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ferret fancying freaks


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Right you maladjusted n'er'do'wells

If the fish were going to keep one of the befurred lttle wriggly excuses for rats he would need to know a few things. If any of you vaccuos halfwits has got the time to spare, If you are not too busy dribbling down your vests and forgetting how to breathe, perhaps you could give me some info ( if it doesnt tax your brain cells too much).

1. Can you keep them on their own and can same sex ferrets live together if not.

2. Can they live in a hutch outside or do the need to live in a garage.

3. What is the best time to buy them.

If this post seems a bit much I dont apologise. Answer the question STUPID

Come on dopey, i know torches are good and etch-a-sketch is good but put it down and come on.


I apologise for the brutality of this post to other sane members but ferret owners are notoriousally thick :lol: . Prove me wrong weasel boy


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It turns out that I have got the wrong end of the stick. ferretv owners are knowledgable, well bred upstanding members of society. geniuses by all accounts.

What sort of hutch would I need?



They wont have read this far so I can say without fear I made all of the above up. apart from what sort of hutch do i need. the question is will one of them break free from their steely bonds of dimness and prove me wrong. watch this space.


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Wh possessed the fish to post the above I will never know. Does he not know you will catch more flies with sugar than salt. Chances are the Fish is an inbred retard. By all accounts though he does need a ferret and he also needs your help. He has tourettes syndrome and limps when he walks due to a tree climbing accident take pity on the fool, and answer him. As his minder and confidante and occasional lover i implore you, help him out, otherwise he will beat me and invade me in a manner that is aganst everything for which our Lord stood for. Help him please


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Keeping ferrets is great fun and few things are better than ferreting on a cold ,frosty morning.


Everyone has differing ideas, but these are mine.


I always keep same sex ferrets together, but usually only have one male at a time.

I prefer to work jills, as they are smaller and busier.


Ferrets like to have company and I would never keep one on their own.


Large rabbit hutch type dwellings are excellent and if waterproofed and not put in too exposed a position, can be outdoors.


Young ones are born in the Spring, early Summer, but young adults are available year round.

Its best to buy them as young as possible, so that you can handle them and get them use to you.

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Thanks everyone you bunch of maladjusted incontinents.

Ta very much. if I were sold now I would be off too the local dealer, and having my friendly engineer knock up a cage 4ftx3ftx3ft with a living section and plenty of room for pipes and tubes and ropes. Thanks for nothing reprobates.


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When I lived up north (here in the states) I kept a couple of ferrets as pets. They were allot of fun but a handful. Any space that they can fit their head through they can and will sneak through. Bundles of fun and I never hunted with them. We had to have a permit to own one as the "authorities that be" were afraid that if they got loose they would establish a wild colony.


I had a large wire cage for em..I guess you'd call it a rabbit cage/hutch. Several times they'd be sleeping half in/half out of their food dish like they fell asleep whilst eating. I had an very small albino that was a sweetheart (called her snowball) and one with white feet and face called Scooter. I felt that they were a little high maintenance for a pet.


I know that you fellas use ferrets as hunting tools so it sounds kinda weird having em just as pets.

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Monsieur Jacqueslepoisson,


If any of you vaccuos halfwits
Quel 'orreur! Vaccuos"? 'Eez like a botule like what the Rosbifs use for the 'ot the (avec accent) oui?


1. Can you keep them on their own and can same sex ferrets live together if not.

Mais certainment! Zis is 'ow the bebes (avec accents) comes from.


2. Can they live in a hutch outside or do the need to live in a garage.
Ah! 'Utch, I remember my papa talking of 'im; 'e was un tickleur des ivoires extraordinaire! Quel chanteur! Garage? Garage? They are needing food and water mon ami, not houile and a new set of disques! Zere little maison is called a court (prononced like "Maman 'as zem court in ze mangle again".


3. What is the best time to buy them.
When zey are moins cher! (going cheep)


If this post seems a bit much I dont apologise.
We are as wan over zis!



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JimDfish, pourquoi Eugene est-il cher ? Avez-vous voulu dire salut? Le monde des poissons est très particulier en effet. Je plains les pauvres furets qui devront accepter les nombreuses personnalités des poissons.

:thumbs: Red if you think that posting in French will enable you to get away with your spelling mistakes.............................you are probably correct. :blink:

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What the ****


Just managed the ENGLISH language no more got sore head :blink:


Might be the last post for a while just quit this job and moving to Oxfordshire

to work for another larger company.


Keep it safe.



Good luck Brian,


I expect you to put all Landies my way for a backhander!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





LB :thumbs:

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napier. what sort of tips you after?isee you have a lurcher does it mark holes?it would be a great help if he/she did.get yourself a longnet as well i never go ferreting with out mine i purse net the bulk of the holes then wrap the long net around the warren.it saves a lot of frustration when you have missed a bolt hole. instead of watching the rabbit run off in the distance hes rapped up in your longnet nothing better than watching a rabbit bolting towards the net he thinks hes got away but little does he know. if he does get out the longnet theirs a good chance he will get back netted when he runs back home :oops:

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All interersting stuff and I note Cranfields comments about the choice of jills over hobs as they are reputedly better workers. Not sure, with all due respect, it's always the case as I've some experience of using both, on occasion we've found that the rabbits will just not budge and it can take the sheer power of a bigger hob to shift them.


Make no mistsake a rabbit in it's burrow will give the ferret a good kicking and it sometimes needs that bit of extra encouragement to get going. There are also those who suggest the hobs will work deeper, I've experienced days when a jill will work the whole bury, appearing at all the holes to no avail. Over the years one gets a bit of a feel for whether the bunnies are home and if this happens we often give the bury a second going over with a hob or even a different Jill. It doesn't take long and if you've spent the time netting up you might as well give it a go.


On the topic of keeping the little beasties I've made myself a 12 foot long hutch/kit shed. The open end is a 3 tier run, the levels connected by drain pipes, giving an effective run area of 54 sq ft. Where the run part meets the shed there are two holes through the wall at the top level leading into 2 nest boxes inside the shed. This gives extra protection against the elements and allows me to stay in the dry while cleaning them out.


Inside the shed I store: Hay, wood chippings, long nets, purse nets, spade, boots, slasher, bag with collars and Deben locator and any coats that need drying prior to going indoors.


Cost to build was minimal as one of the farms we shoot/ferret also has a contract to get rid of huge plywood packing crates used for motor cars, the front of the shed is tidied up by the application of shiplap and the whole lot treated against rot.


I currently have 2 small Polecat Jills (both from Mercia ferret rescue, thank you Rose !!!) and three white Jills which I bought locally last year. The polecats are spayed but I've left the newbies intact and will be using a vasectomised hob to see to them when they come into season. If keeping jills it is important to get them either spayed or taken out of season to prevent them ailing. I am using the vasectomised hob as it gives me a working hob but leaves me with intact jills should I wish to breed from them later.


Be careful when selecting your working ferrets, don't have any that have been inbred. It's amazing what some people do breeding wise. I like a small jill or two as I'm sure they can get over the backs of the bunnies on occasions and turen them from stop ends. You won't always get away without digging but I hate it personally (lazy *** by nature) and the guy who used to come with us who was digging mad has retired.


Still I better stop or there will be snoring at the keyboard for some poor reader.


Apologies to the instigator of this thread for my ignorance and general stupidity, I hope you enjoy your ferreting ;-)

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