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i heard yesterday a girl with 4 kidds telling her mate how she manages to save £575 a month she is on the dole and has never had a job her old man is in jail for robbing house's and he has never had a job and baby number 5 due this mth ? more benifits for them to save and more tax for me to pay ?

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Working tax credit is the one that makes me laugh, the harder you actually work the less you get!


I have thought for a long time now that I would be better off jacking it in and living off the state, and multiple calculations have proven me correct.


But then I would be stooping to the level of those that do!

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Working tax credit is the one that makes me laugh, the harder you actually work the less you get!


I have thought for a long time now that I would be better off jacking it in and living off the state, and multiple calculations have proven me correct.


But then I would be stooping to the level of those that do!


At least when your working you have a bit of self pride. Everything you own you bought yourself, not with somebody else's money.

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At least when your working you have a bit of self pride. Everything you own you bought yourself, not with somebody else's money.


Spot on, I have always looked on to see certain people I know cashing in on the benefit system. Mind you, even with all the benefits, I wouldn't want to live where they do. Neither would I want to live my life with the limited choices they have. Most importantly, is later on in life, when they have burned up their benefits, kids have left home and they are left on a state pension.


Nope i'd rather work hard and earn enough to get by than live my life like that. The roof over my head is mine and always will be, so too is my conscience.

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No. Just make them do voluntary work.


You want benefits and can't get a job as you have no skills? Fine. I know a road that needs litter picking up from along the sides. I also know some riverbanks that could do with clearing.


At least we get some value for our money.

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No. Just make them do voluntary work.


You want benefits and can't get a job as you have no skills? Fine. I know a road that needs litter picking up from along the sides. I also know some riverbanks that could do with clearing.


At least we get some value for our money.

Dear oh dear, what about their human rights? have you no compassion for your fellow man? They may have had an unhappy childhood, just think how it may affect them if they had to work for a day, this is communism at it's worst.

(Usual disclaimers re PW police apply.)

Brilliant idea wookie. :P

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No. Just make them do voluntary work.


You want benefits and can't get a job as you have no skills? Fine. I know a road that needs litter picking up from along the sides. I also know some riverbanks that could do with clearing.


At least we get some value for our money.


Would that road be the M6 by any chance? :P

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I don't work, I would love to. However having a cervical and lumbar spine that is disintigrating a little more each day does have it's limitations. I have one thing to say to those that would deny me my rights. I worked all my life until severe injury made my life a misery and paid my dues. I will gladly swap all my benefits, even my final salary pension scheme with anyone who would take my disbabilites from me. It'll never happen of course but I never stop wishing. As for the lady who says she can save that amount of money on the benefits she's paid is lying, (legal) benefits are not that generous ( I worked at the Benefits Agency after retirement from the Fire Service). Either that or she's freeloading as well, working at an unauthorised job or has turned her leisure pursuit of lying on her back into a paying hobby. If she is fiddling she WILL get caught eventually I can assure you. The trouble is that it does take time to reel them all in and the backlog gets bigger by the day. I wonder why?

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There is a big difference between poeple who cannot and people who will not work!


I hope the former don't get annoyed with this thread as it is not aimed that them.


I know people who say that, when on family tax credit, there is no point earning over £18 K PA as they have it taken back off them pound for pound. This seems to change when they can earn over around £23K PA. Is this correct?

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I know people who say that, when on family tax credit, there is no point earning over £18 K PA as they have it taken back off them pound for pound. This seems to change when they can earn over around £23K PA. Is this correct?


Not in my experience mate.


More you earn less you get.

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i changed jobs last year and contractually had to sit out for 3 months at home (albeit on full pay) - Dragged like a legless elephant!! Knew i had to go back to work when i was setting my day up around daytime TV shows (I now have a wealth of useless knowledge on car booties and antiques). It's also very difficult to occupy your whole day when all your mates are at work.


What i am trying to say, in a roundabout way, is that sitting at home doing ****** all is dull, boring cack! Given the choice, i'd rather flip burgers for minimum wage

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I don't work, I would love to. However having a cervical and lumbar spine that is disintigrating a little more each day does have it's limitations. I have one thing to say to those that would deny me my rights. I worked all my life until severe injury made my life a misery and paid my dues. I will gladly swap all my benefits, even my final salary pension scheme with anyone who would take my disbabilites from me. It'll never happen of course but I never stop wishing. As for the lady who says she can save that amount of money on the benefits she's paid is lying, (legal) benefits are not that generous ( I worked at the Benefits Agency after retirement from the Fire Service). Either that or she's freeloading as well, working at an unauthorised job or has turned her leisure pursuit of lying on her back into a paying hobby. If she is fiddling she WILL get caught eventually I can assure you. The trouble is that it does take time to reel them all in and the backlog gets bigger by the day. I wonder why?



Reading that makes my blood boil! An ex firefighter (a job that I wouldn't fancy dealing with) who openly says benefits don't pay that well!


If we sorted out the scum, there would be more money to give to the people who need it. I'd be quite happy to pay my taxes, even at a higher rate, if I knew that only genuine people like this chap were claiming it :P


It's the lazy b@5tard5 I don't like!

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I don't work, I would love to. However having a cervical and lumbar spine that is disintigrating a little more each day does have it's limitations. I have one thing to say to those that would deny me my rights. I worked all my life until severe injury made my life a misery and paid my dues. I will gladly swap all my benefits, even my final salary pension scheme with anyone who would take my disbabilites from me. It'll never happen of course but I never stop wishing. As for the lady who says she can save that amount of money on the benefits she's paid is lying, (legal) benefits are not that generous ( I worked at the Benefits Agency after retirement from the Fire Service). Either that or she's freeloading as well, working at an unauthorised job or has turned her leisure pursuit of lying on her back into a paying hobby. If she is fiddling she WILL get caught eventually I can assure you. The trouble is that it does take time to reel them all in and the backlog gets bigger by the day. I wonder why?


Well said that man. I for one am very glad that we have a safety net in this country. I am currently in deep financial ****, with a failing business and a massive mortgage, and a house that is going to prove difficult to sell (it's currently on the market).


If push comes to shove, I will claim benefits, which is my right. I've paid in to the system all my ******* life and the Government just hands it out to foreigners. If I can't keep my business afloat, I'll be getting some of it back, rest assured, and I will feel no guilt. Having said that, I won't just stay off work and skive, I'll become a white van man or something. I couldn't not work, but I'm not wholly convinced I can earn enough to keep off benefits, we'll see. :P


I'm through with working in management/sales/own business and all that **** that turns your hair grey. I'm opting out and driving a van or labouring. I want a bit of peace of mind for the first time in my 30-odd years of working :good:

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