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your set up ????

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what is everyones set up ?

i currently shoot my yeoman non ejector, 28 inch barrels and choked at 1/4 and 1/2, i did have a aya with 26 inch barrels and have thought since that maybe a shorter barrelled gun would be easier to handle in the hide :good:??

my seat is a cheap camping chair but i think i am going to get a stool as it gets in the way a bit ?

and i am currently using a army duffel bag for all my gear but i still seam to end up with more stuff in my hands than i can manage

what does everyone else use ??

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Me and dad both use beretta's (dad= 687 silver pigeon - 1/2 and 3/4 chokes, Me= 686 special 1/4 and 1/2 chokes with 28 inch barrels) + I have been using my remington 1100 5 shot auto quite alot.


Me and dad both normally stand up in the hide because it is easier to shot birds compared to when you are sitting donw, but we do have 2 fold up chairs that we have in the truck.

We try to drive to where we wont to shoot so we can have all the gear we need with us and if it starts to rain we can sit in the truck :good:


But if we do have to walk anywhere we have 2 army style back packs to carry all our nets and cartridges in and we have the decoys and magnets in seperate bags.


We have a main bag of about 40 full body decoys, a smaller bag of 12 shell decoys, 3 bouncers, 1 electric flapper, 2 pigeon magnets, 4 adjustable hide poles, 2 sets of lofting poles, 1 very large net that we use to cover the truck, 4 nets in a game bag for our main shooting, 2 large trays to put the dead birds in and we now have about 1000 cartridges in the truck for a really good day.


I shall try to get a pic of some of it.

Edited by MerseaDavid
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beretta sa 303 (1/4 choke) or my old (but trusty!) sbs if its raining (1/4 and half choke) 26" barrels non ejector


bucket seat (with swivel top) defnintley worth the money = good height / storage etc


3x floaters


24 shell decoys + flexible pegs

6 full body to either loft or sit on canes to get some more visibility


4 hide poles (adjustable with kick plates) - various nets depending on the backround


All carried in a huge (butlightweight bag)


rotary + batt / speed controller - currently in an old army kit bag - but this is now due for replacement - (with another large lightweight bag)


plus loads of other bits and pieces that i cant seem to be without! :good:

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Miroku MK70 8-inch multichoke with half and half chokes


Enough No6 cartridges for the day.


Stealth camo hide


Four extendible hide poles with kick plates


Eight crocodile clips


Ten flocked shell decoys


Rotary and battery


Flapper and battery


Two dead pigeons


Camo clothing, hat and gloves




Bamboo canes and carrier bags


Game bag


Ear plugs and sunglasses




Hide bag and bucket seat


Three floater poles




Shotgun licence and permission letter


Two litre flask of coffee


Four sandwiches - probably cheese and pickle


Two Mars bars


Pickled eggs - pair


Two packets of Walkers Worcestershire Sauce crisps


Some cake - not bothered what kind


Some more cake




Fags, lighter, papers and filters






Spare fag papers


Spare matches


That's it all really, and it all goes in my enormous decoy rucksack which fits Jeeves perfectly and he says it's perfectly balanced and comfortable, expect when the decoy beaks stick in his back.


And that leaves me carrying the gun and one hand free for some cake.

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Miroku MK70 8-inch multichoke with half and half chokes


Enough No6 cartridges for the day.


Stealth camo hide


Four extendible hide poles with kick plates


Eight crocodile clips


Ten flocked shell decoys


Rotary and battery


Flapper and battery


Two dead pigeons


Camo clothing, hat and gloves




Bamboo canes and carrier bags


Game bag


Ear plugs and sunglasses




Hide bag and bucket seat


Three floater poles




Shotgun licence and permission letter


Two litre flask of coffee


Four sandwiches - probably cheese and pickle


Two Mars bars


Pickled eggs - pair


Two packets of Walkers Worcestershire Sauce crisps


Some cake - not bothered what kind


Some more cake




Fags, lighter, papers and filters






Spare fag papers


Spare matches


That's it all really, and it all goes in my enormous decoy rucksack which fits Jeeves perfectly and he says it's perfectly balanced and comfortable, expect when the decoy beaks stick in his back.


And that leaves me carrying the gun and one hand free for some cake.



sounds like you really like cake lol :welcomeani:

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I travel light:


One Escort 26" with 1/2 choke

100 cartridges (I rarely fire more than 6 shots)

Sonic 2 plugs

4 Unflocked shells

11 Full bodied Decoys (head up and down)

1 flying flocked decoy

1 hazel stick

2X 10ft nets cable tied toghter = 20ft net

2 bent hidepoles with kickplates

2 laundry props with no kickplates

1 folding fishing seat (thats bent)


2 bottles of water 500ml

Ready salted crisps

twix (cant beat 'em)


In a army suplus kit bag

a bisly 100 cartidge canvas bag

and a reeeally long bisly canvas gunslip (fleece lined)


On a 1995 Honda Foreman 400 :welcomeani:


Incase you are wondering why all my kit is bent, it is because when I strap it down on the quad I over do it with the rachet staps :welcomeani:

Edited by EdwardtheloneShooter
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Beretta Silver Pigeon 5 with 3/4 and 1/2 in

A length of cammo net

A belt of carts, plus a load in an issue "Jetpack" pouch

A dozen shell decoys and wobbler/normal sticks

two magpie deeks

An old army kitbag for the stuff I have to carry.


Normal clothing is:


Issue trousers

Flectarn smock

US pattern boonie hat


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Gun-either semi or O/U

Cartridges plus another 100 in car

Flask of coffee (very important!)

Bottle of lemon squash

Army camo netting

Four poles

More camo net

Hammer (when ground is like concrete)

25 litre plastic drum for a seat

Cushion to prevent my bum going numb

Rucksack with a dozen pigeon decoys

Large holdall with half dozen crow decoys

Rotary with Air-pro's

Two batteries for rotary

Crow caller

Camo booner hat (my head is like a billiard ball so need to disguise it!)

Camo t-shirt

Gun licence

Mobile phone


Multi-tool cutting thingy

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u laughing at me magman .............. or is it toomsby and all his cake ? ed and all his bent poles ..........................


:welcomeani: Last two Red letter days ive had all i took was a gun , cartridge ,Magnet and a bouncer :lol:

no hide or poles used what was there for cover .

Reccy the area well and you will need no more :welcomeani:

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:welcomeani: Last two Red letter days ive had all i took was a gun , cartridge ,Magnet and a bouncer :lol:

no hide or poles used what was there for cover .

Reccy the area well and you will need no more :welcomeani:



Yeah... Magman's got it spot on really.


All you need to remember is the three C's and you won't go too far wrong...







Edited by Toombsy
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Miroku MK70 8-inch multichoke with half and half chokes


Enough No6 cartridges for the day.


Stealth camo hide


Four extendible hide poles with kick plates


Eight crocodile clips


Ten flocked shell decoys


Rotary and battery


Flapper and battery


Two dead pigeons


Camo clothing, hat and gloves




Bamboo canes and carrier bags


Game bag


Ear plugs and sunglasses




Hide bag and bucket seat


Three floater poles




Shotgun licence and permission letter


Two litre flask of coffee


Four sandwiches - probably cheese and pickle


Two Mars bars


Pickled eggs - pair


Two packets of Walkers Worcestershire Sauce crisps


Some cake - not bothered what kind


Some more cake




Fags, lighter, papers and filters






Spare fag papers


Spare matches


That's it all really, and it all goes in my enormous decoy rucksack which fits Jeeves perfectly and he says it's perfectly balanced and comfortable, expect when the decoy beaks stick in his back.


And that leaves me carrying the gun and one hand free for some cake.


Most important item on the list?


Spare matches - fact

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I always find wheen its really quite and nothing about, as soon as you start on your tuc they come in ??????


You got it mate. It's always the same, but I've found that...


Bakewell Tart tends to bring them in from the right, Ginger Cake brings 'em in from the left. If you want some high birds then its a slice of lemon drizzle cake, and for those low incoming birds, a couple of nags on a chocolate cake with buttercream filling does the trick :crazy:


Never tried port and a chunk of Stilton yet, but my mate says have that and you're surrounded by woodcock in seconds



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You got it mate. It's always the same, but I've found that...


Bakewell Tart tends to bring them in from the right, Ginger Cake brings 'em in from the left. If you want some high birds then its a slice of lemon drizzle cake, and for those low incoming birds, a couple of nags on a chocolate cake with buttercream filling does the trick :good:


Never tried port and a chunk of Stilton yet, but my mate says have that and you're surrounded by woodcock in seconds




:good: :good: :beer: :beer: Brilliant :good:

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