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Helping the Farmer


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I took my kids up to my permission yesterday for a walk around as my lad is mad on tractors. So didn't take any guns and the fields were full of crows/rooks (just my luck) but a nice day out in the countryside with my kids.


Now the twist.......... I always ask the farmer if he needs a hand with anything as I suppose a lot of us shooters do and normally he has everything covered, but yesterday he said "do you fancy a little job" to which I said "yes, if I can help" (big mistake, always know what the job is before saying yes!)


So for the next hour I was











:lol::yes: :blink: Castrating bulls !!! :good::lol::lol: (and my daughter got a picture!)



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Enzootic abortion in sheep beats your nomination any day of the week.

Euuuw! Sounds nasty.


I was present to witness a truly gut turning incident where the vet had to be called out to get a lamb out of a sheeps womb. The lamb came out eventually. But not all in one piece. :yes:

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Eye opener.....eye waterer more like....think of the bullucks.......

It was definately an eye opener when the farmer asked if I was having any more kids and if not he could do me :yes: there and then and save on any costs or hospital waiting lists.......... I declined his very kind offer but I didn't tell my wife as you know what women are like for saving money! :yes:

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It was definately an eye opener when the farmer asked if I was having any more kids and if not he could do me :yes: there and then and save on any costs or hospital waiting lists.......... I declined his very kind offer but I didn't tell my wife as you know what women are like for saving money! :yes:


foget saving money, id be more worried about the next time you **** her off!! :P:oops:

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