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Pattern Imprinted Concrete Driveways


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Okay, the drive at the front of the house needs doing before these daft new regulations come in that require permeable blocks at 3 times the cost.


I am not mad keen on block paved driveways - everyone I know who has had these suffers with cracks, movement, stuff growing between the blocks and the blocks becoming stained.


I was looking at this stuff




In this pattern:




The only thing putting me off is that you don't appear to get it without it looking icey / shiney. I also suspect it's probably a broken neck waiting to happen in Winter.


Anyone got any experience or ideas or recommendations.


Ta very

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I used to work for a firm that did these - don't do Mung :yp:


Like you say - ice and snow and you'll be on your ***** in the first few steps out of the house

The concrete is only fibre re-inforced and the pattern will wear out after a coulpe of years, the colour is only in the top 2-3 mm of the concrete 7 fades quite quickly and they also need re-sealing virtually every year or so after its been put down , costing you yet more of your hard earned cash.

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I would recomend a nice Sandstone/ indian stone for the drive mate - looks the dogs and will last a lifetime.


I also know of a good supplier - just had my rear done



It's great mung get it done tomorrow B) :):lol::D


Don,t listen to them...pair of ****** touting for buisness :yp:


:o Never had my rear done :o

As for ****** got a gallon of pecky and a lighter if that helps

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Just be careful whatever you choose as no matter how unfair it may seem I know the planners are talking about imposing retrospective penalties for those who have impermeably paved their drive over the last couple of years! :yp:

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Someone near me had it done several years ago,but unfortunately they live at the bottom of a cul-de-sac and lorries/dustcarts regulary back onto their double width drive to turn round.I know they're reinforced with steel,but their drive has a massive 20mm crack going left to right where the sheer weight of trucks has snapped it.I know it can be repaired,but you gotta atleast try to match the colour/pattern and then prevent trucks from breaking it again.


I wouldnt have it.

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A number of my neighbours have had it done. They have had massive problems with standing water, turning to ice in winter and cracks. Next door's concrete was waifer thin at the edges. I saw it being put down - two inches. The contractors all cut expansion joints into the pattern, after it has been done. They did not go all the way through, nor fill the joints. First winter - the cracks filled with water - weather turns cold - water freezes - water expands - massive cracks.


I have also seen horrendous problems with the re-sealing fluid.


My lads did my drive, when I was laid up and couldn't do it myself. Several tons of crush and run, followed by ten inches of concrete, with a carpet of block paving, set in sand / cement on top. It is slightly OTT,but if a bomb drops and the house is flattened, the drive will remain intact.

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I've actually had this company do my drive, fella who came round for the site visit was called Steve. I've moved from the house now but the two years that I lived there, I had no problems such as cracking as described by some here.


What I can say though is the finish was not as good as I expected. When they finished, there was lots of chips on the edges of the coble stone patterns, and it carried on breaking away until they came round and resealed it again. Over the two years it wasn't terrible, it pretty much stayed as it was except for some minor chipping away. They laid an area which was sunken, and every time it rained a puddle would form, when the rest of the drive would dry up that area would remain wet for a while. There were area's where they did not do the imprint deep enough; This was because the conrete started to set and their mould would not sink in. There answere was to hand scribe lines into the setting concrete which did not give the same effect.


Would I do it again, probably yes, would I use the same company again, DEFINITELY NOT!!

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Just be careful whatever you choose as no matter how unfair it may seem I know the planners are talking about imposing retrospective penalties for those who have impermeably paved their drive over the last couple of years! B)



so just how would that work sounds like another half cocked labour policy. Correct me if I'm wrong but why couldn't you just drain the area to a soakaway and job done no runoff.


Mung as said don't do it get it properly paved or straight tarmac. I've an area I'm hoping to cobble though not large and it will be DIY but the cost isn't that bad especially for a man of your means :yp:

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its poo.

ive made a few poor **** have it ripped out so i can get at varios services over the years, and any repairs are easily seen.....

blocks laid PROPERLY work well as does tarmac, again when laid properly.....

you get what you pay for, dont let anyone who doesnt have a local accent anywhere near it, avoid firms with only mobile phone numbers and ask for addresses of previous examples to drive round and look at...

good luck with it...

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That never worked so here is the topic


There is a company called 'Lasting Impressions' based in sleaford.

they do concrete drive ways.....they put down a concrete slab that is made of a special type of concrete then throw a special dye on it and place stamps on top to imprint it. it then looks like stone paving. OR AT LEAST THAT IS WOT IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

the idea is brill....it looks like paving but no weeds grow through and it doesnt move and get dips in it like paving.


this company charged my mum over £8000 to do her drive.....they dug up her drive over a foot deep and then left it for nearly a month and never came back....after countless emails and phone calls they then arrived to dig up some more and ripped mums tree out with the digger and broke the neighbours fence.

they then cleared off for another few weeks without a word. all this time mum was having to park her cars in another street and was struggling to get from the pavement to her front door across all the rubble.

finally the concrete was delivered and they put the dye on.....so far so good.

then they let their saturday boy have a go at the stamping....you only have one chance to do the stamps or the whole thing has to be started again.

the sat boy put them down wrong and over lapped them....to put this right he smudged all the lines out with his fingers!!

they also put the concrete butt up to the house and mucked up the damp proof course.

they cut grooves out with a stihl saw to stop the concrete bed from cracking but they did them in the wrong place.

they also slipped with the stihl saw and made a groove in the door step!

it gets better.............

the next job is to seal the concrete and there is a choice of matt or gloss. this has to be done when the concrete is completely dry.

several weeks later and many dry days they didnt turn up even after yet more calls etc.

when they did turn up and seal the drive it was wet and they put the wrong seal on.

they charged mum £200 extra to concrete her new fence posts in but they put then in the wrong place so my dad.....who is old...... had to dig them out and do them again!

anyway.....the seal has failed, the drive has cracked in several places and the whole thing looks wet all the time cos they used a gloss seal when my mum asked for matt as she hated the gloss.

the tree that was replanted died!


these people will not repair the mistake and it turns out the wrong concrete was used so it will all get worse.

they tell mum they will come and look at it and never turn up.


i just dont want anyone else to be ripped off by these cowboys.


my mum cashed her saving in for this drive and has been in tears over it.


please be aware......






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Dont use any Patterened conctere suppliers - they all sub contract out for the same firm ( which is in manchester).


Thier polices are all the same - They bodge the job and dont bother to repair.


I have the inside info on these companies ( i used to work for one). - the parent company is called - town and country paving.

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DONT DO IT!!!!!!


basically, everything thats been metioned in these posts. about 1 inch around the edges and its all cracked. sunken areas will pool water and freeze :lol: colour goes after about 6 months, just leaving grey cracked concrete.

could have done a better job myself :lol:

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