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Im 16. I go to school, Have a part-time job, hold an FAC and a SGC.


I havn't stabbed anyone, nor do I plan to and I don't stand outside Londis drinking warm special brew and spitting at old people on friday nights.


At work on saturdays I ALWAYS have my Leatherman Wave with me, this has on it:


+ 3 1/4" knife blade (lock)

+ 3 1/4" serrated blade (lock)

+ 3 1/4" wood saw (lock)

+ 3 1/4" diamond file

+ Pliers

+ Various phillips and flat-blade screwdriving heads

+ small scissors


I use it at least 10 times per usual day at work, be it to open boxes, clean out battery contacts, tighten screws or even eat an apple in a civillised way.


So heres my point



Normally the first thing I do when I get home from work is strip off and get in a bath, this obviously means I no longer have my knife on my belt. But after doing some work for a friend today i came in and kept my knife on me. I used it so many times int he space of 5 or 6 hours I couldn't help but wonder why I don't always carry a knife ALL the time. But then I remebered, The Foolishness of a few under-developed indiviuduals and their stupid behaviour prevents me.


My question is this;


As a person certified to posses weapons capable of killing in excess of a mile, and shotguns that can bring down birds in flight from 45 yards, WHY AM I NOT DEEMED SUITABLE TO CARRY A KNIFE.

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good question mate.

nothing would stop you racing home from an evening stood outside londis and reaching in the kitchen draw for a carving knife, so i dont see what any ban will do anyhoo?


yes, if you get caught in possesion of one whilst outside londis, theres agood chance it'll be confiscated and youll get in trouble.... that i can understand, but as you say, if your certified to hold fire arms, then why not a blade ?

the thing is, would you stand outside londis with your 12g in your jacket...probably not.... so, you shouldnt with your knife either......


(i know you dont loiter round the shops mate, im just making a point.... :good: )


the laws an *** mate, but so are most people....

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The one that actually got me stupefied was the thread talking about requiring certificates for airsoft weapons when I legally own without a licence a powerful air rifle which is much more dangerous than the piddly airsoft.

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it depends what martial arts moves you know.... :good:


Wax on-wax off... :good:


Some of our laws are plain silly anyway.A little while ago i bought a small kitchen knife from supermarket and when the girl swiped the barcode-the till tinged and she held it up in the air.Apparently because the girl is under 18 she is incapable of determining if i am old enough to buy it! Same goes for alcohol too.

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Yeah this is funny, even at Tesco I shop at night sometimes and buy some beer and they have to get the manager to personally authorise any alcohol since it's on an automated till and they don't know who is buying it. In M&S last week they even asked for ID when I bought some champagne, I was like: yeah sorry I forgot I'm only 5. :good:

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the law is very questionable sometimes but...the law is the law...it's classed as a lock knife so is illegal to carry concealed in a public place.


on the other hand a belt can be a weapon...what you have to prove is why you were carrying it at that time...was it being used for a lawful purpose...if it's just on your belt you'll be at risk of losiing your certs if found with it on you in a public place.


don't risk it...you'll be very surprised what response you will get even though you carry a cert for firearms.


don't risk it !!


play it safe


all the best



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don't risk it...you'll be very surprised what response you will get even though you carry a cert for firearms.


don't risk it !!


play it safe


all the best




Once again, I agree. I will still take my knife to and from work but I won't be walking the streets with it screaming out my 'rights'.

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Once again, I agree. I will still take my knife to and from work but I won't be walking the streets with it screaming out my 'rights'.


i know mate you must be a quite a responsible chap having fac and sgc...i used to use a knife for work but i did used to wonder what response i would get if i ever got stopped on my way home

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Dont get me started on self automated tills, we are now not allowed to use the tills that you scan by yourself because ****holes are nicking so we are usually late to school due to grannies holding up the cue :good:


annndd theres more.


me n my mates went to asda at lunch and i went to the toilet joined with my pal (no not that way) anyways i was in the cubical n he was washing his hands and all i hear is the door to the toilet opening and a guy saying " hand against the wall " so i walk out only to see my pal getting searched in the bog !! i said to the guard is that not illegal to search like in here n he said **** off !!


Ahh good old Supermarkets...


(rant over)



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I was recently followed up and down 3 floors of M&S by a security guard when in the shop with a friend of mine.


This can be fun! Just start a nice light convosation with them, ask them wether they like dry or sweet sherry? They soon get the idea.

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Im 16. I go to school, Have a part-time job, hold an FAC and a SGC.


I havn't stabbed anyone, nor do I plan to and I don't stand outside Londis drinking warm special brew and spitting at old people on friday nights.


At work on saturdays I ALWAYS have my Leatherman Wave with me, this has on it:


+ 3 1/4" knife blade (lock)

+ 3 1/4" serrated blade (lock)

+ 3 1/4" wood saw (lock)

+ 3 1/4" diamond file

+ Pliers

+ Various phillips and flat-blade screwdriving heads

+ small scissors


I use it at least 10 times per usual day at work, be it to open boxes, clean out battery contacts, tighten screws or even eat an apple in a civillised way.


So heres my point



Normally the first thing I do when I get home from work is strip off and get in a bath, this obviously means I no longer have my knife on my belt. But after doing some work for a friend today i came in and kept my knife on me. I used it so many times int he space of 5 or 6 hours I couldn't help but wonder why I don't always carry a knife ALL the time. But then I remebered, The Foolishness of a few under-developed indiviuduals and their stupid behaviour prevents me.


My question is this;


As a person certified to posses weapons capable of killing in excess of a mile, and shotguns that can bring down birds in flight from 45 yards, WHY AM I NOT DEEMED SUITABLE TO CARRY A KNIFE.


A friend of mine is a black powder expert and fires guns

only propeled by black powder. He bought 2Kg of powder

some shot, wads and about a thousand primers of various

sizes and was given a small wooden handled lock knife

as a freeby for his buisness.

As he walked out of the shop the shop keeper said be careful

with the knife!!!


My mate laughed but the shopkeeper was serious, "you will

get into more trouble with the knife than with the powder".

He had enough powder and shot to start a small war, but

was warned about the 3inch bladed knife.


Cheers taz



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