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Should you uncock a shotgun before storage?


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I've always used snapcaps, just habit really but i was always brought up to release the srings before putting my guns away, recently my gunsmith told me to chuck the bloody things away as the springs will last a damn sight longer than me regardless of if they're left tensioned or not, but the stress on the firing pins when you break the gun after having fired it into snap caps (ie where the firing pin is pressed into the cap insert it catches on the edges of the cap main body as you break the gun) is a major cause of premature firing pin failure.

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Well, there we are, we've heard both sides of the argument, it's clear that newbies to shooting will use them 'cos they don't know any better and those that know a thing or two about shooting know that they're a complete waste of money & time, and a potential safety hazard.


Let's wait until January before this question pops up again, it normally comes up every 5 or 6 weeks.


Anyway, must dash, I've taken Claymans advice and whipped the cylinder head off my motor so as not to over-tension my valve springs. :hmm:



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Well, there we are, we've heard both sides of the argument, it's clear that newbies to shooting will use them 'cos they don't know any better and those that know a thing or two about shooting know that they're a complete waste of money & time, and a potential safety hazard.


Let's wait until January before this question pops up again, it normally comes up every 5 or 6 weeks.


Anyway, must dash, I've taken Claymans advice and whipped the cylinder head off my motor so as not to over-tension my valve springs. :hmm:




Mmmm, thats some good condescendence! :wacko:

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the only thing you need to do with a shot gun is clean it ,dry fireing a shotgun will break the fireing pins off ,fireing one with snap caps will take the pressure off the fireing pin springs , but will only put the pressure some were else ..£15 for new fireing pin springs is not a lot should last well over 5 years ..

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I think the snap cap does have its place? I hate to bring the Army into this, but we used them for training, as i used them to teach my son trigger control.. I would have him lay prone and shoulder the .243 and I would balance a penny on the barrel.. If he were to squeeze the trigger properly the penny would remain.. Jerk it, and i sure you get the picture.. Dont worry about the caps, or the gun charged (cocked) as it would be a right good while before you MIGHT have an issue..

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