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Durham Police---Officer Arrested

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I was wondering where Grasshopper got all them fancy new guns he showed me by PM :unsure:



I have got a single Baikel in the cabinet that i bought from him...not had a knock yet,but i do have the receipt so not to bothered.

I might sell it on April 1st next year.....but before noon :lol:


Have shot with him on our pheasant shoot on a few occasions...speak as you find and i found him fine,especially when i put a fox i,d just shot into his brand new game bag and he carried it out of the wood for me.

The fella has a good sense of humour,was helpful to me and i hope it all works out for him.

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The police do routinely sell guns handed in for disposal. That is a matter of fact and its official police policy. They put them through the auctions in the normal way.

I think that what appears to have happened here is a little private enterprise.

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The fella has a good sense of humour


The 46-year-old is being questioned on suspicion of malpractice in public office, theft, forgery and deception.


He'll certainly need it....still decorating this mornings News up here,


Personally, I hope they throw the book at him, along with a few others in his little Pyramid he was building.

He might have pleased some, but the general opinion of him by most I've talked to was less than favorable.



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I agree that a guns handed in to the fire arms department that are functional Antique or otherwise should not be destroyed, l'd rather they sold them back into the shooting fraturnity rather than chop them up. I've often bugged my FEO (jokingly) about selling me guns. But he's to the letter and told me to get to the auctions!


Personally l can't blame the bloke! Put a decent English gun in front of me as a FEO for destruction and i'd be tempted - i dont know who wouldn't!



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My former FEO aswell. Personally i hope they don't throw the book at him, while i whole-heartedly agree what he has (allegedly) done is wrong, i'd rather see the handed in guns get a good home than see some smug anti pr!ck enjoying reading about them getting destroyed



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every time a gun gets destroyed i shed a tear, good on him for saving them :blush: :blush: ::good:




na seriousley, tbh i dont see what the major problem is (yes yes breach of trust, etc, i mean apart from all that) - if you dont want it anymore and the cops can flog it, so what? :yes:

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just don't hang him too quick, you've had the media response but it usually differs from the horses mouth.


It seems a little far fetched that he has been removing guns and selling them with receipts to his customers and gun shops. If he has then it does show some glaringly obvious faults in the system such as how was he allowed to just walk off with the firearms.

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A good mate of mine was visited by the police a few weeks ago his 410 shotgun that he bought a few months ago is one of the guns in question they checked everything out and told him he was the legal owner and not to worry and even gave him paperwork to that effect..


They were just tracing back along the line to find out the source looks like they succeeded... :blush:

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I have got a single Baikel in the cabinet that i bought from him...not had a knock yet,but i do have the receipt so not to bothered.

I might sell it on April 1st next year.....but before noon :good:


Have shot with him on our pheasant shoot on a few occasions...speak as you find and i found him fine,especially when i put a fox i,d just shot into his brand new game bag and he carried it out of the wood for me.

The fella has a good sense of humour,was helpful to me and i hope it all works out for him.


In the mean time I'll send you off a years supply of soap on a rope for your stay at her majestys pleasure :blush:


Can't see anyone who bought stuff from him getting in bother. He was the one doing the bit on the side. Be interesting to see what happens all the same :blush:

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I've heard of instances where guns have been taken from revoked owners complete with scopes and such that the owner could have legally retained and sold. A story I heard was that a powerfull scope would only be fitted to a powerfull rifle so it was used as an excuse to seize it.


I'm not saying this is fact - nor that this officer is out of order but there's little smoke without fire and this sort of stroke is bound to fuel suspicion that fund raising sometimes takes place at the expense of a firearms holder.

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