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Calling the police before shooting


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'any half wit at Police HQ would realise its going to be someone pursuing a legal hobby' and what about poachers?:yes:?


Are the Police that concerned about poachers..? :rolleyes: Im not being sarcastic either.


If an ARV was called out to me-the officers would have a real long walk because i always re-lock the gate when i go shooting.

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My shooting chums, had the rozzers out the other day, they dont bother calling the police, because they shoot so regulaly. any they were shooting over spring rape and they had 2 normal rozzers come across to them and told them someone had complaind about shot hitting their house (but they are an anti and considering the house is out of shotgun range, he just hears shooting and say shots hitting his house because he knows it will get the fuzz out) They (my mates) told the fuzz this and then they checked sgc's and serial numbers, then sat in the hide with them for half an hour to watch them shoot a pigeon. :rolleyes:


So no aru or mp5s :yes:

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This is being trialled in Leicester at the moment.


I'm going HMR lamping and C/F zero checking later (by 4x4 headlight) but won't be calling it in as it's at a fairly remote location. I'll also be doing a round of some other remote one's to occupy my night time body clock.


However, some of my permissions are close to city boundary housing and main roads that have twice produced an ARU callout, one accompanied by the Heli. One of those locations has an anti shooting Councillor residing nearby who tried very very hard to prevent a rugby club arranging with me to reduce rabbit by shooting on their privately owned and funded fenced off gated land.


These more sensitive locations IMO qualify as well worth calling in.

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I have been to the local police station IN PERSON to inform of my intentions. location and whereabouts, all to no avail, they still all turned up, with the helicopter, so now I don't bother, nor do I ring them when I leave the house, go to the shops or any of the other legal and legitimate activies I pursue

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These more sensitive locations IMO qualify as well worth calling in.


Nobody will ever know you are there if your co-lamper drives the 4x4/ATV whilst wearing NV goggles, and all shooting is conducted with IR light and NV optics, preferably using .22LR subs (or a CF set up specifically for subsonics). It is proper ninja-style lamping, and stealthy enough to allow one to shoot in St James' Park without anybody noticing.

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I have never informed the Police when I am out shooting, nor do I intend to (all the time its voluntary).

I shoot most week days and cover a large area, sometimes moving fields and farms a few times in a day.

Am I expected to give them a running commentary ?

Despite adopting this policy for 40 odd years, I have never been visited by an unarmed constable on a push bike, let alone helicopters and ARV's.


I no longer shoot at night, but I do believe that is a different situation than day time shooting.

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I no longer shoot at night, but I do believe that is a different situation than day time shooting.

My FEO told me that if I was shooting at night then I should inform the nearest police station to my permission to avoid the ARV turning up.

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Nobody will ever know you are there if your co-lamper drives the 4x4/ATV whilst wearing NV goggles, and all shooting is conducted with IR light and NV optics, preferably using .22LR subs (or a CF set up specifically for subsonics). It is proper ninja-style lamping, and stealthy enough to allow one to shoot in St James' Park without anybody noticing.


Sounds like thats a very expensive though satisfying way to to the job Baldi. :rolleyes:

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And the bloke who went to a clay shooting ground to shoot himself :yes:? Outwardly, semmingly innocent - then again oh no he's dead.............


Like I said let them know or don't it's your decision - but dont moan when plod do their job...............



That guy was a police officer and realistically are you going to phone in that you're going shooting before commiting suicide :rolleyes: or are you requiring people to phone before going to a clay ground as well

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Cheshire police have just introduced a new updated fast phone service for shooters. All they questions are obviously programmes into the computer now as all ask the same questions, including the finest details, such as calibre, colour lamp, no. of people, vehicle details, also including "what is it your shooting" AND VERMIN OR GAME ISNT A GOOD ENOUGH ANSWER APPARENTLY!


Thin end of the wedge? Ill leave that one with you gents............

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I don't care if they make it compulsory to call before you shoot. I will do exactly as they say.


Every single time i take a shot with a BB gun, shotgun, air rifle or rifle, i will be sure to give the police a call, detailing the caliber, make of gun, location, gun length, gun colour, gun texture, gun name, gun history, shop where purchased etc etc.


The forces will be overwhelmed with happiness when every shooter in Britain gives them meticulous detail on every shot.

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when im lamping i dont call the police as im not expecting to see ramblers at midnight walking through fields but when im pigeon shooting i do i had the police out 2 days on the trot last year due to people reporting a man with a gun in the fields they now take my mobile number and if they have any reports they ring me and ask if its me in the hedge behind a hide in full camo with a dog lol.tell them yes and job done.no helicopter no armed response no idiot coppers hideing in the ditch trying to catch me out.


as a pair of cops said to me one night when they came out of a hedge row they were trying to stalk me and got a lightforce 170 in the kisser...............if you was doing something wrong im sure ya could of shot us :no: that was the cops words they were regular un armed cops.....

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That guy was a police officer and realistically are you going to phone in that you're going shooting before commiting suicide :no: or are you requiring people to phone before going to a clay ground as well



Sorry I'll try and clarify that comment - It was in response to Markbivvy's 'in my mind be a clear indication that you hadn't lost it and decided to take it out on the world with a gun. in the middle of a stubble field, in a hide , with decoys out, get real please'.


The point being that just because you head off towards somewhere legitimate to shoot (ie a clay shoot) does not mean that you are going to carry out a legitimate act....


Poor example by myself really.... apologies to any offended.

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derbyshire police asked me not to phone as this is causing problems with the monthly incident reports ie making it look bad, But i have been thinking its good in one respect as i go shooting alone i tell my wife what time i will be back. if i have not responded within half an hour. she will phone the police and if they know where i am the better it is. ok i have mobile but where i shoot is a dead area. but i know they will respond quicker, and in this day and age with rustlers about if you have cut off point for reaction. id rather be there with a broken leg and know for definate that help will be on its way in a time scale. than lay there all night hoping someones going to look for me

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