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telephone sales people


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well do you get sick of them aswell

a few weeks ago i had one fone me telling me i needed a mobile fone who is he to tell me what i need?

i already have a mobile fone i told him but he insisted that i still need one why is it he could not get the grasp that i already have one

anyway i just hung fone up on him guess he wont be happy about that its so annoying when someone that doesnt know you trys to tell you what you need

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do what i do mate. im a very mild manered chap (belive it or not :oops: ) but when they ring i take the phone out into the garden so the kids cant hear, and say all kinds of bad stuff to them. :good: call them all kinds of **** and they never ring again. :blush:

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Give them the run round for a few good minutes first THEN say no and hang up :oops:


mate of mine answered the phone to a telesales caller, mate wanted tea and a shower as he was off out so after the introductions handed the phone over to his bro ( without the caller knowing :blush: ), who then listened and asked the odd question, some times the same question :good: , mate had tea, showered and dressed ready for a night out, he took the phone back off his bro and said some thing like sorry mate but i don't want / need what your selling and hung up :yes: waisting 20 odd minutes of the telesales time ??????



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All I do and I am registered with TPS so dont get that many calls but when one dose get through the net I am very polite with them and then say some one is at the door hang on a min then just leave the phone on the side until they get bored of waiting an hang up :good::oops:

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i had one from garage door company very pushy so i arranged for them to come out to see me following thursday 10 oclock they phoned 1 hour before they arrived to make sure we were in said i would be they knocked on door i answered bloke intruduced himself from the said company all i said was *&%$ off and slamed the door in his face pleased to say they never phoned back :oops:


CJW :good:

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Yep, the trick is easy, when they ask for the homeowner or whoever tell them you'll go to get them and just leave the phone on the side until they get bored and hang-up. Or equally pretend to be interested tell them you need to get a pen and leave the phone on the side.

Waste their time, not yours :good:

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Aye play them at their own game, give them the run around and waste as much of their time as possible.


There was one on radio 1 once, when someone called trying to flog some windows, the bloke on the phone was talking about his life situation regarding his girlfriend leaving him, his dog dying, his hayfeaver and how everything was getting him down, then after about 20min told him he had just had new windows fitted and that he didnt need any :good:

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We are with TPS and it is excellent. :good:


If you get these calls, just tell them you have to go and ask the Nurse if its OK for you to spend money, they normally clear off about then.


The very worse ones are the computer generated multiple dial thingies.

As soon as you get to the 'phone it stops ringing.

My aged MIL got a lot of those and as she lives on her own it rather scared her.

We reported it to BT, but it seems there isn't anything you can do about it.

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i was just having a moan about this yesterday.

people phoning you up trying to sell you stuff you never knew you didnt want.

work is worse when they phone up all important like and say " can I speak to mr fish?" "whos calling please?" "Its john from twatingham" or even worse they give themselves a name like the health advisory council or some such official sounding body so you feel like you had better take the call. Then when you do and are expecting the long arm of the government he tries to sell you a magazine subscription. THE *******.

talking of which the posty staggered in this morning, his legs buckling under the weight of eight shelving catalogues, each sent to me under a different name jomdish, jimdfish, jumdfish et al.

We live in a climate of fuel shortages credit ( thank friday its) crunchies and rampant inflation, not to mention the fact that we are being told to become more sustainable and this firm whom I will never ever deal with a gain on principle because they have really ****** me off send me half a hundred weight of **** and thay cannot even spell my name right. ********


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i was just having a moan about this yesterday.

people phoning you up trying to sell you stuff you never knew you didnt want.

work is worse when they phone up all important like and say " can I speak to mr fish?" "whos calling please?" "Its john from twatingham" or even worse they give themselves a name like the health advisory council or some such official sounding body so you feel like you had better take the call. Then when you do and are expecting the long arm of the government he tries to sell you a magazine subscription. THE *******.

talking of which the posty staggered in this morning, his legs buckling under the weight of eight shelving catalogues, each sent to me under a different name jomdish, jimdfish, jumdfish et al.

We live in a climate of fuel shortages credit ( thank friday its) crunchies and rampant inflation, not to mention the fact that we are being told to become more sustainable and this firm whom I will never ever deal with a gain on principle because they have really ****** me off send me half a hundred weight of **** and thay cannot even spell my name right. ********


Tell me why the Halifax send three duplicate letters to me every time that they wish to sell or tell me something, one to me, one to 'er, and one addressed to both? S'truth, they must use half a forest just on my mail.

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We get loads of calls from business listings directories who we have never even heard of. I normally ask them for a website link whilst talking to them and the last one gave me a www. name that just loaded up loads of links to busness directories. Theirs wasn't even listed. :good: Normally just laugh at them now. you never know if being abusive will bite you in the backside if they get annoyed back by it. Phone calls at 3am etc.

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a couple of years ago a bathroom salesman phoned me while i was having dinner, i said i was eating could i call you back he said i`m going home now and gave me his home number , that week i was on night shift and called him in my lunch break at 3a.m. hence no more phone calls

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When they ring, tell them that yes indeed you are interested. But, you need to keep that particular line open for an important family call from Mars or where ever and could they call you back on another number :oops: Then give them the number to your local Police station :unsure:


Sit back and smile :yes:

Edited by JohnGalway
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I registered with the TPS at home many years ago. The phone calls stopped almost straight away. We do get the odd call from time, it is inevitable. In many ways I look forward to it. No i'm not lonely, I play them at their own game. Depending on the type of business calling, depends on how I treat it.


My favorites are the double glazing companies. For some strange reason they never ever ask if you have already got double glazing at the start of the call, nor do they research what dwelling you have. So I give them the answers they want to here and exagerate the truth a little. Like yes I have 28 windows and 5 external doors. The calls normally last 20 mins or so and when the excited telesales person on the brink of earning a fair wedge of commision asks if I'd like a quote, I deflate their hopes like a burst ballon and explain that I had all the windows replaced last month by a firm that telephoned me.


Other times I explain that i'm in the middle of cooking as the wifes away and that I will have to keep popping them on hold. Which I do, then walk to the fridge grab a beer, sit down, thumb through the TV channels, then pick them back up again. Or put them on hold and leave them there.


I often feel gratified that I have wasted their time and money and saved several others from being pestered by these infectious people.

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