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Common sense

henry d

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I see your point Henry, but its just as bad when someone pushes the button on a crossing just before they skip across, resulting in me sitting patiently at the lights whilst they're long gone and no one at all crosses!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bug bears....


My postman and the way he tosses his red elastic bands willy nilly all down the street....


People on forums who correct other people's spelling, as if an incorrectly spelt word renders a sentence illegible ....


When people stand on the sill/step of my front door rather then step over it?


The pre recorded phone messages relating to clearing debts I keep receiving???


I could go on.... :hmm:



Edited by paulos
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People who get in the wrong ****** lane at the lights!!

People who don't indicate and people who indicate 2 seconds before or while turning!!

People who do 50 on the motorway then when you overtake them they speed up then overtake you!?!?

When i'm on my pushiron and i'm as close to the kerb as i can get to let motorists past and they sit behind you doin 15mph as if theres not enough room to get past!! Idiots!!

Wouldn't mind but i've only been driving 6mnths and its 'driving me up the wall' (sorry :hmm: )

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Pet hate, I hate people that can't be ***** to park properly in public car parks, or those people that deem their car so much more important than yours that they have to park in the middle of two spaces. If i won the lottery i would get a part time job as a car park nazi and ticket all that lot, now THAT'S job satisfaction!

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Cyclists for me too!


Everyday cyclists aren't so much of a problem round my way they have the decency to get of their bike and let a car go by. Small narrow country lanes round my way.


Its those racing cycles, with the ignorants sitting on them!!


Cos they are country lanes there no chance of you getting by, and do you think they would even get over to give you a chance :hmm:


They ride 2x2 and don't even consider the car stuck behind them. And you are stuck behind them for a good 2 mile before they decide to take a different direction to you. And they wonder why they get killed!!!!

Edited by Huntinlass
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Pet hate, I hate people that can't be ***** to park properly in public car parks, or those people that deem their car so much more important than yours that they have to park in the middle of two spaces. If i won the lottery i would get a part time job as a car park nazi and ticket all that lot, now THAT'S job satisfaction!



Or hows when the only space is next to a numpty that has parked poorly, you return to find they have gone and now you are the one who who looks the cock!

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Well on a different non-driving related note, my pet hate is dragging clots of long dark hair out of the plughole / sink / bed / carpet / car since my girlfriend moved in. Seriously, it looks like a well-known japanese horror film after bathtime around here. :hmm:


But she's a tidy lookin lass and cooks up a good supper, so can't really grumble (or shave her head while she's asleep) I suppose. :hmm:



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i can beat that one nial.... Hows this for pettiness...

i hate when people tell your a phone number and use the letter "o" instead of the number "0" (zero) ..."o"7789 6"o"3765... THERE AINT NO letter"O" ON MY PHONE !!!!!! (well, technically there is, but not in the middle of the phone number!!!)

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People with mangy old cars putting dents in the doors of my much more expensive car which I worked hard for in car parks with tiny parking spaces.


I always try and occupy two spaces to prevent those tw4ts devaluing it just because they can. :hmm:


Plus it's my bit of rebellion against the selfish numpties who make the spaces too small.

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People with mangy old cars putting dents in the doors of my much more expensive car which I worked hard for in car parks with tiny parking spaces.


I always try and occupy two spaces to prevent those tw4ts devaluing it just because they can. :hmm:


Plus it's my bit of rebellion against the selfish numpties who make the spaces too small.


Ooo magic, i feel a career move coming on. Is "leicestershire or S.W. Cornwall depending on whatever" a nice place to live? :hmm:

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i hate it when been out shooting and on way home in my little vitara mud splatted .and you pull up at a set of lights 3 laner either side of road .and along comes jhon thomas and his wifey pulls up beside you in a £50,000 range rover or any good quality 4x4 so shiney it would blind you and then look down there nose's at you in disgust i cant help myself .and let them know yes its a real 4x4 and does what it was intended to do, HATE IT lol lol

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That would be because it is safer for them. They have the right to be on the road.



It would be good if they did stay on the road.


Most of the pillocks round here are dressed up in their dayglo lycra and helmets and riding on the footways (cos it's "too dangerous to ride on the road".)


As if you need dayglo on the footpath!

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cyclists who use the road should pay road tax. end of.


Sorry have to take umbrage with this point but when I ride my bike I leave my taxed car at home, I am therefore effectively paying tax to ride my bike.


I do however hate the following:


1. Lycra clad men on racing bikes riding 2 by 2, what self respecting man wears lycra (in public anyway) and if you ride 2 by 2 and you fall off as I go past, I don't care.


2. Fog lights in rain, grrrrrrrrrr


3. Women at cash machines who wait till the front of the queue before searching their bottomless bags for their cash cards and then waiting at the machine to count and put away cash, cards, purse, scarf, hairdryer and all the other **** they carry about with them.


4. In a similar vein, women who wait till they get to the ticket barriers to look for their tickets


5. People who sit in the middle or outside lane and refuse to move despite the inside and middle lanes being empty


6. People who can't be bothered to thank you for letting them out


7. Shop assistants who carry on talking to their mates while you're waiting at the till for them to serve you.


There are plenty more but I'm feeling like a grumpy old man and have to stop with the hate

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bug bears....


my postman and the way he tosses his red elastic bands willy nilly all down the street....



I don't much mind that, because it gives me a readily available supply of rubber bands to attach my Combro chrono to the barrel....

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Well on a different non-driving related note, my pet hate is dragging clots of long dark hair out of the plughole / sink / bed / carpet / car since my girlfriend moved in. Seriously, it looks like a well-known japanese horror film after bathtime around here. :hmm:


But she's a tidy lookin lass and cooks up a good supper, so can't really grumble (or shave her head while she's asleep) I suppose. :hmm:




Good looking, cooks and in your bed - what's a few hairs against that!


What are her comments on your socks?

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