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The seasons end...............

Guest Patsmash

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Guest Patsmash

With the season drawing to a close we are trying to give the dogs as much work as possible. So today we started with the long net then quickly switched over to bolting to the dogs, the ditches that divide the fields up on this farm hold not many rabbits but just enough for a afternoons sport. And with the amount of rain we have had in the last week together with the clay soil many rabbits are living above ground (parkers) due to their homes being flooded. We have only been ferreting this particular farm since the end of December and have now taken exactly 200 rabbits off the farmers hands..............................today's bag 17 rabbits. Both dog's working very well today with some good marking and catches.


















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Excellent, were any shots fired in this hunt? Those dogs are really the muts nuts! Did the dog catch the bird? That picture of one of the dogs with its head in a hole and its legs up in the air, CLASS!


Great dogs Great pictures, I want a dog and a ferret but my wife she say no.



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I would love to go and see this in action - just to watch! My dad used to do this sort of thing - then dogs went and only had the ferrets, but this is amazing l think to see those dogs working together!


Do they manage to get every one? I suppose it depends on how far apart the buries are!?!?


Great pics though!



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Hi Pat

My Son went out for the last time today.

His not missed a weekend since november.

And he has gain about two more permission out of it.

Not bad for the 15 year old

His getting a good reputation with the landowners round here .

And now Ferreting is done with they offering land to shoot on.

So what will you do now .And whatever it is i hope you keep the photos coming.


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Am no expert so please will someone put me right if i am wrong.

But the rabbits now start having their young.

So you have more chance of having the ferret laid up.

This time of year.

And then that only means one thing either the lost ferret or a lot of digging .

Now i shell go hide in the corner while someone tells me am wrong. :yes:


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Guest Patsmash
Am no expert so please will someone put me right if i am wrong.

But the rabbits now start having their young.

So you have more chance of having the ferret laid up.

This time of year.

And then that only means one thing either the lost ferret or a lot of digging .

Now i shell go hide in the corner while someone tells me am wrong. :birthday:


No your quite right Suzy, in a few weeks time I will swap over to the rifle and shoot all through the summer albeit pest control. Your son is doing a grand job because farmer's want reliable trustworthy people who stick at it and not some part timer who turns up when he wants and only takes a coulple. If he carries on he will get a good reputation with all the local farmers and more and more permission, the hard work will pay off. :birthday:

Rimmied Rabbitz



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