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the only guns on show will be ours while were blasting away its us pw lot meeting up for beer and guns and about 3000 harley davidson bikers having there yearly meet with bands and beer and fireworks and ****loads of custom bikes all weekend :good:


cant remember me n stu had 2x full of ice cold beer all weekend stuck in a few ice blox and ya well away asda are selling cooler boxs for £6 at the mo

That sounds more like it! Asda tomorrow for a plug-in chiller, do they do ones that you load with a fork-lift?


now be carefull bob i was the same last year i still have the side affects of too much beer on my tent


i dont like football but dont mind a drunker kick about could be a laugh


heheheheh its the local sport around here at kicking out time....find a drunk....kick the **** out of him....yeahhh!!! :hmm:



there will be a few drunks about and a few queens i hear. im bringing a padlock for my tent doors just in case

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