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Guaranteed way of pulling in the pigeons


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Today I was out decoying over the rape on the edge of a small spinney and I perfected what is probably a long known, but not so often discussed, method of bringing the woodies to you. The method is this...


Take a BIG flask of hot sweet tea into the hide with you. Take every opportunity to 'reward' yourself with a cuppa (ie once decoys are set have a cuppa, first bird of the day.. have a cuppa). Now just having a hot cup of tea in your mittens instead of your trusty 12g is often the cue for that woodie to apear out of nowhere in the middle of your decoys, but that's not the prize trick...


After a few hot cuppas nature comes calling and requires you to break your vigil and exit the hide during what you hope is one of those quiet spells between the action. Then, just when you have you have got into full stream, it is guaranteed that the sky will reverberate to the sight of incoming squadrens of woodies.


This happened so often to me today that I took to taking my gun with me when I went for a quick jimmy riddle. The problem was that I ended up grabbing the gun and taking a shot with the old john thomas still swinging in the breeze, which at least is my excuse for missing with both barrells! :D

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lol, i can relate to that.....foxing.....the amount ive seen whilst taking the **** out of my self...., i too now take the long gun with me when releaving my self


i have also had this happen several times when ive been eating..........you sit down unload and look........theres mr tree rat 35 yrds out you put ure roll down on the muddy trailler (destroying your lunch) and by the time youve negotiated the 35yrds of farm machinery he's in the next field or at home....

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the ultimate weapon in bringing in pigeons is open flask,pour drink,light fag,quick eye lash and then the phone rings.have to have my mobile on as its how i get work :D

lost out on a job because as the phone buzzed i had pigeons everywhere i looked.result was a good days pigeon shooting but two days with no work.

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Recently in scotland shooting geese, left the hide after 2 hours of nothing to talk to the guys in the next hide and share a cuppa and a biscuit.


Instant 20 pink foot geese straight over my hide at about ten yards, would have resulted in half a dozen for the christmas table


Dooohhhhhhh :*) :*) :*) :*) sorry Graham (Ukgundeals!!!!!)




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A favouite trick of mine is to light up a cigarette, they are sure to come into the coys and its not very easy to shoot with a cig hangin otta your mouth (which you have forgotton that you just put it there before reaching for your gun).


Cigarette inevitably ends up on the floor and lands in the spilt soup from before, soaked and unsmoked :D .

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A favouite trick of mine is to light up a cigarette, they are sure to come into the coys and its not very easy to shoot with a cig hangin otta your mouth (which you have forgotton that you just put it there before reaching for your gun).


Cigarette inevitably ends up on the floor and lands in the spilt soup from before, soaked and unsmoked :D .

And that trick works when fishing too, I can testify.

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All the above has happened to me before, has anybody tried using it to their advantage? you know what I mean, you thought you had got it right, lots of pigeon hitting the field, stand and watch where they are going, pick your spot and set up. At this point the ******* change thier mind and start landing in a different part of the field and you are sitting in your immaculate hide doing nothing, no worries I'll just get out the old flask, that should liven things up, never bloody works in reverse though, not for me anyway, I reckon they have better eyesight than we give them credit for.

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Worst I ever had was this year on cut peas and flattened wheat.I helped my mate set up 120yds up a hedge and as I started to set up he`s firing like a welshman at Roarkes drift,I just sit down and it stops then my mobile goes,his father in law has just died :devil: That was the end of that .

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