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also lets not forget ... isreal originally took land of the palastines in the gazza strip ... and the whole world let them do it . ... why ... well cos it was an american alli who did it !!!!!!


There never was a defined 'Palestine' ever. There was an Israel.


Even the Arabs as a whole decided that in 1948 when they divvied up the crappy areas that Israil didn't want between Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and the new country called Jordan after loosing the Arab-Israel war.

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There never was a defined 'Palestine' ever. There was an Israel.


Even the Arabs as a whole decided that in 1948 when they divvied up the crappy areas that Israil didn't want between Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and the new country called Jordan after loosing the Arab-Israel war.



no.... but it was land ocupied by the plastine people for many years ( hundreds even ) no mans land if u like ... as i said there will be no stop to this until the world steps in against BOTH parties

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babbyc what does a barrack buster sound like close by? those were the days.i remember going on the school bus when magherafelt udr barracks was bombed. utter devastation. :good:


when your 7 or 8, it sounds like the end of the world! at first if was a few pops, themortars going out of their tubes, can only remember one loud bang, but could be wrong. two things that stick in my mind from that day; one of my mates jumping under our school desk, then looking out the window 5 mins later and seeing a plain clothes cop carrying an mp5, vaulting the school fence and running inside to evacuate us out of there. those definitely were the days, time to get all nostalgic and start ritoing again... :yes:


my hand is red :good:


and my nose is blue... ;)

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when your 7 or 8, it sounds like the end of the world! at first if was a few pops, themortars going out of their tubes, can only remember one loud bang, but could be wrong. two things that stick in my mind from that day; one of my mates jumping under our school desk, then looking out the window 5 mins later and seeing a plain clothes cop carrying an mp5, vaulting the school fence and running inside to evacuate us out of there. those definitely were the days, time to get all nostalgic and start ritoing again... :yes:




and my nose is blue... :good:

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As has already been said, the two sides aren't going to sort this out on their own, at least not without one side annilhilating the other - which would only ever go one way (at least initially).


It could be that the US' influence on Israel, which I suspect leads to restraint, is a function of the support it provides. Whilst the Obama administration will necessarily need to reduce funding it needs an "ally" in the region (as we do too) in order to maintain stability. Stability seems like the wrong word given the current state of affairs which are truly horrific but looking at this at the macro scale it really is just keeping things in check (in a general long term sense).


If the US were to significantly remove support then it may lead to an escalation in Israeli offensives which could have a very negative impact on all of us. It's not clear to me that the Iranian threat is sufficient enough to prevent the Israelis doing the unthinkable. Anyone know?


I've always found it curious that the media is always so focussed on the Israel-Palestinian conflict when there are so many other instances of the Islamic and non-Islamic worlds coming together in similar disaster stories. Perhaps it is because Israel is blamed for just about all the failings of Islamic regimes around the world ...


It's also interesting to see that the US (and the states it sponsors) is made out to be the enemy of Islam but the Soviet Union played just as big part in this whole mess - and what a big mess it is...

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Yup, you fell for it as well.


Open your mind you simpleton.



hello and welcome to the forum and thanks for your unintelligent 1st and hopefully last contribution, troll


cheers KW



Is that the same George Galloway that stated British Soldiers should be tried as war criminals. I wouldn't give that ****head airtime. he should stick to doing impressions of a cat the ****. As for Alison, yes I do like to believe the majority of our armed forces are squeaky clean. Remember this while your eating your christmas dinner in peace, they do a hard job and don't ask for your respect but they ****in well deserve it.


My rant over


My o my.you big brave fellows.You lot appear to be living in some other world.I can see from your intellectual replies that to try and convince you morons to act like humans is really a lost cause.The days of the British Empire are over where you could do as you pleased and get away with it.If something was done that was against the law just change the law.Kill and wound all you want then come home and get a medal.Do you not realize that your attitude is causing the situation we are all in.Do you not have a shred of human decency in your life?.That you can condone Murder and slate everyone who disagrees with you.The day will come when Almighty God will judge you.Don't think that you can play with the devil and expect forgiveness.I will ask no one to take up a weapon and shoot my fellow man in my name.No soldier gets my respect nor do they deserve it.They joined up to be trained killers like the terrorists you allude to.Atomic bombs were dropped on Japanese civilians when the war was as good as over.Dresden was bombed when the Germans were beaten.Our brave paratroopers murdered 13 unarmed civilians in Derry plus many other incidents in the North of Ireland.Should I make any difference in their actions and the actions of the IRA,UDA,UVF,INLA,UFF,etc,etc.Then maybe as the soldiers in uniform were from England they should be pardoned.I don't think so.Thank God peace has come to Ireland since ALL guns were removed from the equation.Shooting your enemy is not the answer,it has been tried for too long and has failed.It does not matter if you shoot some one,chop their head off,blow them up with guided bombs from 50 mile away,they will be just as dead.No one has the right to take another's life.If this offends some of you so be it.Maybe you will even feel like shooting me and from your attitude I would not be surprised.

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There never was a defined 'Palestine' ever. There was an Israel.


Even the Arabs as a whole decided that in 1948 when they divvied up the crappy areas that Israil didn't want between Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and the new country called Jordan after loosing the Arab-Israel war.


For centuries there was no such conflict. In the 19th century the land of Palestine was inhabited by a multicultural population – approximately 86 percent Muslim, 10 percent Christian, and 4 percent Jewish – living in peace.


In the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. Known as Zionists, this group consisted of an extremist minority of the Jewish population. They wanted to create a Jewish homeland, and considered locations in Africa and the Americas, before settling on Palestine.


At first, this immigration created no problems. However, as more and more Zionists immigrated to Palestine – many with the express wish of taking over the land for a Jewish state – the indigenous population became increasingly alarmed. Eventually, fighting broke out, with escalating waves of violence. Hitler’s rise to power and Nazi atrocities, combined with Zionist activities to sabotage efforts to place Jewish refugees in western countries, led to increased Jewish immigration to Palestine, and conflict grew.


Finally, in 1947 the United Nations decided to intervene. However, rather than adhering to the democratic principle espoused decades earlier by Woodrow Wilson of “self-determination of peoples,†in which the people themselves create their own state and system of government, the UN chose to revert to the medieval strategy whereby an outside power divides up other people’s land.


Under considerable Zionist pressure, the UN recommended giving away 55 percent of Palestine to a Jewish state – despite the fact that this group represented only about 30 percent of the total population, and owned under 7 percent of the land.


While it is widely and correctly reported that the resulting war (1947 - 1949 war) eventually included five Arab armies, less well known is the fact that throughout this war Zionist forces outnumbered all Arab and Palestinian combatants combined – often by a factor of two to three. Also contrary to popular belief, Arab armies did not invade Israel – virtually all battles were fought on land that was to have been the Palestinian state.


Finally, it is significant to note that Arab armies entered the conflict only after Zionist forces had committed 16 massacres, including the grisly massacre of over 100 men, women, and children at Deir Yassin. Future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, head of one of the Jewish terrorist groups, called this a “splendid act of conquest,†and stated: “As in Deir Yassin, so everywhere, we will attack and smite the enemy. God, God, Thou has chosen us for conquest.†Zionist/Israeli forces committed 33 massacres altogether.


By the end of the war, Israel had conquered 78 percent of Palestine; three-quarters of a million Palestinians had been made refugees; over 500 towns and villages had been destroyed; and a new map was drawn up, in which every city, river and hillock received a new, Hebrew name, as all vestiges of the Palestinian culture were to be erased. For many decades Israel denied the existence of this population, former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir once saying: “There is no such thing as a Palestinian.â€


In 1967, Israel conquered still more land. Following the Six Day War, in which Israeli forces launched a highly successful surprise attack on Egypt, Israel occupied the additional 22 percent of Palestine that had eluded it in 1948 – the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Since, according to international law it is inadmissible to acquire territory by war, these are occupied territories and do not belong to Israel. It also occupied parts of Egypt (since returned) and Syria (which remain under occupation).






Now, I do not support the means of fighting employed by the Palestinian extremists in any way, shape or form; but I can understand why they are a little bit peeved.

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Actually a huge amount of this trouble russia has to answer for because...the rockets and the AK47's are all russian military surplus things, the katoosha rocket the militants use is all ex WW2 stuff...some christians on the forum might know about the battle in the valley of megiddo, many people believe all the nations will rise against Israel, and the only soloution will be a nuclear strike.


Anyone get what I mean?



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This is a slog - ignore the rhetoric and just look at the $'s poured into Israel by the US.




I reckon old Ombana will start reigning that in and spending more $ at home sorting the US out.... we shall see (1) if he can and (2) if he lives long enough.


I digress.....


he wont? once in power he will soon ( if he does not already) realise that The USA has to come first and that its interests need to be served, money into Israel is well spent, as for the USA knockers here, its strange how we condemn them at every chance yet seek their assistance at each and every opportunity,if the USA became a singular so self centered country you portray it to be half the world would be in the stone age and unable to feed itself.


as for the post re galloway his head should be rotting on traitors gate simple as t


cheers KW

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My o my.you big brave fellows.You lot appear to be living in some other world.I can see from your intellectual replies that to try and convince you morons to act like humans is really a lost cause.The days of the British Empire are over where you could do as you pleased and get away with it.If something was done that was against the law just change the law.Kill and wound all you want then come home and get a medal.Do you not realize that your attitude is causing the situation we are all in.Do you not have a shred of human decency in your life?.That you can condone Murder and slate everyone who disagrees with you.The day will come when Almighty God will judge you.Don't think that you can play with the devil and expect forgiveness.I will ask no one to take up a weapon and shoot my fellow man in my name.No soldier gets my respect nor do they deserve it.They joined up to be trained killers like the terrorists you allude to.Atomic bombs were dropped on Japanese civilians when the war was as good as over.Dresden was bombed when the Germans were beaten.Our brave paratroopers murdered 13 unarmed civilians in Derry plus many other incidents in the North of Ireland.Should I make any difference in their actions and the actions of the IRA,UDA,UVF,INLA,UFF,etc,etc.Then maybe as the soldiers in uniform were from England they should be pardoned.I don't think so.Thank God peace has come to Ireland since ALL guns were removed from the equation.Shooting your enemy is not the answer,it has been tried for too long and has failed.It does not matter if you shoot some one,chop their head off,blow them up with guided bombs from 50 mile away,they will be just as dead.No one has the right to take another's life.If this offends some of you so be it.Maybe you will even feel like shooting me and from your attitude I would not be surprised.



Got to be left wing animal rights brigade .Those who protest with a bag over their head .

Harnser .

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My o my.you big brave fellows.You lot appear to be living in some other world.I can see from your intellectual replies that to try and convince you morons to act like humans is really a lost cause.The days of the British Empire are over where you could do as you pleased and get away with it.If something was done that was against the law just change the law.Kill and wound all you want then come home and get a medal.Do you not realize that your attitude is causing the situation we are all in.Do you not have a shred of human decency in your life?.That you can condone Murder and slate everyone who disagrees with you.The day will come when Almighty God will judge you.Don't think that you can play with the devil and expect forgiveness.I will ask no one to take up a weapon and shoot my fellow man in my name.No soldier gets my respect nor do they deserve it.They joined up to be trained killers like the terrorists you allude to.Atomic bombs were dropped on Japanese civilians when the war was as good as over.Dresden was bombed when the Germans were beaten.Our brave paratroopers murdered 13 unarmed civilians in Derry plus many other incidents in the North of Ireland.Should I make any difference in their actions and the actions of the IRA,UDA,UVF,INLA,UFF,etc,etc.Then maybe as the soldiers in uniform were from England they should be pardoned.I don't think so.Thank God peace has come to Ireland since ALL guns were removed from the equation.Shooting your enemy is not the answer,it has been tried for too long and has failed.It does not matter if you shoot some one,chop their head off,blow them up with guided bombs from 50 mile away,they will be just as dead.No one has the right to take another's life.If this offends some of you so be it.Maybe you will even feel like shooting me and from your attitude I would not be surprised.


Firstly, Miss 'Intellectual', paragraphs are your friend. I gave up reading your diatribe after 3 lines as it all became too much like a chore, though the rambling about the British Empire amused me a little.


Just answer this, you do realise that Hamas started this round of violence, don't you?


Oh, hang on..... I glimpsed briefly again at your scribbles and saw a mention of God. That explains everything!! Ask your sky fairy to sort it out then, I'll sit back and watch the mess get whole load worse.

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Jonno, thanks for typing all that out.


I suspect though that it was all the Romans fault however, as it really was Israel back in 63ADC when the Jews got kicked out and the whole process started. That's also the time when the Philistines became the Palestinians in a round about way.


Question is, how far back do you go to try and resolve?

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Good post Jonno, you are right. From what I read the Nazi's actively encouraged the Jews to move to Palestine. Despite it being fashionable to knock previous British governments, I am also led to believe that we strongly opposed this mass immigration in the early stages. I also believe the Muslim countries initially welcomed the Jewish immigrants.


Alison - sorry, but all of this is being perpetrated in the name of God. And there your argument falls firmly flat on its face...

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"perhaps if the raf had lauched a few air strikes against certain targets here in northern ireland we wouldnt have had 30+ years of trouble... ph34r.gif


no matter what you think, you have to take your hat off to israel. how many other countries would have the balls to do it?? "


How many countries in the world get billions in defence spending by the Americans? That is why they have the BALLS to do it.

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Prime Minister Golda Meir once saying: “There is no such thing as a Palestinian.†(from jonno's post)



And do you know she was right? Palestine was a name given to a bit of land by the Romans as an insult to the Jews,its based on philistine! Palestine has no culture, no language, no background, no heritage the land belonged to the Jews and has done for over 3000 years, a fact somewhat forgotten when its claimed we divided up the Arab world and GAVE the Israeli's it.

me old history teacher would be marking down some papers here?


cheers KW

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Firstly, Miss 'Intellectual', paragraphs are your friend. I gave up reading your diatribe after 3 lines as it all became too much like a chore, though the rambling about the British Empire amused me a little.


Just answer this, you do realise that Hamas started this round of violence, don't you?


Oh, hang on..... I glimpsed briefly again at your scribbles and saw a mention of God. That explains everything!! Ask your sky fairy to sort it out then, I'll sit back and watch the mess get whole load worse.



Some interesting comments, but lets resist the urge to insult people that have a different view.



Good post Jonno, you are right. From what I read the Nazi's actively encouraged the Jews to move to Palestine. Despite it being fashionable to knock previous British governments, I am also led to believe that we strongly opposed this mass immigration in the early stages. I also believe the Muslim countries initially welcomed the Jewish immigrants.


Alison - sorry, but all of this is being perpetrated in the name of God. And there your argument falls firmly flat on its face...


Firstly, Miss 'Intellectual', paragraphs are your friend. I gave up reading your diatribe after 3 lines as it all became too much like a chore, though the rambling about the British Empire amused me a little.

You actually can read,thought maybe it was being read for you.



Just answer this, you do realise that Hamas started this round of violence, don't you?

Was Hamas elected by the people?.Maybe the wrong party won which didn't suit.


Oh, hang on..... I glimpsed briefly again at your scribbles and saw a mention of God. That explains everything!! Ask your sky fairy to sort it out then, I'll sit back and watch the mess get whole load worse.

This does not deserve a reply.


Some interesting comments, but lets resist the urge to insult people that have a different view.

I see not everyone is a philistine.


Alison - sorry, but all of this is being perpetrated in the name of God. And there your argument falls firmly flat on its face...

Raja,I cannot see how.This trouble has to do with land and power.Gods hand has no part to play in this genocide.

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"If the US were to significantly remove support then it may lead to an escalation in Israeli offensives which could have a very negative impact on all of us. It's not clear to me that the Iranian threat is sufficient enough to prevent the Israelis doing the unthinkable. Anyone know?"


If US were to remove support and funds Israel would be another little unimportant country that wouldn't even get mentioned in the news. America has funded Hamas and the Israelis. Look Up AIPAC people also to see the reach of Israel into american politics. Many of you talk of America doing things only in interest of itself. Wrong, some of the people that run AIPAC and which are into the American political scene have high level job in the American administration now. Take Rahm Emanuel, he is now in the Obama organisation his daddy was a radical jewish terrorist. These zionists control America and the American politicians definately give a rat's *** more about Israel than for its electorate.

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Jonno, thanks for typing all that out.


I suspect though that it was all the Romans fault however, as it really was Israel back in 63ADC when the Jews got kicked out and the whole process started. That's also the time when the Philistines became the Palestinians in a round about way.


Question is, how far back do you go to try and resolve?



Indeed it was Peter, the Philistine (bastardised to Palestine) bit was supposed to be a final insult to them (as an aside, the Romans also renamed Jerusalem, but it never stuck!)


Your closing line above sums it up for me perfectly Peter, this "conflict" goes back to time immemorial. What we have now is a situation whereby two firmly entrenched sides are perpatrating acts of intolerable and insufferable violence on each other, each truly believing in their own moral superiority. And who is supposed to arbitrate? The Israelis will listen to no-one but America (and even then I am doubtful) and no American president who wishes to remain in the job will run the risk of alienating the American Jewish lobby and losing their vote, the Palestinians I suspect will listen to nobody!


Where does it end?

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My o my.you big brave fellows.You lot appear to be living in some other world.I can see from your intellectual replies that to try and convince you morons to act like humans is really a lost cause.The days of the British Empire are over where you could do as you pleased and get away with it.If something was done that was against the law just change the law.Kill and wound all you want then come home and get a medal.Do you not realize that your attitude is causing the situation we are all in.Do you not have a shred of human decency in your life?.That you can condone Murder and slate everyone who disagrees with you.The day will come when Almighty God will judge you.Don't think that you can play with the devil and expect forgiveness.I will ask no one to take up a weapon and shoot my fellow man in my name.No soldier gets my respect nor do they deserve it.They joined up to be trained killers like the terrorists you allude to.Atomic bombs were dropped on Japanese civilians when the war was as good as over.Dresden was bombed when the Germans were beaten.Our brave paratroopers murdered 13 unarmed civilians in Derry plus many other incidents in the North of Ireland.Should I make any difference in their actions and the actions of the IRA,UDA,UVF,INLA,UFF,etc,etc.Then maybe as the soldiers in uniform were from England they should be pardoned.I don't think so.Thank God peace has come to Ireland since ALL guns were removed from the equation.Shooting your enemy is not the answer,it has been tried for too long and has failed.It does not matter if you shoot some one,chop their head off,blow them up with guided bombs from 50 mile away,they will be just as dead.No one has the right to take another's life.If this offends some of you so be it.Maybe you will even feel like shooting me and from your attitude I would not be surprised.


Well for starters, the war with Japan was far from over. The planned invasion of Japan would have cost an estimated 500,000 allied casulties. But no doubt, you would be pleased about of the death of 'terrorists'. If the allies had invaded than thousands more Japnese civilians would have died as they tried to repel the invaders or commited suicide rather than be captured by the allies.



Secondly, how about 6 million Jews being murdered compared to the 35,000 Germans at Dresden. Not exactly a small gap.




Who the hell are you to label are soldiers 'terrorists'. Remember why they are in Afghanistan and Iraq in the first place?


Oh yeah, It's beacause of some real terrorists murdering 3000 innocent people during 9/11!

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