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Car Tax


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Sorry to bring this up again guys, I saw a topic in here not so long ago about next years car tax and how to find out how much yours will be. I've done a search and cant seem to find it :good: anybody know what i'm on about? Our lass needs to tax her car in a couple of days and I'm wondering if it's worth doing it for 12 months now before it shoots up.

It's a 07 plate 1.8 petrol Focus sport if that makes a differance.

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I bought a new Land Rover 2 back in March. The tax now is £210, next year is £260 and in 2010, £400+

It has low emissions and is economical to drive. My neighbour has a '98 Discovery which spews out clouds of fumes like Batman's car. But he does not have to pay the increase. P****'s me off big time.

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It's just more left wing fanaticism from New Labour.



Just make sure they don't ever get elected again by becoming politically active.


I am sure there are New Labour people at this very moment wondering how they can ingratiate themselves into another term by plotting to outlaw all gun possession.


Having said that, my car gets 68 mpg on the motorway even at naughty speeds.

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If you voted anyone else in, you pay.



Well said that man - they are all the same, all they want to do is fleece you out of your hard earned money.


you pay tax on your wages ( **** knows what for), then on every single thing you buy and then they have the cheek to tax any money that may think of saving.

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... but only Labour want your guns.



Can't imagine Conservatives banning guns. Too many of them and their constituents have them and want to keep on having them. Dave Cameron may be a t**ser, but he knows who votes for him.



Now Axe will be after me again for swearing. The word was toaster, but I forgot the 't', honestly.

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i dont vote - cos it utter bloody pointless.


Ah, but that's why we are now ruled by left wing fascists and thieves.


If we vote, we can get in better people. It may be true that some are not much better than others, but a bit better is an improvement as far as I am concerned.

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i dont vote - cos it utter bloody pointless.


And therein lies the problem. People in other parts of the world risk a beating or worse in order to be able to vote. Yet large swathes of the UK don't bother even trying to change anything. Not having a go at 19_Ferrets, but this attitude of shooters and other country sports enthusiasts not bothering to vote will only lead to further restrictions and/or bans on country sports. You can bet your bottom dollar the antis will all vote for whoever gives them the best chance of achieving what they want. Its about time all those field sports enthusiasts started doing the same.

Edited by Disco Stu
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Swinging slightly off topic would you prefer a country where you have the choice whether to vote and people waste their opportunity and we have pathetic turn outs and morons get elected or one like Australia where the law says you have to vote and at least the party who get's in really has the most votes rather than most of those who could be bothered to vote.

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We need to vote to let them people in parliament know that they have not got a permanent seat, so they dont get carried away with things.


But something tells me that Labour dont want to get voted in next round, I wonder why that is!!! they will blame the next party that gets in for the downfall of the economy. So it sounds like they were angels.

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Swinging slightly off topic would you prefer a country where you have the choice whether to vote and people waste their opportunity and we have pathetic turn outs and morons get elected or one like Australia where the law says you have to vote and at least the party who get's in really has the most votes rather than most of those who could be bothered to vote.


I would prefer the option of a box marked "I have no confidence in any of the candidates nominated, I wish to register my right to vote for a complete overhaul of the political system" A bit further off topic I know :thanks:


We need to vote to let them people in parliament know that they have not got a permanent seat, so they dont get carried away with things.


But something tells me that Labour dont want to get voted in next round, I wonder why that is!!! they will blame the next party that gets in for the downfall of the economy. So it sounds like they were angels.


Surely anyone with a brain can see the mess we are currently in, and will be in even deeper for the next 3-4 years is a mess entirely of ZanuLabours creation. I do not particularly like the Tories but if/when they win the next election a massive rubbish clearing up excersise is needed. I think this type of thinking is behind Crash Gordons scorched earth policy whereby he will attempt to mess up the country as much as possible before being booted out. To leave the similarly hopeless Cameron to try and sort it all out.

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i dont vote - cos it utter bloody pointless.


And therein lies the problem. People in other parts of the world risk a beating or worse in order to be able to vote. Yet large swathes of the UK don't bother even trying to change anything. Not having a go at 19_Ferrets, but this attitude of shooters and other country sports enthusiasts not bothering to vote will only lead to further restrictions and/or bans on country sports. You can bet your bottom dollar the antis will all vote for whoever gives them the best chance of achieving what they want. Its about time all those field sports enthusiasts started doing the same.



yep apathy let this lot in, may not count for much 1 vote but its surprising how many people died to give you that vote


As a minority sport, shooters themselves will never make a difference through the ballot box to the continuing freedom to own guns and shoot. Do the maths and you'll see that (you don't even need to do the maths - it's obvious after thinking about it for a second) but in any case, people SHOULD VOTE just because democracy is better than the alternative. On the shooting thing, we need to actively campaign so that other people see that freedom to continue country sports is important. To be honest, we will never be able to convert the vast majority to see it in a friendly way, but we could convert a lot of Conservative activists and prospective parliamentary candidates to see it as a libertarian issue. Labour is by and large a totally lost cause as far as any kind of freedom is concerned, and in any case, their candidates are all wedded to lefty non-sense and gun control, being so lazy that they equate owning firearms with inner city gang shootings.... I mean, we all know these drive bys by the home boys in London are done with CZ425's like mine with 24 inch barrels aren't they? It's a different world as anybody who wasn't a lefty fool would know.

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Surely anyone with a brain can see the mess we are currently in, and will be in even deeper for the next 3-4 years is a mess entirely of ZanuLabours creation. I do not particularly like the Tories but if/when they win the next election a massive rubbish clearing up excersise is needed. I think this type of thinking is behind Crash Gordons scorched earth policy whereby he will attempt to mess up the country as much as possible before being booted out. To leave the similarly hopeless Cameron to try and sort it all out.


Pretty well completely right, except that the Tories are our only hope as shooters. The Lib Dems are further left than the Labour Party of the eighties and anyway they are all running after rent-boys, asteroids and the Cheeky Girls, or are looking for a zimmer frame.

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Surely anyone with a brain can see the mess we are currently in, and will be in even deeper for the next 3-4 years is a mess entirely of ZanuLabours creation. I do not particularly like the Tories but if/when they win the next election a massive rubbish clearing up excersise is needed. I think this type of thinking is behind Crash Gordons scorched earth policy whereby he will attempt to mess up the country as much as possible before being booted out. To leave the similarly hopeless Cameron to try and sort it all out.


Pretty well completely right, except that the Tories are our only hope as shooters. The Lib Dems are further left than the Labour Party of the eighties and anyway they are all running after rent-boys, asteroids and the Cheeky Girls, or are looking for a zimmer frame.


Someone told me David Cameron shoots so I would feel country sports are safer under the Tories than Labour. Everything else will be practically as bad. :good: The liberals are a strange bunch. I actually liked Vince Cable for a while as he seemed to be the only politician willing to attack the government on the state of the economy and mad bubble in the housing market. But he has gone all liberal lefty again recently :good:

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They should put car tax up.


But not on the cars they want to.


But on driving instructors most of them are on the road 12 hours a day 6 days a week and they pay the same as me and you :yp:


They may not drink loads of fuel but driving all day they use more fuel than i would driving for 1 hour to work and back and more wear and tear on the roads???


Even more so for lorry driving instructors!!!

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