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UK Handgun Petition

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My name is Graham Showell, I'm 32 and from Birmingham, England.


Due to the high violent crime rate in this country, I feel something needs to be done to reduce crime and protect the many vulnerable people of our nation.


It seems obvious now that the police can't protect us, so I feel that the UK public should now be allowed to protect themselves and their loved ones, along with being allowed access to the most effective tools for self defence.


I'm asking the government to allow law-abiding citizens the means to defend ourselves by repealing the UK handgun ban and allowing us to once again carry concealed handguns, something that the British public were able to do until 1920.


I've had support from all over the world, so no matter where you live, Please take the time to sign my petition, and pass it around if you can.


Petition link is - http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/gshandguns/index.html


Thanks folks !!!!!

Edited by gshowell1976
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Proposition to carry concealed firearms?!


Hell! Even the Yanks won't allow that in most states! :good: It's bad enough having your phone nicked by pickpockets, I don't fancy tooling them up.


How about a length of wood with a nail thru it? Surely more of a deterrent? :good:

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Proposition to carry concealed firearms?!


Hell! Even the Yanks won't allow that in most states! :good: It's bad enough having your phone nicked by pickpockets, I don't fancy tooling them up.


How about a length of wood with a nail thru it? Surely more of a deterrent? :good:




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Proposition to carry concealed firearms?!


Hell! Even the Yanks won't allow that in most states! :good: It's bad enough having your phone nicked by pickpockets, I don't fancy tooling them up.


How about a length of wood with a nail thru it? Surely more of a deterrent? :hmm:






Fair enough. I expect that's why they have such an admirably low gun crime rate. :good: Never underestimate the stupidity of Americans.


Remember what the National Rifle Association says. "Guns don't kill people, Americans do!"

Edited by tinbum71
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Proposition to carry concealed firearms?!


Hell! Even the Yanks won't allow that in most states! :good: It's bad enough having your phone nicked by pickpockets, I don't fancy tooling them up.


How about a length of wood with a nail thru it? Surely more of a deterrent? :hmm:



actually you can concealed carry in all of the 50 states with a permit. The difficulty of getting a permit varies in each state from NJ (forget it) to PA, FL, or a bunch of other gun friendlies that are 'shall issue'. For the most part, with your resident permit from your home state plus 2-3 other non resident permits you can carry in 3/4 of the states.




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Proposition to carry concealed firearms?!


Hell! Even the Yanks won't allow that in most states! :hmm: It's bad enough having your phone nicked by pickpockets, I don't fancy tooling them up.


How about a length of wood with a nail thru it? Surely more of a deterrent? :lol:






Fair enough. I expect that's why they have such an admirably low gun crime rate. :lol: Never underestimate the stupidity of Americans.


Remember what the National Rifle Association says. "Guns don't kill people, Americans do!"


Excuse me? :good:


You do realize that permit holders are the most law abiding group in the country right? Even more so than cops.

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**** that, sorry but while i have no issue with pistols etc for sporting purposes i don't think concealed sidearms are the way to go. "Just on the way to Fiveways darlin', right got my wallet, handgun, now where did i leave my car keys?".

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I think that you need to be careful on this one boys . I will support a petition to reistate sporting pistol shooting ,but to try to get the government to allow concealed carry ,thats going a bit to far in my mind .Lets get the target shooting back and then see how it goes . As i remember when the hand guns were banned there was a group who were going around with some quite radical ideas about hand gun ownership and ways to have the law repealed . Sensible shooters stayed away from them . Harnser .

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Yeah, right. We have to prove that a pigeon is damaging crops and we have tried all other non-fatal methods to remove them, before we can shoot them, but whoever started this petition believes that everyone will be able to buy a handgun and shoot suspected muggers?


It will never happen in this country, and rightly so, guns have not been permitted for personal protection since around the end of WW2, hand guns are banned for the majority of people in the UK, and a few signatures will change this?


Is the poster of this not even aware of the lengths that have been gone to, just to try and get handguns back for target shooting?


It would be illegal in the UK to even carry a knife for personal protection, and somebody believe that we should be allowed to carry guns? This petition is dead in the water, for many reasons.

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I didn't explain why i am against the idea. For a start, i'm 5'11" and 12 stone if i haven't had a poo. Now if i'm not big enough to handle myself without a gun then i'm not big enough to stop someone taking it off me. If i was big enough then i wouldn't need the gun in the first place. The same reason i don't have a bat handy. In the case of home protection? Get a big ******* dog.

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These petitions are as hilarious as they are meaningless


How about the petitions for:


1. free beer on Fridays

2. petrol down to 2p a gallon

3. free Aston Martins for anyone from Essex

4. mandatory star jumps for 18-35 years olds with a cup size of D or greater


All very compelling in their own ways, all completely unrealistic.


I weep for the 1p electricity used accessing the petition website to read it.

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These petitions are as hilarious as they are meaningless


How about the petitions for:


1. free beer on Fridays

2. petrol down to 2p a gallon

3. free Aston Martins for anyone from Essex

4. mandatory star jumps for 18-35 years olds with a cup size of D or greater


All very compelling in their own ways, all completely unrealistic.


I weep for the 1p electricity used accessing the petition website to read it.

Can you post a link to 4? I can't find the petition. 1,2, and 3 are just silly. :good:

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I didn't explain why i am against the idea. For a start, i'm 5'11" and 12 stone if i haven't had a poo. Now if i'm not big enough to handle myself without a gun then i'm not big enough to stop someone taking it off me. If i was big enough then i wouldn't need the gun in the first place. The same reason i don't have a bat handy. In the case of home protection? Get a big ******* dog.


That's the whole point of concealed carry. People don't know you have it. Plus there are holsters out there that make it impossible for someone other than you to gain access to your gun.


I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I'm just saying that CCW hasn't caused any problems in this country. I don't think it's affected the crime rate either way, but it's gone pretty well when you look at how law abiding permit holders are compared to the rest of the population.

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I didn't explain why i am against the idea. For a start, i'm 5'11" and 12 stone if i haven't had a poo. Now if i'm not big enough to handle myself without a gun then i'm not big enough to stop someone taking it off me. If i was big enough then i wouldn't need the gun in the first place. The same reason i don't have a bat handy. In the case of home protection? Get a big ******* dog.


That's the whole point of concealed carry. People don't know you have it. Plus there are holsters out there that make it impossible for someone other than you to gain access to your gun.


I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I'm just saying that CCW hasn't caused any problems in this country. I don't think it's affected the crime rate either way, but it's gone pretty well when you look at how law abiding permit holders are compared to the rest of the population.


But my point is when someone is close enough to cause me to draw that gun they are close enough to take it off me. And the fact that it's concealed as you say means they don't know i have it so it's not a deterrent in that respect either.


I'm sure it hasn't added to the crime rate, on that we agree, in the same way a legally held Shotgun/Firearm won't cause a problem in the UK, but with self defence in mind i think that for the very people that think they are safer using a weapon in this manner it could actually work against them.

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I'm glad to see that this lunatic suggestion has been met with subdued derision. The majority of people are sane and cautious, but a substantial minority lack control under provocation and over react. This can be bad enough when we're talking fists and boots, add a .44 to the mix and we have tragedy. The availability of pistols in the USA has led in a pretty fine country to a vast number of needless deaths. The idea everyone talks about seems noble - protecting yourself from insane home intruders, out to rape your wife and daughter or slaughter the family. In practice, there are guns everywhere and often in the hands of half crazed and ill-disciplined individuals. Result? at least five times the average European homicide rate. An American on average is five times as likely to be killed by another individual as the average Englishman.


The person who started this thread is a very misguided person.... I'm trying to be polite here.


If you have a good reason to own a sporting firearm here in the Uk it is easy to get one. The issuing of guns to allow you to shoot yourself out of trouble will never happen here. Just look how great it is where everyone can have a Klashnikov.



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