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Road tax made easy


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its ******* depressing.... im thinking of selling my car because im sick of getting bummed by them... its going up every year on that scale...£310 !!!is rediculas... my brother car which is an old jillopy and spews out heaps more emmisions and uses twice as much juice is half the ve tax price of mine :lol: it just makes no sense?


if i do sell my car because of this, i know im gonna be disapointed with what ever car i get as the next has got alot to live up to and i doubt because of the tax/petrol costs ill get a good price for mine now anyhoo.....

it just does me head in. :rolleyes:

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mines an 05 reg landi freelander td4 worth alot of money dont want to sell but i dont care anymore it gets abused and mucky so i might just buy a pre 2001 4x4 smoker for a couple of grand and if it gets scratched or knocked who cares.

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As usual no help for commercial drivers :rolleyes:


No L200 on the list that I can see, but no doubt I'll be getting bent over yet again! If the ******* government could tell me a way to get a tonne of hardcore down a forest track in a smart car then I'd drive one! Surely there must be an allowance for people that need large engine 4x4s for their work (farmers etc)?

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Guest stiv24
As usual no help for commercial drivers :rolleyes:


No L200 on the list that I can see, but no doubt I'll be getting bent over yet again! If the ******* government could tell me a way to get a tonne of hardcore down a forest track in a smart car then I'd drive one! Surely there must be an allowance for people that need large engine 4x4s for their work (farmers etc)?



I think thats because commercials aren't effected

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£455 for me.


Will be getting rid before 2010- mind you that will be me and every other large engine car driver and so thats **** all on the second hand market.


I'll give you £100 for it now.........what is it?


I wonder if these hikes will be included in the inflation figures :lol:


- I guess it's time to look mine up


To be confirmed when I check the log book, but looks like £120 £120 &£120 for a W reg Suzuki Jimny - I was recently looking at selling and getting something bigger. Not anymore- I'm going on a diet.

For those figures I can put up with a good ribbing. My little Jim-Bob could have just appreciated in value :rolleyes:



Edited by Cranfield
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:lol: Can't find mine either i have a discovery commercial cheaper to run than a 3.5tonne van & pull a load lugger box type trailer or a 3.5 tonne flat bed trailer but cos i go further than 35miles from base i got pulled by VOSA and now got a tacho in it i can understand the chelsea tractors doin the school run but what about the people who need their 4x4s the farmer out in the sticks ect who rely on them where cars would be smashed to bits on the roads these governments forget about we are all tryin to survive just another nail in the sinkin coffin last 1 out tun the light off when will these people learn that you need voters so the bowler hats have some 1 to pay there wages

Rant over :rolleyes::oops:

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I know that what I am proposing is sneaky and unworthy of a good citizen :rolleyes: BUT what if everyone surrendered their tax discs for refund on 28th Feb and took out a new disc starting March 1st 09 in protest and therefore postponing the increase for a year? :oops:


Would it work? It would certainly get our message across and the system would go into overload :lol:


:lol: D2D

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I know that what I am proposing is sneaky and unworthy of a good citizen :rolleyes: BUT what if everyone surrendered their tax discs for refund on 28th Feb and took out a new disc starting March 1st 09 in protest and therefore postponing the increase for a year? :oops:


Would it work? It would certainly get our message across and the system would go into overload :lol:


:lol: D2D

Now that is a good idea tbh i never gave that a thought get a email sent to jeremy clarkson and see if he will publish it in the nationals

that would create a little storm methinks

he writes a few paper columns ....

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It wouldn't work as I think they have said they will put in legislation to prevent people from doing that. Bet they need a new kitchen and need us to pay for it.


How dare you cast aspersions on our elected representatives like that! Anyway, you're talking rubbish. We've already paid for their new kitchens, now they want gold-plated bidets :rolleyes: .



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It wouldn't work as I think they have said they will put in legislation to prevent people from doing that. Bet they need a new kitchen and need us to pay for it.


How dare you cast aspersions on our elected representatives like that! Anyway, you're talking rubbish. We've already paid for their new kitchens, now they want gold-plated bidets :rolleyes: .



If that was not true, it would be funny.

How many of them actually turn up at parliament to vote or debate? Whenever the house of commons is televised it is almost empty, and there are always a couple asleep.

A few years back, the MP for this area turned up twice in a year. Maybe their salaries should be based on the time that they attend their place of work, radical I know, but that's how it works for the rest of us.

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