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About welshwarrior

  • Birthday 26/02/1980

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  1. There were some 686s that came with a circular escutcheon on the base of the pistol grip stocks. I can’t remember the exact models.
  2. Yes please I’d like to buy the barrels.
  3. Good choice of replacement blade. That void is very similar to a silver pig 20 bore, the reason many won’t fit them. I’ve always turned a piece of walnut to the same diameter of the curve in the void then cut into D shape and fitted before I cut a stock with a void like that. Find it makes a stronger squarer finished stock.
  4. The Kofs Ylidiz etc won’t last as long as a Beretta or Browning as they will wear faster due to the design but then they are cheaper to replace. They are good gun especially for smaller/younger shots but do have a limited life.
  5. Daff couple of us meeting up after a long time at garlands this Sunday, not sure if your in the area ant more.



  6. Hope she’s still shooting straight?
  7. May be easier to put a military floor plate trigger guard on and then use a Numrich Mauser 98 magazine.
  8. I hate to tell you this she has a mind of her own!! Let her try lots of different guns go to a ground with a gun shop attached. spend some money on lesson with a good instructor they will develop her gun mount and advice on fit. Don’t rush into buying a gun. If it’s for clays get a 12 bore, it needs to be balanced right and don’t go to lightweight it’ll increase the recoil. Loads of bad advice above IMHO and some good. But no one can tell you the best gun for anyone over the internet, body shape is huge in gun fit chest, shoulders, neck, cheekbones and eyes all play a part in the right gun.
  9. I’m abit gob smacked by wheels stuck on hubs doesn’t everyone know to put a thin coat of copper slip on the hub? Always thought it was well known like having oil in the engine!!
  10. I’m more worried about the gashes in side walls from the fints etc around us that take out a few 4x4s each season.
  11. Yep fine for a slow puncture but pointless for a proper hole.
  12. Yes it would not the person you sell the gun to
  13. When the proof of purchase is submitted either by receipt or entry in the dealer ledger.
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