some illness? I can't see anything when I look at those irritating "magic pictures" where you're supposed to go cross-eyed and see things appear in 3-D. Does that mean I need treatment? Don't think so


Glasses, laser treatment.........perhaps you`re just "Shortsighted" :look:

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I can't see anything when I look at those irritating "magic pictures" where you're supposed to go cross-eyed and see things appear in 3-D. Does that mean I need treatment? Don't think so


Depending on your age, treatment is available for that maladay. You are only 'seeing' with one eye, as you need two eyes to see 3D. Given the clues we were given earlier in this thread 'Grammar School' I would say you are too old now to recover you eye sight in the defective eye.


I cannot see them either as I only have sight in my left eye. Same with those 3D gasses that they gave you when you went to the flicks as a kid, all they done for me was to make everything on the screen go red. Or was it Green?

It is the same with a cup you know it's round, but you cannot see that it is round as a person with sight only in one eye cannot percieve depth.


Now that is a medical condition. :look:



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:look: I've just read through this whole thread and I am surprised by some of the stances taken by posters.


Russ, I get the feeling you are PERHAPS milking this situation for far much more than it is worth. I am in no way deriding your problems with reading and writing - I worked for many years with secondary school aged kids with Social, emotional and educational difficulties, who had blown over the whole system that was trying to help them in many - but not always the right ways and managed to help many of them to re-learn how to read and write.


For a great deal of them the problems started with someone telling them they were thick and then others suggesting they might be dyslexic and finally they themselves just gave up trying to sort it out and this often led to them being seen as trouble in class.


In all the years I worked with these kids - very few were diagnosed as being severly Dyslexic e.g. to the level where they would unlikely be able to read or write - ever.


As another poster commented (Tiercel?) If a person of school age is diagnosed as being Dyslexic - then the local eduaction authority is required to open a file on that person called their "Assessment of needs".

Many authorities are reluctant to do this because they feel it 'Labels' the person from an early age and may prove restrictive for them over time and place them at a disadvantage from their peers.

However, this is a bit of a catch 22 situation because without the file being opened, there is little liklihood of the funds being made availabe to provide the necessary support for the young person.


The best way I ever found for helping these kids was using what is now called a page reader. Quite simply this was a coloured transparency sheet - a bit like those plastic folder dividers? Anyway, after trying different colours - many kids could see the words - sometimes for the first time ever.


These are now freely available and cheap to buy.However, the problem is that they don't work for everyone.


For some kids it was all about helping them read through very basic children's books and then re-reading them until they could read them for themselves. Basically learning word recognition and sentence structure.


For many this was a slow and laborious task and one they often lost interest in but could usually be helped back into the work if they saw that someone was really interested in trying to help them. Initially their immediate reaction to this was - as I think you are at times doing in this thread; using the problem as an excuse to say look at what the bad man is doing to me and going all defensive. You don't need to! Please believe me when I say that is not meant to be derogatory to you at all in any way, shape or form.

Someone was trying to help you. I do not know if they were derogatory about it in their offer of help? But you went all defensive about this - again - there is no need for you to do that.


I seem to recall Suzy telling us at one time she is dyslexic - but she wasn't looking for favours or excuses to be made for her - because I thinks she knows folks aren't intentionally being mean about it. It is sometimes that they are just a bit slow in catching on to what the problem is - and they are the ones who are supposedly okay! (Suzy if I have miscalled this aspect - please forgive me.)


Now before anyone gets on their high horse and leaps in to defend any supposed PC incorrect statements they think I have made. Let me assure you I do have professional degree qualifications in relation to working with young people and adults who suffer from this and many other different problems, so I can speak knowledgably and from experience about it.


Sometimes the problems these people suffer from most is the PC's brigades understanding of what is and is not a politically correct or incorrect statement; rather than get caught flatfooted and end up in trouble for missing something - they are covering everything too closely and this then turns into a dis-service for those they are genuinely trying to support.


Russ, I take my hat of to you mate, for coping so well up to now. You are in college - not sure what course you are doing - but at least you are attending and getting somewhere - it may not be fast but only you know what your final destination will be - go for it man!


All the best man :look:


Pushkin :good:

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The only point I would add is that good bad or indifferent all posts benefit from the use of a spell checker. If there is a medical condition or religion that precludes the use of a spell checker then that's a new one on me.


Back in the real world, if you send a letter or an email to your bank manger, a prospective employer etc etc and it is riddled with errors or in text speak then it will end up in the bin. As massively unfair as that sounds, that is the way of the world I am afraid and nothing said or done on here will change it.


My advice, get used to using a spell checker.


At the risk of being controversial..... :lol::lol::lol:


I'm not a fan of spell checkers - or calculators. :look:


I've met quite a few people who would not question a calculator that told them that 10% of £958.45 is £9.58, because they had pressed the wrong button. They have no concept of being able to work out things and if the calculator says £9.58, then £9.58 it is :look:


You also see some strange spellings, because of spell checkers making silly suggestions. How is anybody going to learn anything if they use stuff like that. Loads of people just shrug and say that it's not necessary to learn anything if you have machines to do it for you, but then if you're in a shop and the person on the till tells you that 79p, 48p, 12p, £1.25, and £3.35 total £30 you're not going to know any different if you don't double check it on your calculator :lol:


I never yooz spel checkas and I know that 79p, 48p, 12p, £1.25 and £3.35 totals £300 :good:

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I am amazed that this topic has been taken so much out of context from the original complaint which is to say that 'txt chat' on a forum can be viewed in the main as out of place.


Russ, I sympathise with your condition as I suffer a similar problem albeit something I have walked into not something I have had from early on. For me at least its a condition I find myself in and now rely more on spellcheck. As you mentioned, I also sometimes forget to hit the spell check. I feel this is down to me, to condition myself to ensure I hit spellcheck before posting. I guess I feel that I have to make more effort to ensure I spell correctly, such is the challenge. Any comments on a forum should be taken with a pinch of salt, as so often they can be taken out of context as this topic has been.


Whether you want to argue the fundamentals of Dyslexia being a Medical condition or not, it does exist and causes people alot of problems. But to dwell on this doesn't help anyone. Just as it doesn't for those with lisps etc.

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I am amazed that this topic has been taken so much out of context from the original complaint which is to say that 'txt chat' on a forum can be viewed in the main as out of place.


Dyslexia rules- KO?, Make use of the spellchecker a membership requirement is this not the title of the thread. The OP then goes on to talk about text speak. Although the post is not aimed at Russ specifically it does have a double barrelled approach to the subject in that it associates text speak and using a spell check with dyslexia.


I have nothing but respect for Russ as he hardly ever uses text speak in his posts. Instead he tries to write the best way that he is able. With constant criticism that cannot be easy.




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Could a spell checker not also be a good learning tool?


It would highlight incorrectly spelt words and then perhaps people could see where they are going wrong and learn for the future.


I'm not the world's greatest speller but if I'm in doubt I use Word to check, it's also about how people perceive you and I want to make sure I get it right, it's not good to send a client a letter with errors in.


There are certain words which are not about getting mixed up it's about never having learnt the correct version in the first place such as mixing up 'no' and 'know' and there are plenty of english books available to practice on.


I can read and understand what people write on here so it doesn't bother me and I don't pick people up on it but out in the real world it helps to get things right.

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Indeed, this forum aside the real world requires spell checking. That's the nub of it and practising on here wouldn't hurt.


Aside from the rights or wrongs as to whether a society should require people with a medical condition such as dyslexia to spell check their letters, posts or emails the original point (I believe) is that everyone on here can operate a one click spell checker.


My 30 year old cousin has full on top of the shop dyslexia. His writing looks like a child's. His numbers are back to front and he can't spell for toffee. He runs a successful financial market information company and regularly has to email and communicate with board level at major banks and financial institutions. He works hard and uses a spell checker. He does not start each of his emails or letters with a scan of his doctor's note and a big bag of excuses.


Is that society bullying him into conformity - who knows eh? But it's how he earns his wage and he does well on it.

Edited by Mungler
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I hate txt talk too, i think it is for thick individuals who are too childish to want to learn how to type and spell properly, i know my spelling isnt the best however as previously mentioned, microsoft word is brilliant for spell checking if you just copy and paste. :look:

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I disagree that someone who uses txt should be labelled as thick, inconsiderate or lazy maybe. Txt on a phone both speeds up the input of the message and enables someone to say more within the limited number of characters allowed for a text message.


However, a forum does not have such constraints and there is no excuse as to why people cannot type full words and then use a spell check. Especially has they now have an easy to use 'qwerty' keyboard and two hands to type with.


Seeing txt speak on a posted reply says alot to me about the person who wrote the message, i'll leave it at that. :look:

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All this is is bullying. if you dont like it dont read it this fourm is not only for you. And you dont own it!!!I am getting sick of people saying.i dont like this i dont like that.well get OVER .IT!!!!!!!!!! if that is how thay spell that is how thay spell just leave them alone instead of trying to get everybody on your side to bully them.ANT YOU GOT ANYTHING BETTER TO TALK ABOUT.

rant over FOR NOW!!!!!!!! :look: :look:

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All this is is bullying. if you dont like it dont read it this fourm is not only for you. And you dont own it!!!I am getting sick of people saying.i dont like this i dont like that.well get OVER .IT!!!!!!!!!! if that is how thay spell that is how thay spell just leave them alone instead of trying to get everybody on your side to bully them.ANT YOU GOT ANYTHING BETTER TO TALK ABOUT.

rant over FOR NOW!!!!!!!! :look: :good:


All this is(,) is bullying. (Capital I) if you dont like it(,) dont read it (,)this fourm (forum?) is not only for you. (, small a) And you don(')t own it!!!I am getting sick of people saying.(")i dont like this(,) i dont like that(").well get OVER .IT!!!!!!!!!! (I)if that is how thay spell(,) that is how thay spell(.J)ust leave them alone instead of trying to get everybody on your side to bully them.ANT (ant? possibly aint!)GOT ANYTHING BETTER TO TALK ABOUT.

®ant over FOR NOW!!!!!!!!


More than 2 exclamation marks is the sign of mental disease. 7/10, SEE ME AFTER! :look:

Edited by tinbum71
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Now that's tipped the petrol on the fire.


I take all the points made on here. However I strongly object to the bullying card being played. That's a crock of the brown stuff.


If people don't want to use a spell check for whatever reason then that's down to them. If others are of the opinion that they should then that is also down to them.


I had a disagreement with a motorcyclist who tried to kill himself under my car today. We exchanged words. Did I bully him? No. Did he bully me? No.

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