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Well got the new rimmi, and a few boxes of ammo of different makes to test which I did today, just before it started to hammer down with rain.


Could I have opinions on the ammo/grouping, and does anyone have sugestions on other makes of ammo to try?


I set the zero at 60 Yards, and there was a right to left moderate crosswind.


BUT first........ please ignore a few of things........


1] I pulled the wayward shot with the remmington ???


2] I was shooting a bit low, this has now been sorted :oops:


3] The RWS are a non contender, they just don't cut the mustard with my gun.




4] the CCI, although not a bad group [apart from the pulled shot B)] are very tight when in the breech.


So, I've got the choise down to the Winchester or the Remmington. I did have about 5% of the Remmington go super sonic, if thats a problem?


Any opinions greatfully recieved by a newbe rimmi shooter :yes:





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Hi mate


I think that the general concensus amongst many rimfire shooters is that eley subs are generally very accurate. Get a box and try them. The best way to test ammo in my opinion is with the ferend supported but also with the stock supported to eliminate those distracting pulled shots. That way you get a true reflection of the guns ability with each ammo type..


Try eley though they are very good


steve b

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Can i ask what gun you are using mate. My Ruger 10/22 hates nearly every brand apart from ELEY. Try them they seem to work in everything.


I would say the bullets going supersonic wouldn't be a major problem. Aparently they are renowned for doing it. Different temperatures i think were what caused it. Could be wrong on that. Maybe won't affect your zero that much as a few FPS above the speed of sound will go bang and a few below gives no bang.



Not relevant at all is the fact that winchesters smell ace when fired but that's maybe just a perversion!!!! :oops:



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"So, I've got the choise down to the Winchester or the Remmington. I did have about 5% of the Remmington go super sonic, if thats a problem?"


If it's a hot day, or a round has been sitting in a hot gun for a few seconds, most subsonics will go super. Heating the powder generates higher pressure = higher velocity.

Use whatever is the most accurate in your gun, there are no bad 22 ammunition makes, or they would not still be in business.

It's just that some guns prefer one ammo over another, as do air rifles and centre fire rifles.

I had two 10/22's at one time, one shot better with CCI, one shot better with Remington. I have found that American guns generally prefer american ammo, but this is not a hard and fast rule either.

Edited by bob300w
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:oops: I have the same gun as you and it loves the remigtons, i have shot over 500 in the last 2 months and only had one go super on me...and it was a hot day....hmmmmmmm


As far as the trigger is concerned if it aint bust dont fix it, my trigger is superb, very light and sensitive....great!! :yes:

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:lol: I have the same gun as you and it loves the remigtons, i have shot over 500 in the last 2 months and only had one go super on me...and it was a hot day....hmmmmmmm


As far as the trigger is concerned if it aint bust dont fix it, my trigger is superb, very light and sensitive....great!! :good:

Well Evil


I never thought I'd see the day when someone actually rated Remmington ammo in .22lr :hmm: .......You must have a rare batch where the powder weigher remained in calibration for more than 10 minutes ;) But best of british if that's the case .


Tried them and out of a box of 100 some went high velocity and some went pop with the round not even reaching 100 yds and I can confidently say it's got nothing to do with atmospheric temperatures .I even cracked open another box which were the same ,utter rubbish!!


In shooting over 10,000 rds of lr ammo this never happened to me with Eley or winchester which are the brands I reccomend or even CCI or Lapua And I have shot down a range on many a hot day !


So, I've got the choice down to the Winchester or the Remmington. I did have about 5% of the Remmington go super sonic, if thats a problem?

Yes your zero will alter at longer ranges

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Hi mate


I think that the general concensus amongst many rimfire shooters is that eley subs are generally very accurate. Get a box and try them. The best way to test ammo in my opinion is with the ferend supported but also with the stock supported to eliminate those distracting pulled shots. That way you get a true reflection of the guns ability with each ammo type..


Try eley though they are very good


steve b



It's all been said, but I completely agree - eley subs will deliver by far the best groups in my CZ too. I fired hundreds of them, about 800 without ever putting so much as a pull through down the barrel and they remained deadly accurate. If you want to blow the rabbits heads up at 70 yards, put a few CCI stingers down the barrel. They are nothing like as accurate as the Eley subs, but they don't half put them down and they shoot much flatter out to 75 yards, but if you want to hit a pea at 50 yards, it's the Eley sub every time.

Edited by Evilv
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Eley users may be interested to now that the powder used in Eley 22's is the same powder as used in Remingtons, Remington supply it to Eley.

Remington users may be interested to know that some Remington rounds are actually badged Eleys.

They must only knock Remingtons out after 3.30pm on a Friday then :rolleyes:

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Eley users may be interested to now that the powder used in Eley 22's is the same powder as used in Remingtons, Remington supply it to Eley.

Remington users may be interested to know that some Remington rounds are actually badged Eleys.

They must only knock Remingtons out after 3.30pm on a Friday then :rolleyes:

And your reason for this ridiculous statement? Remington subsonics are the most accurate in all four of my 22's, and I have tried all makes and velocities. If there was a more accurate round in any of my guns, I would use it.

If you are casting aspersions on my statement, I will send you a PM telling you which dock that the powder comes into, where it is stored, and which company transports it to Eley.

If you look here, you will see that the Eley name is on the Remington boxes.


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Eley users may be interested to now that the powder used in Eley 22's is the same powder as used in Remingtons, Remington supply it to Eley.

Remington users may be interested to know that some Remington rounds are actually badged Eleys.

They must only knock Remingtons out after 3.30pm on a Friday then :rolleyes:

And your reason for this ridiculous statement? Remington subsonics are the most accurate in all four of my 22's, and I have tried all makes and velocities. If there was a more accurate round in any of my guns, I would use it.

If you are casting aspersions on my statement, I will send you a PM telling you which dock that the powder comes into, where it is stored, and which company transports it to Eley.

If you look here, you will see that the Eley name is on the Remington boxes.



What .22s have you got bob,because my 597 will not tolerate remy ammo.It will cycle every other brand ok with the odd jam but stick some remington in it and it will jam 3 out of 5.

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Spooky groupings!


I'd say to give Eley a try, but Winchester subs work well in my 452 and they seem to work well in yours too. I'm surprised by the performance of the RWS though... The groups I shoot with Winnies at 60m are twice the size of those I shot with the box of RWS. If the local shop hadn't been out of RWS when I ran out...


Anyway, try a box of Elay and see how you get on, but do try using fore and stock rests. The less _you_ have to do with the gun, the better.

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As they have all said, you should try some Eleys.

Although the advice is to try as many as you can, I have 100 Eleys in the back of the cabinet I bought yonks ago.

Winchesters are so accurate and hard hitting in my CZ I have never even bothered trying them.

I also have some Magtech's, some Yellow jackets, some Lapua's (solid points, they are stupidly accurate) I really must have clearout sometime :rolleyes:

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Eley users may be interested to now that the powder used in Eley 22's is the same powder as used in Remingtons, Remington supply it to Eley.

Remington users may be interested to know that some Remington rounds are actually badged Eleys.

They must only knock Remingtons out after 3.30pm on a Friday then :rolleyes:

And your reason for this ridiculous statement? Remington subsonics are the most accurate in all four of my 22's, and I have tried all makes and velocities. If there was a more accurate round in any of my guns, I would use it.

If you are casting aspersions on my statement, I will send you a PM telling you which dock that the powder comes into, where it is stored, and which company transports it to Eley.

If you look here, you will see that the Eley name is on the Remington boxes.



What .22s have you got bob,because my 597 will not tolerate remy ammo.It will cycle every other brand ok with the odd jam but stick some remington in it and it will jam 3 out of 5.

I use a 10/22, Armi Jager, Beretta and Browning 22's. I have no wish to criticise your gun, but I have yet to see a 597 that will shoot as accuratly as a 10/22. I have owned a 597 and a 552, and Remington rf guns, I do not rate, Remington ammo, I do. But everybody has different tastes, somebody got Cherie Blair pregnant, would you?

Have you tried a different magazine? Mags usually cause more feed problems than guns. If your gun is new, rattle a box or two of HV through it to bed working surfaces in a bit.

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