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Last friday a van drove into the back of me at approx 30mph. I was stationary at the time in traffic.


By sunday I had a stiff and painful neck when I moved my head . Went to docs on Monday and they said I had whiplash and said take various pain killers etc etc.


The company that is dealing with my claims has said I should put a claim in for repairs (5.2K for the car), a personal injury claim for Whiplash and for private physio.


Even though my neck is still not right I am starting to feel guilty about claiming. Been hit 2 x before and never claimed for WL.


Should I?:lol:?

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simple answer is you should talk to an expert on it, whiplash is something that can go on for a long time and keep re-occuring needing a lot of physio. I'd not feel guilty as you actually have it, the big issue is with people who don't have whiplash yet claim they do.

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I had a car accident three months a go when the car behind me went into the

back of my car on a roundabout , (they have only just admitted liabillity), and injured my shoulder and neck. My problem is that i previously injured this area playing football four months earlier and it had only just got better and thought it would get better in the same amount of time with drugs that i had left over from a operation on my hand last year and just recieved composation on wednesday. My problem as i see it is that the insurance company would'nt believe that the accident re-injured my neck and my shoulder i no it seems like i am starting to become a serial ambulance chaser but i am not .I have just been unlucky with accidents that have not been my fault in the last couple of years. probably have'nt explained this very well

Edited by jasons gold
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If you have a stiff neck for a few days and decide to have a go because "everyone does it and besides you're entitled to compensation, that's what it says in those adverts on Trisha etc etc", then you are part of the problem and I fondly hope that, when the glorious day finally arrives, you will be one of the first put up against the wall.


Hope this helps and hope that your neck gets better soon.





I still have a stiff neck, 7 days on. It does not cause me any pain until I move save 1/2 way in all directions UDLR or leaning forward writing. Last night when I was trying to zero my .22 lying down with a bipod it hurt when lifting my head to look through the scope.


Like I said I have been rear ended (homosexual joke time) 2 times and never claimed fior anything other than the repairs cos I had no injury other than a bad head etc gone the next day.


Lets hope the firing squad uses blanks.

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Has it stopped you working and caused any financial or emotional loss?


Its up to your conscience as to whether you feel properly injured. You have an opportunity to do it, and clearly the fact that you can is causing you some twinges in addition to ones in your neck!


When you lie in bed tonight think, 'Will I be proud of myself for doing the right thing if I make a claim?' and your heart will tell you the answer.


I took a right whack about ten years ago and had awful whiplash but didnt claim because I knew getting hit was one of the the risks of driving.


Any report you make you can state this does not prejudice your right to make a claim for longer term injuries should they appear at a later date.

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From what I remember, my friend's neck was bad for a couple of weeks afterwards, with symptoms that were similar (fine if still, painful bending down etc), so fingers crossed yours will be the same.


Like I said, if you've got a genuine problem that causes you financial loss or affects your quality of life then you have legitimate grounds for making a claim, and I wish you every success with it.


Again, I hope you have a speedy and full recovery.






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I don't see a dilema, is there more you haven't told us? As in do you know the van driver?


I can see going to court or whatever as being a pain in the *** hassle. But, going on what you have told us the van man was in the wrong running into the back of you, your car got damaged and you got injured. Now, if it was me I'd seek the opinion of a professional medical person who deals with whiplash injuries and find out how much this will effect you. If it's not going to stop you working, if it's not going to stop you getting on with your life for an extended period then I'd forget about personal injury. If it will effect you a lot then obviously you must consider this. That's me. However I would seek the full cost of repairs to your own vehicle :hmm:

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Has it stopped you working and caused any financial or emotional loss?


Its up to your conscience as to whether you feel properly injured. You have an opportunity to do it, and clearly the fact that you can is causing you some twinges in addition to ones in your neck!


When you lie in bed tonight think, 'Will I be proud of myself for doing the right thing if I make a claim?' and your heart will tell you the answer.


I took a right whack about ten years ago and had awful whiplash but didnt claim because I knew getting hit was one of the the risks of driving.


Any report you make you can state this does not prejudice your right to make a claim for longer term injuries should they appear at a later date.




Yup, and your bank balance will tell you another :hmm:

go for it pal, i did one of those injured in work things last year, paid for my hols....er....recovery, thats it :no:

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I had a bad RTA in march 1990 car rear ended my Nissan, folded it in half ,spare wheel knocked me unconscious my passengers seat broke and we smashed heads together, it took 4years to sort out, Was on the sick for 3 of them, and have now got degenerative disk disorder number 5 and 6 vertebra, all my compo £26000 was taken back from me by the compensation recovery unit for sick pay i received in that period. so my advise is see a specialist as you may have some muscle and disk damage that may not show its self for a while, although you have three years to make a claim if you do nothing now when and if it plays up later you will have no case to argue, A sure sign if you have had a bad knock is if your muscles around your shoulder blade are painful on full rotation to your left or right shoulder as they go in to spasm around that area trying to protect your neck. good luck hope it gets better soon. :hmm:

Edited by Fleabag
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Last friday a van drove into the back of me at approx 30mph. I was stationary at the time in traffic.


By sunday I had a stiff and painful neck when I moved my head . Went to docs on Monday and they said I had whiplash and said take various pain killers etc etc.


The company that is dealing with my claims has said I should put a claim in for repairs (5.2K for the car), a personal injury claim for Whiplash and for private physio.


Even though my neck is still not right I am starting to feel guilty about claiming. Been hit 2 x before and never claimed for WL.


Should I? :hmm: ?

http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/whiplash.htm have a look here might help.

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Its not a matter of conscience that will tell you whats right! Your Doctor will tell you what is right! THB there really isn't anybody here who can tell you what to do. You need to see a medical PROFESSIONAL and have a good talk to them!


If your claim is genuine then you may the option to make that claim to re-emburse you for your suffering! Regardless of people on the internet saying it's wrong to do or that you should jump at the chance, the option is left to you!


Dont let anyone else make your decision for you, that is the 1 freedom that you really have! Use your right to choose because it's you that has to put up with the pain/inconvenience and no one else! If you think you should be compensated for someone else causing you that pain/inconvenience then go for it. :no:


Hope you feel better soon, I have had similar pains as you described from rugby! Take a nice hot bath to soak and relax the muscles with the heat! Then later on apply a bag of peas for numbing! Varying between hot and cold being on it should get the muscles going and if not will atleast help you to relax mate! :hmm:

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