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last nights foxing


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Took a mate out for a shine with the lamp last night. We set of about half 9 and within about 2 minutes of getting to my ground we had shot the first fox, after the first shot the shooting became steady as we ended up with a total of 12 but one fox wasn't picked up so that shoudl have made a total of 13 ??? saw a total of about 16 and i'll be out to clear the rest up as soon as poss. My mate only turned up with 14 rounds of ammo and had 2 shots at the fox that wasn't picked up...it was hit hard but made it somewhere we couldn't retrieve it from :good:

At about 1 o clock in the morning as we were about to wrap the night up and with 11 foxes in the back of the landy, we were Lamped ourselves by the local chopper coppers...They hovvered up above for about half an hour till the armed response chappies turned up. The cops were decent when they finally turned up and they had a bit of a chat and a look at the nights bag checked all the necessary then left. 2 mins later another fox was called and dispatched and we were out of ammo.

Foxes were shot between 30 and 200 yards and it was also my mates best ever night with his previous best being 9. He has equalled my best night and if we had more ammo then i guess we could have picked another 1 or 2.






Took a foxing virgin out too last night and i guess he won't beat that night for a while



Tried out some .308 tracers last night at 500 yards too that i was given by Drovers and they worked better than expected ...didn't shoot a fox with one just a soil bank

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Imagine the cost to the tax payer when the Firearms Dept get called out for calls like this when everything is legit. especially if the helicopter had to be especially sent up etc. ouch.. Surely if you live in the country and you hear shots its to be expected. I wouldnt raise an eyebrow anyway if I was out in the stix.

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Imagine the cost to the tax payer when the Firearms Dept get called out for calls like this when everything is legit. especially if the helicopter had to be especially sent up etc. ouch.. Surely if you live in the country and you hear shots its to be expected. I wouldnt raise an eyebrow anyway if I was out in the stix.


Someone mentioned last night that it cost about £1500 an hour to keep that thing in the air but not sure if thats true. I guess they are just doing their job and to be fair the ground coppers were sound. The chopper coppers thought we were pointing a red dot laser at them so i guess it could have ended up a lot worse. Not sure where the red dot laser thing came from but it wasn't us.. the new lad filmed the chopper on his phone but there was no red light on his phone

Edited by miffy
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Someone mentioned last night that it cost about £1500 an hour to keep that thing in the air


That figure is about right-if anything it might be a little more with inflation.Cambridgeshire Police couple years back admitted to the £1,500 per hour figure too.If the chopper coppers were called out everytime gunshot was heard round here-our council tax would quadruple...! ???


Great result with the Foxes by the way! :good:

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Good shooting,


Re Chopper coppers.... was told by FLO on his home visit that at sometime during my shooting i will probably get a visit from armed response. He said that 1st dont panic and do what they say!!! (As if i would do anything else). he said that they most likely know its someone shooting legit but because they have to keep the skills up to scratch they use the whole thing as a training exercise, often reviewing the chopper video footage to enhance further training. in D & C we dont have too many armed incidents luckily



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