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Can`t go to Bisley

henry d

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I couldn`t get to Bisley so I decided to try a morning stalk for Fallow bucks, however due to torrential rain I had to try a stalk after work. I parked up near the burn and set off downstream 1/4 mile down there is a small gap through the hedges to a small boggy field with an old mill race one side and a steep wooded bank the other.

There wasn`t any sign of deer so I decided to let them make their move. After an hour I saw movement on the banking, it looked like a buck chasing a doe :good:

10-15 minutes later, after watching fleeting glimpses of deer up and down, back and forth on the banking, suddenly all hell broke loose, roe running over the burn and into the field, one buck and three does :hmm:

Then all is cool and they all feed :good: the buck is following a doe about his age, yearling-ish, and when he presents a nice side on profile.........


I had heard a bucks gralloch was found near this area earlier in the year and we hadn`t seen the local dominant buck for a while, so it may have been that this lad was trying it on his siblings !


Stalkers breakfast......Liver and kidneys on toast with sage and devilled tommy sauce Mmmmm!


**PROBS UPLOADING** pics soon

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good man :good: i have had 5 this last week and ime getting sick of shooting them i have one in the larder now still warm and a belting buck waiting for me up carrsmeg some where (silver medal easy) and it has cz 527 ritten all over it.

ohh henry i got the under keepers job platinum sausage never came back up so feddal has a new under keeper


once agen nice buck

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