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Would like a comparison of the different organisations.


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Well, going out on a limb here as any threads on this topic seem to end up locked, but I will be looking to join one of the organisations in the next month or so and would like to know why members of each chose the one they did and what they feel their organisations offered that others didn't. I know I could search and probably find threads on this but can already guess what they would be like so would like to start one without any slanging matches.


I would like some solid opinions out of this please and as such will be requesting the removal of any posts that are descending into an argument as I feel there is valid information to be had out of this (if only for myself).


Thanks :hmm:

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BASC because it's the most expensive (you get what you pay for I have found in life), they provide the most cover. They seem to be professional. They also have 100 years behind them. They have their own legal team and I like the car stickers. :hmm:

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OK, I'll kick this one off, what the betting how long this thread will last.


This subject has been discussed on this forum to the point of obliteration. However, if you want the best representation, experience, credibility, and maximum bang for your buck, go with BASC. 130,000 members can't all be wrong.


If you want insurance you can go with any of a number of organisations for around half the price of BASC. With regards to shooting I would suggest that you will get far less than half the effort for your money. The choice is yours.


Hows that, I didn't mention SACS, tempting though it was.






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Much depends I guess on what type of shooting you are most interested in.


All organizations offer insurance, all are similar in type and level of cover so let’s not get too bogged down by that!


Let’s concentrate on what, apart from insurance, you want out of your support for an organization. The larger organizations cost more to join, but have larger resources at your disposal and more resources to target on keeping shooting safe.


If you plan to specialize on a specific form of shooting such as, small bore, large bore, clay pigeon, airgunning, muzzle loading or deer stalking for example, then there are specialist organizations that look after those disciplines.


If you are a gamekeeper then there are a couple of organizations that specialize here too.


If you are an all round country person then there are more generalist organizations as well.


If you are a general shooting type then there are a few general shooting organizations to choose from.


Once you have decided which of the above groups you fit into, check out the relevant organizations web site to see what their objectives are and join the one that best suits your needs.



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Me, I joined BASC because I wanted one of their car stickers.


I wasn't that fussed about insurance - I have it with CPSA, home contents and all over the shop anyway. If you chose to join a shooting organisation for cheap insurance then take my advice and don't bother - just phone up one of the existing companies you have insurance with (or your broker) and ask them to sort something for you. Hell, I think you will find that if you have a "premium" type bank account (one that costs you a couple of quid a month) you might have insurance anyway - I found out last week that I get free travel insurance with my account (that I have had for over 10 years).


With the BASC it's the only one you know with 100% certainty will be there in 12 months time and actually has some clout - not like some of the mickey mouse 2 bob alternatives run out of people's bedrooms. Take a look at the BASC webby and see what they can do for you - you would be surprised as to the length and breadth of the services available.

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955i ,

You owe it to yourself and to shooting sports to belong to an association . In my humble opinion the B.A.S.C. is the best organization around to look after our future shooting . B.A.S.C. has been around for 100 years now and have the most experiance in dealing with present and future legeslation that effects us going out for a days shooting .


I have been a member for many years and was infact an old W.A.G.B.I. man . I have seen much water pass under the proverbial bridge over the years and B.A.S.C. has allways been there to fight the corner of the shooting community . B.A.S.C. is not perfect and on occasions has made mistakes and i will be the first to tell them so as i have in the past . Being a paid up member i am intitled to make a criticism if i find genuine fault ,after all its a members association ,and nobody elses .

Its not just a matter of insurance ,its a matter of what your association is doing to protect the future of shooting . Our main objective as shooters is to support an association that will secure the future of shooting . Join the B.A.S.C. and you wont regret it .

Best of luck ,

Harnser ,

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Well here we go, (lol) tryed another shooting lot found out the hard way you get what you pay for,

even if they are slow,

BASC are slow the reason is the lads and lasses down there in Wrexham have loads of experiance behind them and wisdom unfortunatly this only comes with age and the arther gets them a bit in this damp weather lol (DAVE).


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Not happy never got a sticker , David i will be knocking on your door in the morning :hmm:


uh oh, david, i think youd better get a supply of those stickers for the pw members!!!


With BASC and will be renewing with them too.


No one has mentioned the free magazine!!


:yes: :yes:



magazine? huh! thats nowhere the same as car stickers. you cant stick a magazine to a window :hmm:


i came up with an idea that would be better than car stickers though... GUN CABINET STICKERS!!!! :hmm::yes:

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