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Cure for toothache


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Hi, had a back tooth removed on friday, had to wait 2 weeks for the abcess to go ( antibiotics ), since the dentist (butcher ) removed the tooth, my face has swollen up, all my teeth ache ?, and the pain killers i was told to take only seem to take the edge off for a short while before it comes back.


It seems worse now than when i had the bloomin abcess


Does any body have a decent cure ?, what type of pain killerswork the best ?


Any advice greatly appreciated.


Regards Andy

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i do feel for you mate, ive been through similar latley.

get some codine, morphine and other bits. your GP wont give em, but if you go to the out of hours tonight, and tell them that your in agony, they will give it to you. get well soon.

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If I were you I would see the dentist again or even GP . The trauma of pulling an infected tooth can be really painful with swelling,redness,pain etc but if you are feeling LOTS worse then let the experts have a look. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are good for dental pain. Check the instructions though.

Ps the whisky a good idea too.

Edited by vole21
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i do feel for you mate, ive been through similar latley.

get some codine, morphine and other bits. your GP wont give em, but if you go to the out of hours tonight, and tell them that your in agony, they will give it to you. get well soon.

hey mart get me some of that morphine stuff how much mate. :lol::good:

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i had an absess in an eye tooth. tried root canal work but it kept reoccuring.i had `nt slept for 3 days and nights and got to the dentist. he took a look and said i`ll precribe anti biotics come back in a week.after asking him to pull it he said he could`nt as freezing it would react with the abssess and give me big trouble.i ended up asking him to pull it without any numbing but when the tooth came out instant relief. now wear a plate and it does nt ever hurt :lol:

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[freezing it would react with the abssess and give me big trouble.



I think you may have a point here, he injected my jaw 10 times, tried to take the tooth out and i nearly hit the ceiling, he then proceeded to give me another needles worth of injections, left me for another 5 minutes, before trying again, tried again and broke the tooth trying to get the damn thing out, then had to dig away in my lower jaw to try and break the roots out.


if it hasn't got any better after trying SOME of the suggestions (apart from suicide ) i will try NHS direct later on.


Last thing i want to do is face a classroom full of contractors tomorrow with a swollen face, and dribbling out the corner of my mouth


Thanks for the info & support


regards Andy

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When I've had an actual hole in the tooth I've also put an asprin over it to desolve, that worked pretty well.


Try some clove oil on a cotton bud on the gums - tastes foul but works

This is one of the oldest cures for toothache as well as chewing on willow! The old ones are sometimes the best ones!

Edited by bazguevara
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I had all four of my wisdom teeth out at once. You've probably done what i did and sucked out the blood clot which it needs to protect itself, and exposed the bone - thats the agony. You need to get back to the dentist ASAP and they pack it out with something. It wont go away on its own I'm afraid. If you are swollen you may have an infection. I saw my teeth after they were out, there were chunks of bone attached to them all.


Have you a temperature? anything over 37 C is a bit high, over 37.5 (under tounge, armpit is .5 degee lower) and you have an infection.


That much pain is telling you something's not right. Go to casualty if it's too bad.


I wished I paid more attention they said dont drink any fluids or smoke for 18 hours, and try not to sallow - thats what did me in.


Utter agony I know.

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ph had it right, cloves or oil of cloves. Buy them whole and remove the head, either use the head applied direct to the area in pain or pulp them with a tiny amount of water and apply as a paste. I swear it stopped me from tearing the house apart

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I have just rung NHS direct, they told me to take 2 x co codamol ( dissolvable ) and 1 x 400Mg ibuprofen, and get back to see the dentist on monday morning, thats not going to be easy as i have a class full of contractors on a training course tomorrow and i can't cancel as they are travelling from all over the country.


I will try the tablets, and see how i go from there, and see if i can get in after i have finished work.


Excuse me , i have just remembered a joke some one told me a long time ago.



When is the best time to see a dentist ?




toothhurty in the afternoon



Thanks a lot guys

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