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seriously be careful mate,


I had the same issue, but had one arm in a sling, I was attacked and I broke the guys face with a left jab (ex Kickboxer World Bronze Medalist) I got taken to task, GBH, 240hrs Comm Service, a Criminal record and in total with my legal fee, his and the fine about £18k lighter in the pocket. Made it interesting when I applied for SGC too,


make sure it can't be turned around on you if the decked one suddenly decides to say you attacked him.


On a side note.


Nice one.

Edited by danccooke
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British legal system, if you are rich you can afford a top lawyer. If you are not you get what you're given. I was 19 and poor, he was 21 and from a very affluent family. Who had a gripe that I had banned him from my kickboxing classes because he only wanted to hurt people.

according to his lawyer he didn't attack me he patted me on the shoulder and although thoughtless it wasn't maliscious ( a pat that ended up with his thumb inside my shoulder through the stitches i had in from a recent operation), and he didn't headbut me he lent forwards to hear me better. Jury pretty much agreed it was selfdefence but the result was excessive, they came back and requested the judge give them a measure of what was "reasonable force" to which he was as vague as he could be, it was a split verdict but in the end the took a 10 -2 after being called back for the 4th time, this was after they asked the hieght difference between us, which was 2" but the judge gave the weight difference too which was 8stone. I think that is what swayed them.

judge said that although i was guilty i showed remorse and that a non custodial sentance would be given.


In short British justice sucks, I lost my job, my sport and much respect. It took a long time to earn two of those back.


One punch , broken Jaw, broken Cheek, direct fracture of the orbital Floor of the eye socket, nose. Sounds impressive, I've never raised a fist since and quit kickboxing(however I did represent Great Britain later that year for the last time), maybe he had a paper face but it scared me enough that at 19years old i might have killed him and ended up inside for life. The only way I would ever throw a punch again would be if someone was threatening my wife or I truly thought my life was in danger.


I am not proud of what i did but it was a self defence reaction. In the same position as it was a reaction there is a chance it would happen again but I hope to never be in that position. I am sure the starter of this thread had the same thought. I'm being attacked, fix it. I just wanted to say be careful in case the attacker suddenly decides that he is in pain and maybe he could sue you. To say I am sceptical of the British Judicial system is an understatement.

Edited by danccooke
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How can that possibly be right, you were attacked with your arm in a sling and it was you who got done??? :)


If you're martial arts trained and you come off better in the fight you always get the book thrown at you. ;) Same thing happened to my brother about 5 years ago when he was set upon after a night out by 4 charvers. They obviously out numbered him, they threw the first punch, he even tried running away but he ended up having to fight them. He floored the lot of them but because he's an instructor he "should've know better", whatever the **** that means :good: This country is an absolute joke when it comes to self defence.



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Good for you , as a female & one who spends a lot of time out walking with the dogs alone i now carry a small knife with me at all times , i will suffer the concequences if i am ever found to be with it , i dont really care to be honest i am just protecting myself if i ever need to

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Hear about people who defend themselves coming off worse regulalrly law is a bit **** on occasions.

Sadly though violence is the only thing some sections of society understand, though they always know their rights, but have no idea of their responsibility, i.e. leave other people alone!

A chav once tried headbutting me in Cardiff, don't do that to a bloke who plays rugby in the front row, results can be painful.

Tight Lines


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It comes down to what is reasonable force sadly you can't do too much damage to these scroats, Kay I'd suggest its a bad idea were you to pull it on some hoodie and get disarmed you're more likely to have it used on yourself.


I know in reality i would be pretty useless if i was mugged or anything else, being fairy small & not particularly strong i do try to go out when i know theres going to be a fair amount of other people about , seems silly to think i could tackle someone if i were ever in that situation

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Find out where your nearest self defence class is.

i was lucky in my last job they taught me how to protect myself and restrain someone.

which did not help when i was attack with the odject that was thrown. :blush:

They also taught me first aid.

I have the feeling the felt i might need it after teaching me the first two :blush:


Nige I am so glad your ok

Just be more careful out their hun :good:


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same thing here worked clearing glasses in a night club asked a guy to mind out as i went passed with a tray full of pint glasses he turned round and head butted me my nose was a right mess but the aikido came in handy and i could have been the the brown stuff but the police veiwed the video footage and had a rethink and nicked the scrote,why is it that the thugs seem to have more rights than all the decent folk going about theirs,so much for the right to self defence they seem to take a dim view if you have martial arts training and stand up for your self so i can simpathise with you danccooke

Edited by rubberlegs
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Yeah I had a friend in Romania who was ajudo instructor he registered his arms as lethal weapons. once he went on one of those boxing machines and broke the end right off, the guys at the arcade didn't want to argue with him that he messed up their machine. :blush:

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Find out where your nearest self defence class is.

i was lucky in my last job they taught me how to protect myself and restrain someone.

which did not help when i was attack with the odject that was thrown. :blush:

They also taught me first aid.

I have the feeling the felt i might need it after teaching me the first two :blush:


Nige I am so glad your ok

Just be more careful out their hun :good:



I did some training in my caring jobs just how to lower someone to the floor really but other than that i did no physical restraint training , i did learn to dodge the walking frames being hurled about the place though :hmm:

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Just walked back from my local (100 yds) and 2 hoodies blocked my path and demanded my phone and wallet.


Flattened one and the other ran off!


Moral of the story - I may only be 5'4" but dont get in the way of a grumpy ex-RAF boxer!!!






They must be thick, why try and mug someone after they've left the pub!? Who the hell leaves a pub when they still have cash in their wallet? :P


Anyway, good show. :lol:



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Just walked back from my local (100 yds) and 2 hoodies blocked my path and demanded my phone and wallet.


Flattened one and the other ran off!


Moral of the story - I may only be 5'4" but dont get in the way of a grumpy ex-RAF boxer!!!



I am not saying this is right or wrong but you need to be carefull what you post not to long ago a member off here was printing off posts and handing them to the firearms department and if a firearms officer reads your post you have told him two things one you have a drink problem and your violent when you have had a drink,

morrely you are spot on but a court wont see it that way.

and no matter if yoUr user name isnt your real one your ip address can still be traced so PLEASE BE CAREFUL

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Although I agree with the overall flavour of your post I beg to differ that (a) just because I went for a jar at my local means I have a drink problem and (:hmm: that I am naturally violent after a drink. I do take umbrage however at 2 youths significantly bigger than myself blocking my path and demanding personal possesions. Fight or flight? I did a bit of both.


Point taken though, fuel for the antis should be discouraged, Mods please feel free to remove this in it's entirety.



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Good for you , as a female & one who spends a lot of time out walking with the dogs alone i now carry a small knife with me at all times , i will suffer the concequences if i am ever found to be with it , i dont really care to be honest i am just protecting myself if i ever need to



Kay, lose the knife. It may just get you more hurt than you would be if you didn't have it. I know a young woman who is pretty small like yourself but well trained. I was seeing her when I was younger and we got into a spot of bother in a club. Some big (and I mean really big) guy was pushing me around and I was well out of my depth. The bouncers spotted what was going on and came to help but didn't get to him before she did. By the time they got to us he was out cold on the floor and they had to carry him out. She weighed about 8 stone, the guy she floored was probably double her weight and solid muscle. There was no way I could have taken him on :lol:


It takes a lifetime of training to be as good as my friend, but it doesn't take much to put you on even par with the average chav. :D

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