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Durham Police---Officer Arrested

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Update, don't hang him to quick EH !!!!


The Plot Thickens


Second Pc held in gun sale probe

_45689609_durham_policehq203.jpg The 41-year-old has worked in firearms licensing, said police A second Durham Police officer has been arrested as part of an investigation into the sale of firearms.


The 41-year-old constable, who has been suspended from duty, will be questioned on suspicion of the theft of shotguns.


It follows the arrest of another Pc, aged 46, over the suspected sale of guns handed to police for destruction.


The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is supervising the force's inquiry, thought to relate to more than 100 weapons.


The investigation began after a rifle was stolen during a burglary at a farm in County Durham.


'Licensed firearms'


It emerged that its previous owner handed the gun to police for destruction, but it disappeared from the force's registration system.


The 41-year-old officer has worked in firearms licensing, said Durham Police.


The 46-year-old, who has also been suspended from duty, was questioned on suspicion of malpractice in public office, theft, forgery and deception.


He has since been bailed pending further inquiries.


Speaking earlier this month, Ch Supt Ian Macdonald said the matter first came to light in February.


All the weapons had since been traced to licensed firearm certificate holders, he added.







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The police do routinely sell guns handed in for disposal. That is a matter of fact and its official police policy. They put them through the auctions in the normal way.

I think that what appears to have happened here is a little private enterprise.


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  • 1 month later...

Update, he's being charged with Fraud, that'll be to hold him for further investigation, which is on going at this moment in time, they reckon everyone of the 110 guns is going to be checked.


Rumour has it that a few of his shooting buds have irons in the fire, time will tell,



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Soap on a rope in the post mate :bye2:


Am having trouble making the cake with file centre though, may take some time :no::lol:


Thought you might just turn up on your ox with some rope and drag the window bars off for me...Oh Oh,here comes Mongo :lol:




Go Supergrass and give the police a load of random names from the phone book, but first get a clear agreement for a cash payment, a new identity and relocation to somewhere nice like Jersey or the West Country :lol:


Have only given them Tulky,s details...so far :lol: (bought him a .410 from a relative of said officer) :rolleyes: Hope i get my own cell. :)


Re-locate..how very dare you Mungler..and leave gods country,where we have all of these top footy teams and....where did you say i should choose again :D

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I had my visit from them this week(bought a couple of shotguns from him)..they certainly are going over it all with a fine toothcomb.Of course,i,m totally innocent :D but visiting is from 1-3 on weekdays :rolleyes:



****** don't they do weekends :lol:

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  • 3 months later...

When the officer investigating phoned me,she asked "did you buy the gun from a Mr Wilson" - " no,i bought it from PC Maurice Allen at the police station" said i.


Hmmm she said,looks like he,s forged a letter from you to say you,d bought it directly from Mr Wilson :no:


When i told her that i,d handed in a single barrel shotty for destruction,she turned to her colleague and said " bet that never got destroyed neither" the mind boggles.

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its a strange case and you would have thought if you were going to find a dodgy source of income then you wouldn't take police property and sell it on.


I know people who have received guns and amunition thats been handed in down our way mostly guns that were too nice to be destroyed but I'm not sure what happened financially. These have only gone to license holders so that side seems fine it just looks like its been done without authority to sell them orwithout the money going into police coffers. Be interesting to see what else comes out of the case

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There's a bit more to this story, the above link doesn't cover,


But it'll come out in the wash eventually,




got to agree with that :no: it mentions the gun stolen in a burglary :lol: . but doesnt say who stole it.

Edited by ROBLATCH
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It seems to me this could have been perfectly ok. If people with valuable weapons had have been given the option of handind them to Licenced dealers for some money, infact it makes environmental sense. What a waste to scrap a perfectly functioning weapon. If they were very low value, then maybe even just give them to a club. My schools club could have used some free shotguns or target rifles for example. However some police officer lining his own pockets, he ought to get charged with embezzlement of public goods, as effectively the firearms etc handed in were I assume public property once signed of to the police. In china you can get massive sentences for stealing public money and incompetence, sadly in Britain you get nothing.

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For information the force I work for dont sell guns. They wont let officers who have tickets have them. They destroy every single one handed in unless it is unusual and then it goes to the armoury for training purposes.

I saw loads of shotguns, rifles and pistols chopped up a few weeks ago.


I have seen members of the public come to the station to surrender guns. Usually there are left to them when someone dies. If they look like they are worth something it has been known to direct them to the gunshop in town where they will get some money for it.




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Lets all remember that its the cops who are prosecuting these two cops for thair alleged wrong doing.


Clearly, honesty and integrity will be under the spotlight but I'd remind us to consider the wider 'force' in general before we pick the tar brush.


Now its out of the hands of the old bill and into the british justice system.



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If, and I emphasise the word "IF" he is guilty of these offences then they should throw the book at him and hand out the maximum sentence permissible! I have only read about this on this forum and we all know that what the parers say MIGHT be blown out of proportion.

I think we need to be a little careful about crucifying someone when we do not know all of the facts for certain as I personally believe that the biggest majority of our police force do a remarkably good and sometimes very difficult job and it is all too easy to "Tar them all with the same brush". when all is said and done you will always get one "rogue" in whatever walk of life you talk about!

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