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barry george


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there is worse.

hannraty hung for murder and proved to be innocent some years later.

derek bentley 17 years old happened to be in the company of christopher craig who shot a cop.

craig was 16 got a gaol sentence and is now free, bentley who was retarded person got hung.

I hope the jurors and judges read this .


Hanratty's DNA was found on Valerie Storie's clothing when the test was available, there is no doubt of his guilt.


Bentlet was 19 at the time of the crime.

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there is worse.

hannraty hung for murder and proved to be innocent some years later.

derek bentley 17 years old happened to be in the company of christopher craig who shot a cop.

craig was 16 got a gaol sentence and is now free, bentley who was retarded person got hung.

I hope the jurors and judges read this .


Peter peter .

Hanratty was never cleard of murder and was further implicated with D.N.A. evidence a couple of years ago . His family campagned for many years to try and clear him of the vicious murder of valerie storeys boy friend . Unbeknown to them there was further cast iron proof of his guilt that could not come to light untill he was actually waiting to be executed in bedford prison . Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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Its time the people of this country and government got tough on crime . Let the bleeding heart liberals go and live in a country like iraq or pakistan were i am sure they would be able to influence the governments there on human rights . Harnser .

:good::hmm::lol::lol: exactly right Harnser :lol::lol::lol:

there are far too damn many do gooders in this country preaching about human rights and all that rubbish,well here is a thought what would they preach if it was one of there family members that was murdered or god forbid it never hapens ,it is one of there children that gets attacked by a peodophile.Bet they wouldnt be too kenn to preach there rights then,it really ***** me off when they take a life IT SHOULD MEAN LIFE.WAKE UP AND SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE ....

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Its time the people of this country and government got tough on crime . Let the bleeding heart liberals go and live in a country like iraq or pakistan were i am sure they would be able to influence the governments there on human rights . Harnser .

:good::hmm::lol::lol: exactly right Harnser :lol::lol::lol:

there are far too damn many do gooders in this country preaching about human rights and all that rubbish,well here is a thought what would they preach if it was one of there family members that was murdered or god forbid it never hapens ,it is one of there children that gets attacked by a peodophile.Bet they wouldnt be too kenn to preach there rights then,it really ***** me off when they take a life IT SHOULD MEAN LIFE.WAKE UP AND SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE ....


Gordon Bennett its you that should wake up a little, this thread is not about human rights or punishment, its about the fact that once again a seemingly easy target quote "local nutter" is locked onto, charged tried and convicted, so where does that leave your theory of "proper" justice and safer streets as just in case you had neither the intellect or fore thought to think about it? a killer has been and still is walking the streets totally home and dry.


In your world a woman that lives in my town would now be 6ft under as she was convicted of killing a toddler she was minding? however it turned out the kid had medical probs and had suffered previous head injury ( one look at his pic showed he was not right) yet during his supposed killers trial no mention of this was made, the jury where led to believe that he was a normal little kid, and concluded that she MUST have killed him, now she is to be retried later this year, and you watch she will walk away, as a jury given all the evidence can in no way prove beyond reasonable doubt, so go on then what would you say if she was in your family or would the no smoke without fire, or it was in the Sun, still mean guilty in your tunneled world?

cheers KW

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Convicted criminals should receive no human rights, they didnt think about there victims rights why should we worry about there rights.


Are the Police still gonna be looking for the real jill Dando murderer?



Edited by dustyfox
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Convicted criminals should receive no human rights, they didnt think about there victims rights why should we worry about there rights.


Are the Police still gonna be looking for the real jill Dando murderer?




according to your reasoning the answer would be NO? as george would still be in, guilty as charged, so which is it

ie do you accept that a killer is and always has been on the lose, or even if found guilty on dodgy evidence george should have been left to rot?

cheers KW

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Convicted criminals should receive no human rights, they didnt think about there victims rights why should we worry about there rights.


Are the Police still gonna be looking for the real jill Dando murderer?




according to your reasoning the answer would be NO? as george would still be in, guilty as charged, so which is it

ie do you accept that a killer is and always has been on the lose, or even if found guilty on dodgy evidence george should have been left to rot?

cheers KW


What I meant was no TV no Pool Table basically no entertainment for them make it boring.


And if the Police book up there ideas and the media stops sticking the nose in at everything rushing the police and that, maybe Barry wouldnt of been put in prison and got the real murderer instead. All this technology and we dont how to use it yet.

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"Its time the people of this country and government got tough on crime . Let the bleeding heart liberals go and live in a country like iraq or pakistan were i am sure they would be able to influence the governments there on human rights . Harnser . "


This thread is about an apparent wrongfull conviction not the severity of punishment.


incidentally in countries like saudi or china with a high rate of execution and draconian punishments they still have a high crime rate...... coincidence perhaps. Personally i think life should meen life and with a three strikes then two years policy for minor offences like disorder and vandalism. would meen building more prisons but would cut crime.

Edited by paulf
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Well after reading and re-reading the evidence against Barry George, i'm still going with Guilty as charged. And don't forget he was convicted by a jury, not the police, who simply put their evidence in front of them. If that evidence was so flawed any half decent lawyer would have torn it to shreds.

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Putting a gun to someones head in the street is hardly rocket, anyone can do it, not just a professional hitman. Is it possible that a murderer has been released by some smart talking lawyer who managed to put doubt (or the fear of God) into the minds of the appeal committee?

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May be guilty as hell or inocent as the babe unborn, none of us have the first idea.


However, in my opinion the case absolutely stank and shouldn't have got to court in the first place. If it it had been a random punter, and not someone like Jill Dando, nobody would have been put in the dock, and this would have been just another unsolved murder.


Whether he killed her or not, it's important to remember that he is innocent. I don't criticise the police for their handling of the investigation, but the police response ("disappointed") to the recent verdict is disgraceful. The police are there to uphold the law, and not to criticise verdicts they don't like. Juries decide guilt or innocence, not the police.


Before people start to explode in rage, there have been and are plenty of societies where guilt is not established by due process of law and a jury of citizens, but instead by agencies of the state. They are not and have never been preferable to our own.



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May be guilty as hell or inocent as the babe unborn, none of us have the first idea.


However, in my opinion the case absolutely stank and shouldn't have got to court in the first place. If it it had been a random punter, and not someone like Jill Dando, nobody would have been put in the dock, and this would have been just another unsolved murder.


Whether he killed her or not, it's important to remember that he is innocent. I don't criticise the police for their handling of the investigation, but the police response ("disappointed") to the recent verdict is disgraceful. The police are there to uphold the law, and not to criticise verdicts they don't like. Juries decide guilt or innocence, not the police.


Before people start to explode in rage, there have been and are plenty of societies where guilt is not established by due process of law and a jury of citizens, but instead by agencies of the state. They are not and have never been preferable to our own.



:good: Exactly, not much that anybody sensible can add to that. Well said, Maiden22.

Those on here who are saying that he is innocent or that he is guilty have no idea whatsoever what evidence was presented, how can they profess to know more than a jury? A jury remember, is made up from people such as us.

And before someone says that the prosecution layer was a clever man who fooled the jury, remember also, that the defence lawyer is an equally clever man.

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Putting a gun to someones head in the street is hardly rocket, anyone can do it, not just a professional hitman. Is it possible that a murderer has been released by some smart talking lawyer who managed to put doubt (or the fear of God) into the minds of the appeal committee?






could you? can you tell me that you could have walked up to dando, and put a 9mm in her face? i, for one, know i couldnt.

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I agree that anyone could physically do it providing they are in the right frame of mind. If your a bit crazy and obsessed with someone then yes, probably.


I arrested a bloke once who killed his dad. He beat him to death. He had never been in trouble with the police before and there was no history of violence. He just flipped.


I have seen a woman who lost her temper with her husband and stabbed him. He died infront of their kids. You would never have said she was capable of that.


And there was an old boy in his 60's or 70's who decided he had had enough of his wife nagging after about 30 years of marrage. He killed her with a frying pan to the head 10 times and then strangled her.


As for Barry George, a bloke who admits he is a stalker with an unhealthy obsession for guns with a history of violence and attacking women?

I wouldent put it past him!



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How about if it was Oddie???


If that was the case, I doubt that it would have been a single shot :good: .


From The Telegraph, several years ago:


Popular television presenter and utter half-wit Bill Odious [is this right? ed.] was found murdered on the steps of his London Home this morning. He was shot 274 times in what police believe to be a profesional contract killing.


Inspector Knacker of the Yard commented "It is unusual for the target of an assassin to be shot so many times, but it is possible that the hitman had an interest in field sports, and was mixing business with pleasure. We'll look for him over the next year or so, but if we can't find anyone we'll probably just grab one of those wierdos off that Pigeon Watch forum. They've got an unhealthy interest in women and guns you know. There's one in particular, Bob something or other, he'll do, and he lives in Essex so it's not far to go. Or one of those off Mersea, although you can only arrest them during the day of course. Pitch black at night over there it is."


Asked to comment on allegations that Mr Oddie may have been shot a number of times by members of the Armed Response Team that initially attended the scene, Inspector Knacker said "No harm in making sure". This was later clarified by the Yard's official spokesperson as "No comment pending a full investigation."





No you got that one wrong maiden , a spokesman from a well known shooting society said it was the most determined case of suicide that he had come across . Harnser .

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There was a suicide near me where a bloke cut his toes off with bolt cutters, tried to saw his arm off with a mitre saw, stabbed himself and cut his tackle off. He then disembowled himself and walked across the room where he died.

Now that was a determined suicide.


I could never have done that because I cry if I stub a toe, let alone cuth them off.

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There was a suicide near me where a bloke cut his toes off with bolt cutters, tried to saw his arm off with a mitre saw, stabbed himself and cut his tackle off. He then disembowled himself and walked across the room where he died.

Now that was a determined suicide.


I could never have done that because I cry if I stub a toe, let alone cuth them off.


You must meet a lot of "interesting" people in your line of work :good: !


I'm the same with the toe thing, although sometimes I can't resist kicking the thing that I've stubbed my toe on. Doesn't normally make me feel better :hmm: .



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There was a suicide near me where a bloke cut his toes off with bolt cutters, tried to saw his arm off with a mitre saw, stabbed himself and cut his tackle off. He then disembowled himself and walked across the room where he died.

Now that was a determined suicide.


I could never have done that because I cry if I stub a toe, let alone cuth them off.


bit like young Sean Benton at deepcut shot himself 5 times to the head? 4 from distance one from close range,

verdict SUICIDE yeah right! good our policing and judicial system, should be the envy of the world!

cheers KW

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opinions are opinions.....some on this forum seem to take great offence and angst at others if they dare to air a chain of thought that doesn't fall in line with theirs......


Remember opinions are like A........, everbody's got one. :good:


As for anyone being able to walk up and put a bullet in anothers head.......No way man.....that seems to come from the film generation of today who think popping someone is as easy as shown on the latest blockbuster(must hasten to add I do not know what it is like to shoot someone in the head)

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