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My o my.you big brave fellows.You lot appear to be living in some other world.I can see from your intellectual replies that to try and convince you morons to act like humans is really a lost cause.The days of the British Empire are over where you could do as you pleased and get away with it.If something was done that was against the law just change the law.Kill and wound all you want then come home and get a medal.Do you not realize that your attitude is causing the situation we are all in.Do you not have a shred of human decency in your life?.That you can condone Murder and slate everyone who disagrees with you.The day will come when Almighty God will judge you.Don't think that you can play with the devil and expect forgiveness.I will ask no one to take up a weapon and shoot my fellow man in my name.No soldier gets my respect nor do they deserve it.They joined up to be trained killers like the terrorists you allude to.Atomic bombs were dropped on Japanese civilians when the war was as good as over.Dresden was bombed when the Germans were beaten.Our brave paratroopers murdered 13 unarmed civilians in Derry plus many other incidents in the North of Ireland.Should I make any difference in their actions and the actions of the IRA,UDA,UVF,INLA,UFF,etc,etc.Then maybe as the soldiers in uniform were from England they should be pardoned.I don't think so.Thank God peace has come to Ireland since ALL guns were removed from the equation.Shooting your enemy is not the answer,it has been tried for too long and has failed.It does not matter if you shoot some one,chop their head off,blow them up with guided bombs from 50 mile away,they will be just as dead.No one has the right to take another's life.If this offends some of you so be it.Maybe you will even feel like shooting me and from your attitude I would not be surprised.


theres one flaw with your argument. you say no one has the right to take someones life. do they have the right to take yours?


no one here, NO ONE, has ever said they want to kill, maim, murder or otherwise without reason. the only reason they ever would is for self defence. hamas lobs rockets into israel (and believe me those rockets arent just aimed at military bases) they are trying to kill indescriminately. kill men, women and children, and spread terror and confusion. only for the repurcussions that would follow all around the world i would fully support nuking hamas and all their friends into atoms.


tell me this, alison. if someone walked up to you and hit you, would you fight back? if someone tried to murder or rape a member of your family, would you not fight to protect them? possibly you wouldnt, and that grates against every single part of my being. it was ingrained in me from an early age that fighting is bad, but defending yourself is not.


you, my friend, are the one who is not human. fighting for self preservation is one of the most basic human priciples. the fact that you berate people who do, shows that you are either further evolved than we are, in which case you will soon be extinct due to being unwilling to fight for your life, or you are not living in the real world, which in medical terms means you are insane.


ps - you should remember, it was god who said thatyou take an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and kill your enemies. jesus was the one who preached forgiveness. i preferto take my orders from the top man himself...

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Firstly, Miss 'Intellectual', paragraphs are your friend. I gave up reading your diatribe after 3 lines as it all became too much like a chore, though the rambling about the British Empire amused me a little.

You actually can read,thought maybe it was being read for you.



Just answer this, you do realise that Hamas started this round of violence, don't you?

Was Hamas elected by the people?.Maybe the wrong party won which didn't suit.


Oh, hang on..... I glimpsed briefly again at your scribbles and saw a mention of God. That explains everything!! Ask your sky fairy to sort it out then, I'll sit back and watch the mess get whole load worse.

This does not deserve a reply.


Don't try to make me look stupid Alison, you only need to compare our command of the English language, grammar usage and sentence/paragraph structure to know who is the better educated between us. BTW, it's not you, in case you were wondering. :good:


You don't even know how to use the quote feature. :good:


Yes, Hamas were elected by the people of Gaza. I think they are starting to regret electing a terrorist organisation. Shows what blood thirsty savages they were to start with.


You say that my remarks about your sky fairy don't deserve a reply. I suspect it's more because you haven't got a reply.

Edited by Peter De La Mare
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Yeah and considering how many top level israeli government officials were involved in terrorism and massacres you could also call the Israeli government a terrorist organisation, probbaly a little bigger than the American one, since this one actually controls the Americans.


Another interesting excerpt I found in an article on AIPAC influence in the USA.


"Some of America's wisest and most distinguished public servants have been kept from higher office by the blackballing of the Israel lobby. One such leader was George Ball, who served the Kennedy administration as Under Secretary of State and the Johnson administration as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Given his unmatched brilliance in forecasting international developments, there is no doubt that he would have become secretary of state had he not publicly expressed the skepticism about the U.S. relationship with Israel which most Americans involved in foreign affairs privately feel.


In membership meetings which journalists are not allowed to attend, AIPAC presidents have boasted that the organization was responsible for the defeats of two of history's most distinguished chairmen of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - Democrat J. William Fulbright of Arkansas and Republican Charles Percy of Illinois. The list of other senators and House members for whose election defeats AIPAC takes credit is too long to recount.


There is good evidence also that had it not been for complex maneuvers by the Israel lobby, including encouragement of third party candidates and unrelenting partisanship by pro-Israeli syndicated columnists and other media figures, Democratic President Jimmy Carter probably would have been reelected in 1980, and Republican President George Bush almost certainly would have been reelected in 1992.


The cost to our political system of losing national figures who refused to allow U.S. domestic political interests to dictate U.S. foreign policy has been enormous. So long as AIPAC and other powerful lobbies continue to thwart meaningful efforts on behalf of campaign finance reform, Americans will continue unknowingly paying such costs."

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in todays news .Hamas have fired rockets deep into Israel , in response Israeli planes attacked government buildings killing 10 an israeli minister has said "it`s a war to the end " so no amount of argueing or debating will help these Morons

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exactly duncan..... they're society lives by a completely different standard to our own.... the chaos they live in is almost a normality to them.... that dont make it right, but they wil go on and on, probably and sadly, untill the rest of the world joins in or at least, gets dragged in to make it an all out east/west world war 3.

they want their heads knocking together, just like our local rival gangs do.... its sad fact that if everyone where to sit down, draw a line a agree to move forward, the world could be a better place.... being as these people wont do that, its hard to have sympathy for them.... yes, sympathy for women and children, beinf maimed and killed.... but for a society ran by a few who choose revenge, murder, chaos etc..... what can you do ?

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It seems sense in this region is at less than a premium, Hamas continue to display sickening scenes of carnage usually involving kids, they then promptly send off more rockets and await seemingly eagerly the guaranteed response,

Hamas leaders openly preach the total annihilation and removal from the map of Israel, and of course we now have a situation where Israel say " we intend to finish the job" this means ground troops going in and the ensuing slaughter that will follow.


Meanwhile Iran sits back gleefully watching and supplying? whilst urgently developing its own nuclear weapons and launching systems.


Egypt starts to get twitchy its moderate leaders come under attack from its own citizens and Egyptian govt are going to be confronted with turmoil, lawlessness, and the increased possibility of factional violence over Gaza.

not to mention, the snake like bunch of thugs who run Syria hawkishly rubbing hands over this, they don't mind a few kids being blown to pieces if it helps spread hatred and intolerance.


In all its all a mess and one that is getting a little bit nasty,but whats the answer do we back down, condemn Israel allow an unchecked insurgency of hatred, you see this is where I differ from Alison? yes she has a point about the amount of force being used against Hamas and the people of Palestine, but what she fails to see ( perhaps refuse's to see) is that this is not about hamas, Palestine, or just the Israeli's, this is about a jihad against the western world and believe me Alison these radicals who now infest every land in the world, will be just as happy killing you as a moderate "western devil" who openly condemned Israel as they would if you supported the Israel action, the simple truth is they hate YOU and your lifestyle, and regardless what you say or how you say it, I for one Don't believe you would give that lifestyle up.

and start to walk about dressed as a pillar box and ten paces behind your man.


You have already proved with your posts that you have independence of thought and a challenging/ questioning mind,this would see you hung by the people you are trying to defend. or was it the Israeli's that encouraged the taliban hardliners to close schools for girls, ban music and literature, and worst of all kill kids who who took sweets from a western devil YOU


cheers KW

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It seems sense in this region is at less than a premium, Hamas continue to display sickening scenes of carnage usually involving kids, they then promptly send off more rockets and await seemingly eagerly the guaranteed response,

Hamas leaders openly preach the total annihilation and removal from the map of Israel, and of course we now have a situation where Israel say " we intend to finish the job" this means ground troops going in and the ensuing slaughter that will follow.


Meanwhile Iran sits back gleefully watching and supplying? whilst urgently developing its own nuclear weapons and launching systems.


Egypt starts to get twitchy its moderate leaders come under attack from its own citizens and Egyptian govt are going to be confronted with turmoil, lawlessness, and the increased possibility of factional violence over Gaza.

not to mention, the snake like bunch of thugs who run Syria hawkishly rubbing hands over this, they don't mind a few kids being blown to pieces if it helps spread hatred and intolerance.


In all its all a mess and one that is getting a little bit nasty,but whats the answer do we back down, condemn Israel allow an unchecked insurgency of hatred, you see this is where I differ from Alison? yes she has a point about the amount of force being used against Hamas and the people of Palestine, but what she fails to see ( perhaps refuse's to see) is that this is not about hamas, Palestine, or just the Israeli's, this is about a jihad against the western world and believe me Alison these radicals who now infest every land in the world, will be just as happy killing you as a moderate "western devil" who openly condemned Israel as they would if you supported the Israel action, the simple truth is they hate YOU and your lifestyle, and regardless what you say or how you say it, I for one Don't believe you would give that lifestyle up.

and start to walk about dressed as a pillar box and ten paces behind your man.


You have already proved with your posts that you have independence of thought and a challenging/ questioning mind,this would see you hung by the people you are trying to defend. or was it the Israeli's that encouraged the taliban hardliners to close schools for girls, ban music and literature, and worst of all kill kids who who took sweets from a western devil YOU


cheers KW


Well said kdubya , i agree with you whole heartedly .


Harnser .

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i quote john lennon:


Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today...


Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...


You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one


Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world...


You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will live as one





not the ramblings of a mad man..... an ideology of a perfect world.... no religion, no segregation of us and them borders, no greed and possesion.... just peace and getting along......

the sadest thing is, its mostly us "infidels" who can see the better picture, the need to let go of relieous beliefs and reap the benefits.... other people who would not rest till we westerners are all dead are so blinkered by their religious beliefs that we'll never reach a point were we can sit down and try to make bridges....

Edited by myzeneye
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Myze, my dear chap, it don't wash. :good:




Don't want to get too heavy on a lighthearted thread, but that world sounds like hell on earth, unless you're ruthless, violent and wicked.


No heaven, no hell, ultimately no morality. Fancy torching an orphanage? Go right ahead. Who's to say what's right or wrong?


All the people living for today? Not great if you want your bins emptying or your heart op doing and those responsible are busy living for today and "staying in bed for peace" or something. And I would have loved to see John's reaction if his cleaner or roadies decided to live for today and not turn up for work.


No countries, no religion. A lot of people liked that idea - they were called communists and they butchered their fellow men in their millions to achieve those aims. Nothing to kill or die for? But there is, unless you want to just surrender to dictators like Hitler or Stalin, or even the tin pot nobodies that are around today. If nobody was willing to kill or die for freedom, even Chavez or Mugabe could take over the world.


Amusing to imagine multi-multi-multi millionaire John Lennon imagining no possessions. He would need one hell of an imagination, especially if he was at home. :lol:


No hunger? Maybe one day, brought about by wealth-creating global capitalism, free trade and yes greed, not cod-marxist twaddle about a "brotherhood of man". Want to compare? Look at free and economically liberal countries, and then look at countries that are not, or were not until recently.


We can imagine all the people sharing all the world, but there will always be some who don't want to share. Some people have to be willing to stand up to them, a fact so obvious even a pampered, fabulously rich musician ought to be able to grasp it.


Grumpy rant over, tin hat back on :lol: . Off for a cheeky :good: then bed (for sleep, not peace).



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Aye john Lennon first rate nutter believed on peace on earth left his wife ( not a bad looking woman) for a slant eyed dwarf yep a reasoned man oh and what happened to him /yep he got shot.

so much for peace? just proves ideology will never win on either side

cheers KW

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well, ls, you can look at it which ever way you want....

no heaven or hell.... no fairy tales....just here and now, nature,earth water and sky, the world as you see it.

no religion..... that doesnt mean no morals or civility to your common man... it means no war or fighting in the name of an idol.

you know what im getting at, as was john....


the world, potentially, could be a beautiful place... but instead, we ( or at least they) choose to murdedr in the name of religion... its about time these people were educated and made to see that life if for living, not brainwashed into thinking life is in the hereafter....

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Aye john Lennon first rate nutter believed on peace on earth left his wife ( not a bad looking woman) for a slant eyed dwarf yep a reasoned man oh and what happened to him /yep he got shot.

so much for peace? just proves ideology will never win on either side

cheers KW



i know i know... thats why the song is called "imagine"..... its highly unlikely that it will ever happen, but imagine if it did ? just imagine such a place... ?

and yes, he himself not perfect by a long chalk.... but that does deprive him the right to "imagine".....


anyways, we digress...back to slating alison...

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i know i know... thats why the song is called "imagine"..... its highly unlikely that it will ever happen, but imagine if it did ? just imagine such a place... ?

and yes, he himself not perfect by a long chalk.... but that does deprive him the right to "imagine".....


anyways, we digress...back to slating alison...



Nah she is probably a genuine well meaning woman, however flawed simply by not grasping the reality of the middle east,and cannot for the life of her understand what true hatred means.


Perhaps one day we will realise that we are NOT all the same IE perhaps there are different levels of humanity? and that its simply not meant for different cultures and peoples to live in harmony, much like a nice white dove flitting peacefully about when a raptor promptly kills and eats it, in the ideology of those who believe peace in the middle east can be achieved, then the raptor should not have killed the dove as it has just killed its own kind? so perhaps we ain't as far up the chain of evolution as we think?

cheers KW

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well, ls, you can look at it which ever way you want....

no heaven or hell.... no fairy tales....just here and now, nature,earth water and sky, the world as you see it.

no religion..... that doesnt mean no morals or civility to your common man... it means no war or fighting in the name of an idol.

you know what im getting at, as was john....


the world, potentially, could be a beautiful place... but instead, we ( or at least they) choose to murdedr in the name of religion... its about time these people were educated and made to see that life if for living, not brainwashed into thinking life is in the hereafter....



Sorry myzeneye old boy, are you implying Islam holds exclusivity on religious killings? Might I remind you of the Crusades, the Reformation, the Inquisition, the Thirty Year War, the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre, the English Civil War, the "Witch Hammer" craze in Europe (between 1486 and 1700, 100000 people tried as witches and approx 17500 executed), the French Wars of Religion (Catholic vs Hugenot).......I could go on.


The problem is not whatever religion you choose to follow, it is in how you interpret the writings of that particular religion, and unfortunately there will always be extremists (in every religion)





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Sorry myzeneye old boy, are you implying Islam holds exclusivity on religious killings? Might I remind you of the Crusades, the Reformation, the Inquisition, the Thirty Year War, the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre, the English Civil War, the "Witch Hammer" craze in Europe (between 1486 and 1700, 100000 people tried as witches and approx 17500 executed), the French Wars of Religion (Catholic vs Hugenot).......I could go on.


The problem is not whatever religion you choose to follow, it is in how you interpret the writings of that particular religion, and unfortunately there will always be extremists (in every religion)







jonno that's of no value we are in 21st not the 15th century as you quote,, modern day Islam unfortunately still is and there lies the problem, as I have said before Islam marching ever boldly on to the 14th century.so I would say myzeneye is right in his assumption as it stands at present, or have you conveniently already forgotten Beslan, Mumbai etc etc.

wonder what Alisons views on those little "freedom fighter excursions"


cheers KW

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