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Andy Murray - Hero or Zero ?


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The Great British Hope rolled over rather easily yesterday, to the young Spaniard Nadal. :hmm:

Where was all the "guts and determination" that the newspapers were raving about ?


It looks as though Murray is suffering that common ailment that a lot of our young sports "stars" suffer from, the "get rich too quick syndrome".

Nothing beats a "hungry fighter".


It was also sad to hear a little 14 year old girl who had just won a match in the Junior Comp, described as a "future Wimbledon Champion", no pressure there then. :good:


We should do what the Americans do with baseball.

Have a "World Series" for tennis and not invite the other Countries to play.

Then we would be sure of having a British Champion. :good:

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Yes, I was thinking it must be depressing when you get as good as you are likely to get, only to be thumped by a guy who possibly isn't the world number one on grass at the moment.

If things stay as they are, he can only ever hope become the worlds number 3 on grass.


Now he has lost it's OK to call him Scottish

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I agree with the "too much too young" sentiment that Cranners expressed.


He also had some anti-English sentiments a year or two back, which I won't forget, though I have forgotten exactly what **** he was spouting. It didn't exactly endear him to me though :good:


So he can poke it :good:

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you've got to remember he was playing the best man. Nadal has a habbit of making people look like they can't play so the fact he did put up some fight was a plus point. I'm not sure I like him at all but the game previously improved my view of him.

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I agree with the "too much too young" sentiment that Cranners expressed.


He also had some anti-English sentiments a year or two back, which I won't forget, though I have forgotten exactly what **** he was spouting. It didn't exactly endear him to me though :good:


So he can poke it :good:


What he said when asked which football team he would support in the world cup was 'anyone but England'


Nice PR move there Murry, now he has a PR team who are trying to get past that but not easily forgotten.


What annoyed me is that if England weren't in a competition then I would support any of the home nations who were left, shame he can't do that.

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I can't stand the miserable little squit and can't for the life of me fathom why anyone who isn't Scottish cares what he does. He made his sentiments about the English perfectly clear, regardless of whatever back-pedalling he then engaged in to avert a PR disaster.


These kind of cheap "anyone but the English" jibes are a disgrace (particularly in view of the massive subsidies paid to support Scotland) and would be considered racist if uttered against any other nation, with the possible exceptions of America and Israel. I for one am very pleased that Nadal won so convincingly and with such flair.


As for our pampered and deluded sports "stars", they seem to me to be as useless as most things British these days. The only things in Britain that seem to work properly are the Armed Forces, despite the best efforts of successive governments to destroy them.


Nice to have a little rant so early in the day. Thanks Cranners.



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Nadal was just way too strong for him. He is such a great player and i'd love to see him win it (as well as being incredibly good looking with the most wonderfully defined biceps :good::good: )

Edited by Stig
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Get Murray away from his Mother and all the other hangers on ( including that Girlfriend who surely cant find him attractive and is obviously another gold digger.) put him with a top Russian tennis coach over in the Ukraine, stop him from playing in the Mickymouse minor tournaments, Get him fit ( I Mean properly fit... not just a couple of fly poops on his arm) light the blue touch paper and stand back.


The crowd beat Gasquet and not Murray and Nadal just illustrated the gulf in class between the top couple of seeds and the rest. I hate to offend our colonial cousins north of the border but Henman would have put up a better show.!!!


We wont have a decent tennis player capable of winning the elite championships until we get Tennis into the Primary Schools where kids can pick up a racquet at 6 7 & 8 years of age.

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I agree with the "too much too young" sentiment that Cranners expressed.


He also had some anti-English sentiments a year or two back, which I won't forget, though I have forgotten exactly what **** he was spouting. It didn't exactly endear him to me though :good:


So he can poke it :hmm:


Complete skirt-wearing, haggis-humping ZERO.


2 years ago at the start of the Footie World Cup he commented to the press that he would have his Chile (or whoever it was) shirt on for Englands opener against them.


Don't get me wrong I'm not Anti-Jock in general, just over-cocky tennis playing ones :good:



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Murray's shot choice, at times, was truly awful. He tried "drop shots" which were inappropriate and poorly executed. The press built him up and he did little to encourage us to be more realistic. He got hammered by a different class player, who looked as if he wanted to win. Murray - really want to win - jury is out on that one. He played like he expected to lose and lived down to his lack of ambition.

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He,s a good player for one so young. I dont see the reason to get upset about him not supporting England though as he,s Scottish.To drag a begrudging "I support Britain?England" is just cringworthy. I used to naively support the home teams until I realised it was one way traffic so only support my own country now and that is how most English feel I believe. The term "Britain" sums up this collection of countries on a map in my opinion. The term "English" is how I feel and what I am. Best of luck to him but he doesnt represent this country.No one else did either :good:

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........and I wonder what the comments posted would have been - had he won? :lol:


What a load of mingers you folks are. No sooner is the guy beaten than you are in about the entrails and tearing him to bits. So what if he said he'd support another country - big deal. Get a life and get over it. He was representing Britain and for all the intense support you gave him in his hours of defeat - wow!


I'd like to see any of you folks up there on centre court or wherever it was played - doubt any of you would even be able to get to one of those serves.


You wonder what is wrong with this country - self appointed blame masters who cannot see further than the end of their own noses.


I think the posters who do make statements about the fact the guy is Scottish and that he didn't represent Britain is just sour grapes - who else is up for Britain?:yes:??? These statements are racist and antagonistic and are a poor representation of this site. This site supposedly stands for drawing people together under the basis of our collective sport - fine example here then!


I am Scottish - and I am offended by some of the statements made before. But I will also tell you this;I am British through and through.


If Britain has a contender in a competition - then I want to see them win - I don't care if they are English, Welsh, Irish or Scottish - Britain is what counts to me.


The fact they got as far as representing BRITAIN - gets my respect - but not my armchair critique of how badly they did if they were beaten.


Stop yer whinging and grow up!


My rant over. :good::hmm:;)


Pushkin. :good:


NB Please note I am not reporting anyone by private mail -I'm telling yer to yer face here and now!

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If he had won then he would have had my admiration.To have lost to the best is no disgrace either.Win or lose I do not feel he was representing my country and I hate seeing the media making him squirm over his alliegence . Its his business who he supports.

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........and I wonder what the comments posted would have been - had he won? :hmm:


What a load of mingers you folks are. No sooner is the guy beaten than you are in about the entrails and tearing him to bits. So what if he said he'd support another country - big deal. Get a life and get over it. He was representing Britain and for all the intense support you gave him in his hours of defeat - wow!


I'd like to see any of you folks up there on centre court or wherever it was played - doubt any of you would even be able to get to one of those serves.


You wonder what is wrong with this country - self appointed blame masters who cannot see further than the end of their own noses.


I think the posters who do make statements about the fact the guy is Scottish and that he didn't represent Britain is just sour grapes - who else is up for Britain??????? These statements are racist and antagonistic and are a poor representation of this site. This site supposedly stands for drawing people together under the basis of our collective sport - fine example here then!


I am Scottish - and I am offended by some of the statements made before. But I will also tell you this;I am British through and through.


If Britain has a contender in a competition - then I want to see them win - I don't care if they are English, Welsh, Irish or Scottish - Britain is what counts to me.


The fact they got as far as representing BRITAIN - gets my respect - but not my armchair critique of how badly they did if they were beaten.


Stop yer whinging and grow up!


My rant over. :oops::blush::yes:


Pushkin. :good:


NB Please note I am not reporting anyone by private mail -I'm telling yer to yer face here and now!



Crikey mate thats fighting talk.............are you his Mom ???:lol::lol:

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