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How did we get on today? 2009 edition.

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Twas just practice :no: .


Should be a good shoot wednesday .


The worsley gangbangers on tour :mad: .



Ah, less than 73 :no::P???:P:lol: B)


We laaaaaaarfed and laaaaaarfed.


Looking forward to it, hope the ******* weather looks up a bit :good:


Any idea what time you're picking me up, Craig wants to know what time to be at mine.


And why are you in Sale on that day? :D:lol::lol::lol: . You haven't got mixed up with one of those filthy women on the estate have you? :o . Mrs Sweepy won't like that :mad:

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65 ex 80 for me today at 3 acres. Layout did seem pretty straightforward and at times the weather was a bit more challenging than the birds but that's 15 better than I've done there in the past.


Had a lesson with Tracy on Wednesday and it seems to have paid dividends.


All in all, well 'appy :good:



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If you want to know what is wrong with shooting from a chair you should try it. Also I forgot to mention that it was a fibre only shoot as well and the rain didn't stop all morning. ANd I shot with my left leg out in front and my right under the chair. Is that the right way to do it? I still shot gun down. Even getting cartridges out of your pocket was a task.



It must have been a bit like your day at shrove hill, so many no birds and with shooting stand 1 twice after they moved the cage I ended up using 73 cartridges for a 50 birder. That is a worse cartridge kill ratio than I get on the marsh.


There's a few more to add to the ever growing "MC book of excuses" :mad:


"Couldn't get the cartridges out of my pocket"...........well, I've heard 'em all now..!! :good:



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are you mental? That was a statement not an excuse. If it was an excuse it would have read " I missed a couple of birds because I couldn't get the cartridges out of my pocket."


I am fairly sure you have some corking excuses that we haven't heard yet. After all you have been shooting since time began and you still aren't that good at it.

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Yeah I'm only 2 mins from you.


I did get mixed up with one of those filthy estate women :good::mad: .


And you forgot the dangerous bit :mad: .

I'm sure Mrs sweeps wont mind :D .


Weather is allways good when im at doveridge ,Fingers crossed.


Sounds like you'll be too knackered to shoot well on Wednesday then :lol:


You obviously weren't shooting there yesterday as is pee'd down!

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Sounds like you'll be too knackered to shoot well on Wednesday then ;)


You obviously weren't shooting there yesterday as is pee'd down!



It will have dropped off by Wednesday, if he's been dipping it on that estate ??????:lol:


It dropped off years ago :lol: .


Weather was lovely at worsley sunday afternoon, It was a bit touch and go but at first but you no what its, four seasons in the day

Sounds like nicky's gettin nervous :lol::lol::lol::mad: .


I'm an all weather shooter anyway :lol: .


I look forword to it pigeonpals see you on wednesday :hmm:

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Was at worsley this afternoon to get abit of practise in :hmm: .


Take what ever shells you want pigeonpals (YOUR ALL GAN DARRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNN) ???


Me and my miroook are as one now :lol: .


Nice avatar magman (you lost ya specs). ??? .


Will leave them at home next time we meet :mad: still do better than 73 :lol:

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Shot the police charity shoot today at Doveridge, started well straighted stand one next to the pond, stand two, dropped 1... then to the high field, disaster, dropped 9X16!....and so it went dropped one on each stand of 7.8.9...dropped 4 on stand 10! dropped 2 on stand 11... dropped only two on the high tower,.straighted stand 5. 10X10 then dropped 4 on stand 6... finished on a 75!.X100... didnt see Chard there, but I suppose he was on the course somewhere, got a bit wet but its all part of the game.

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I'm afraid the PW contingent didn't excel at the Police shoot at Doveridge today.


Scores on the doors :


Craig (not even a PW chap) - 76 :lol:

Chard - 73

Annihilator - 68

Nicky T - 65

Mad Scientist - 61 (I think, but I thought he was doing better that this - till the last stand Laaaaaaaaarf)


Very disappointing scores but a great shoot in fantastic surroundings. I'd never been to Doveridge before, but I'll be going again. Nothing too hard, just relentlessly tricky with no gimmes. Had to think about every shot.

I don't know what won it, but I overheard somebody say that it would need to be high 80's to get it. If I heard that right, it wasn't a high scoring day, but that's got more to do with a lack of big names there. I didn't see many top shots there, awkward day of the week I suppose.


A good day in very good company :yes:


One of those courses that I think I would do much better at next time

Edited by Chard
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see chard led the way again. :yes: and on annis home turf :( :lol: shame on you.

all these lessons im giving you are paying off then chard, keep it up :lol::lol:


Ssssshhh - I didn't tell them about the lessons :lol:


I feel better about my score now, apparently Ron Zippo only put in a 75. (You must have had a bad day, bud), sorry I didn't see you. I was looking out for you :lol:

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:lol: Was at Worsley today , it rained quite hard but I got the hang of the "delay" button at last , hit more than ever an after 100 carts had I had some extras in the car I would have shot some more , raining or not :( ,my car looks like I've been rallying , that dirt track is awful :yes: Edited by unclemicky
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