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distance to permissions


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i feel that i've been lucky when securing my permissions in that the nearest one to me is no more than 2 miles from my house and the furthest is about 12 miles. I realise that a lot of members on here must live in big cities like london and manchester and may have to travel a fair way to pigeon shoot. The reason for my enquiry is, i have been pm'ing another member on here today who lives in my area and has no permissions at present and may be able to get him on one of my permissions at the weekend that cannot be more than a mile from where he lives . This made me wonder what's the furthest other people have to travel for a days pigeon shooting. I know i'd travel a hell of lot further if i had too!

Edited by jonboy1
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Believe it or not :good: I used to drive to Faversham, Kent for my shoot which works out at 85 miles each way, i used to live in Hayes, Middx.. I do stress though that it wasnt a weekly occurance and probabley only shot there 7-8 times a year so wasnt too bad. Havent shot there for a few years but just found out my buddy just moved there and shoots, so looks like some more miles to cover :good:

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50 mile round trip. Difficult to get permission closer to home although I live less than a mile from the nearest farm. Either farmers already have someone or shoot it themselves. Think that 1 person has all the farms near me as the same name pops up, although I never see or hear anyone out shooting.

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:good: you guys that travel 60 + miles,did you used to live nearer to your permissions and move away, or was there just no joy in your area? Hats off to you for your dedication though!


No, didn't used to live there. We've been shooting there just over a year now since we started the sport. The farmer is a family friend of my shooting buddy, long story but farmer has a holiday home in Cyprus and got to know my friends parents who owned a bar there for the last 14 years. He doesn't actually allow shooting on his land (2 plots about 350 acres each), but has given my friend (with me tagging along) the permision to shoot there whenever and as often as we like.


120 mile round trip is a trek, and unfortunately can't watch the fields for reccy, but it's somewhere to go so beggers can't be choosers.


I've been knocking on doors for the last 6 months with no luck to get my own permision, but I ain't giving up! Obviously If I find somewhere more local I can get out more often and don't have to rely on my buddy either. I think it's generally harder around big cities to get permision; What makes it worse is that I drive past fields every day on the way to work that I have aproached on many occasions, they are getting hammered but the farmers tell us that they already have people whom I've never seen on there! I think there are lots of people with much more land than they can really look after, and that makes getting permision harder.


Hey ho, that's life I suppose.....

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i don't understand the logic of some of these farmers sometimes. I asked a farmer local to me once (a well known miserable sod) if i could shoot the pigeons that were stuffing themselves on his pea field, i offered him references from other local landowners and he said 'thanks but no thanks'because he did'nt mind the pigeons! Obviously more money than sense methinks..

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1/2 mile for me is the nearest,which is about a mile long and I havent gotten round to measuring how wide it is.Then there's the golf course,about 3/4 of a mile away,but cant shoot there during the day and the furthest is a 40 mile round trip.I consider myself very lucky,I only got the mile long place last week.


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i'm in the army, working in cirencester at the moment. i have a permission in cardiff which is my home town so i guess thats about 65 miles away. but i can make a weekend of it and go home so its not too bad.


i also get a few invites from a mate on here to go shooting in marlbrough. but that means i have to drive to wales to pick up my guns and kit, then drive back to marlbrough which is about 90 miles from cardiff, then drive all the way back again to drop guns off! it can be a bit of a long expensive day but if you wanna shoot you have to get yourself out there i guess!

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I mostly shoot locally. Though this year I've had to knock back some people who heard through word of mouth due to the travel, just don't have the time and can't justify the expense. We would travel anywhere within a twelve mile radius from home usually. The problem with that is most of that circle from home is occupied by the Atlantic :good:

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