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Should I buy a safe before the SGC interview?


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Am about to send off my SGC application but need some advice on the safe.


I've read all about how it's up to the police to prove why you shouldn't be granted a licence, but I live in central London and was wondering whether where I live will make the application process a little harder (what with all our gun crime problems).


I can't find any guidance on whether I should buy a gun safe before or after the FEO visits. I thougth I'd read somewhere that you should have the safe installed for the FEO to see when they visit. But doesn't buying the safe before the interview assume the application will be successful? Do the police appreciate this sort of assumption? I'd hate to buy the safe and then have the application refused.


I was wondering what everyone else did. Did you buy your safe before your interview?



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If you wait until after the FEO has visited to buy your cabinet then the FEO will have to make another visit to check your cabinet. When the firearms dept rang me to arrange a time for the visit, the young lady said that if I was to be keeping the weapons at home then the cabinet would have to be fitted so it could be checked during the visit.


So in short, fit your cabinet before the visit.

Edited by jojusa
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I sent off my application and then once I had my interview and knew for definate I would get my sgc I went out and bought a safe. My feo came out again checked it over and left my completed sgc with me after he was happy it was suitable. Is it possible that you could send off your SGC buy a safe in the mean time and then find out that you have been refused? Just curious because surely I could have my feo visit and during the interview say something bad by accident which would change his mind about my suitability at which stage I would have already attached the safe and would then have to remove it?

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You cant have it all ways, you either want a SGC or not. Not buying the cabinet can also demonstrate that you have your own doubts and have something to hide.


If you have a clean record, some experience and common sense, a safe storage and a good reason for having your SGC, then your application will not fail.

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I have said this before . If you fit the criteria for shot gun ownership ,a person of good charactor , need to have the shotgun and a secure place to store it ,then you will get your ticket . If you fit the criteria then go ahead and buy your gun safe ,you wont be allowed to have guns without it and quite rightly so .

Best of luck ,Harnser .

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I bought the safe but waited for his visit before fitting it, so I could ask him which of the two options I wanted would be more acceptable. He was happy with either, and let me choose the position I liked best. I had it fitted within a couple of days and he was back a day or so after that.

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i didnt get my safe fitted till after my sgc visit/interview. during the visit my FEO checked out where i wanted to fit the cabinet, and ok'd it. So in that respect it was good, when he comes back to check the safe there shoudnt be any issues. In fact, he doesnt seem too bothered about coming out to check it at all!! Have had 3 different shotties on my cert since my sgc was granted 3 months ago, rang the FEO to mention that my cab hadnt been checked. He said he'll come out when the office bods tell him to!

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I dropped my application in personally at Lloyd House (West Midlands Police Headquarters) and asked if it would be possible to chat to someone about the best position to place the safe. A very nice gentleman came down and agreed that my proposed safe position was acceptable, so once the interview was arranged hubby fitted the safe for me. I think the FAO appreciated us making the effort to get it installed beforehand as it saves them two journies.


As long as there are no 'issues' about you getting a SGC (e.g. past convictions) then you should be fine.



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I would recommend buying but NOT fitting before your FEO visit.


The FEO will appreciate the fact that you are serious about security but have awaited guidance and ultimately agreement with him/her with regards to location and fixing.


Otherwise you risk having to move it or change the fixing somehow. That would be a pain and also result in redecoration!


Good luck - hope all goes well. I bought cabinet in Jan, had my visit in Feb, fitted the cabinet later in the agreed location the same day and received my certificate mid March.



Edited by shoughton
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When I first had to have a cabinet all those years ago I said I would fit one so they could inspect it. They told me to buy it but not fit it as they would advise the best place for it.


Nowadays I would ring the firearms dept and ask them. If you have an alcove or built in wardrobe then that is the best place for it as it will be out of sight of visitors.


As already said, if you don't have a record as long as your arm and are not a raving nutcase then you shouldn't have any problems at all. You do not have to have a valid reason for wanting a shotgun by law but that is probably one question you will be asked.

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I put on my application that my gun would be stored in an industry standard gunsafe in my home at a location to be agreed with my FLO. I did not have the safe when he visited for the interview, nor did I have one when he popped round and dropped off my SGC - it is far from essential to have your safe fitted before your interview.

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If you have a decent place to fit it then do and the check will be done at the same time as your interview, If you live in a Wimpey built cardboard house then it may be best to wait for advice on where to site it.


which was my situation.....was worried the FEO would demand the cabinet goes in the loft, total ball ache. However he was happy for it to be coach bolted to the floor joists in one of the built in wardrobes. Having fitted it, I can vouch that the cab aint going anywhere!

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I purchased and fitted too the wall before any visit......it shows you care and know what you should have .


I agree with winchester energy, if you have done your homework on the location and fixing type it shows the officer that you are keen and more than anything, shows that you have thought about the safety/legal side. Also means that you don't have to faff about with 2 visits then - that must be a cost saving on biscuts and tea???!!



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I completely get the 'not presuming the outcome of an assessment' thing. If I was interviewing someone and they were talking/acting as though they had already got the job I'd be annoyed. I also see the whole 'not wasting the FEO's time' thing. Flip a coin.


I'm a boring civil servent with no history of mental illness or criminal convictions. I've had a couple of lessons at a local clay school. I have a wife and very young daughter so am VERY security conscious. I have a basement store room that's part of the original construction of my house so the gun safe when in there will be very much out of the way. Considering all this, I don't see a problem with my application. Given that I think I might, proverbially, bite the bullet and buy the safe.


All good advice, thanks guys and gals.

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I put on my application that my gun would be stored in an industry standard gunsafe in my home at a location to be agreed with my FLO. I did not have the safe when he visited for the interview, nor did I have one when he popped round and dropped off my SGC - it is far from essential to have your safe fitted before your interview.


depends on the local police force .... im under the met and my FLO wouldnt issue the cert until i had a cabinet fitted and inspected by him .. but didnt have any probs arranging a revisit to check the cabinet after the initial interview :look:

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