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wondering if anyone needs any once fired 12g carts


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ive got loads of once fired 2 3/4" fiocchi, remington and a few eley AAA empties, if anyone wants some i can bag em up in say 50 per bag,

these have only been fired once and are not de-primed

Drop me a PM if you want any and ill see how many empties are lying around.

as for the price i was thinking of €10 shipped per 50, or im open for offers



Edited by dogfox
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Every monday evening after we have been rifle shhoting indoors we sweep the floor and get quite a bit of burnt gunpowder residue, does anyone want it to go with the fired cases?


It is quite rare and we don't that much each week so shall we say £10 per ounce? P + P extra

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